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The Russia report.

So the finding of the report into Russian interference is that there hasn't been a proper investigation into Russian interference? I thought this was the investigation. Am I missing something? 🤷‍♂️
Yes, you are.

The ISC, is a Commoins select committee, and as such one of it's prime roles - perhaps it's sole prime role is to sxrutinise the actions and performance of the intelligence, counter-espionage and security services, and the government ministries and ministers they report to.

As such, it is their role to see how well those services etc had done in dealing with acknowledged threats to Britain in those areas - in this case, ihow well they had prepared for, investigated and dealt with a clealy acknowledged threat to the integrity of British democratic processes.

It is MI5 and GCHQ (and also possibly special branch) who would actually investigate the dodgy Russians themselves. No-one else has that authority or purview.
Yes, you are.

The ISC, is a Commoins select committee, and as such one of it's prime roles - perhaps it's sole prime role is to sxrutinise the actions and performance of the intelligence, counter-espionage and security services, and the government ministries and ministers they report to.

As such, it is their role to see how well those services etc had done in dealing with acknowledged threats to Britain in those areas - in this case, ihow well they had prepared for, investigated and dealt with a clealy acknowledged threat to the integrity of British democratic processes.

It is MI5 and GCHQ (and also possibly special branch) who would actually investigate the dodgy Russians themselves. No-one else has that authority or purview.

I agree with almost all of your post, except this bit. From the reporting on this it seems the unsurmountable problem is that the people who'd be investigated by MI5, GCHQ and Special Branch for this are the people who, for their own ends, went along with the support offered by the Russian state.
The fact 'The London Laundromat' has not been investigated further says it all. Why do oligarchs donate/bung money to politicians? Obviously to exert influence. /according to the press conference both sides of the Lords have been taking Russian cash. If this has influenced their decision making then surely it is treason?
I agree with almost all of your post, except this bit. From the reporting on this it seems the unsurmountable problem is that the people who'd be investigated by MI5, GCHQ and Special Branch for this are the people who, for their own ends, went along with the support offered by the Russian state.
absolutely - shadowy - albeit unproven - russian actors, who if they did interfere, then almost certainly would have done so with at the very least the tacit approval of the Russian state.
They most certainly wsouldn't have done so indirect defiance of the wishes of the Russian state because that would pretty much be a death wish.
tbh, I don't see how anyone could be surprised at that
The fact 'The London Laundromat' has not been investigated further says it all. Why do oligarchs donate/bung money to politicians? Obviously to exert influence. /according to the press conference both sides of the Lords have been taking Russian cash. If this has influenced their decision making then surely it is treason?

The state cannot commit treason against itself. Merely betraying the public good for a few roubles doesn't count.
The New York Times article on the report.

Several members of the House of Lords, the report said, had business interests linked to Russia or worked for companies with Russian ties. It urged an investigation of them, though it did not name any names. That information, as well as the names of politicians who received donations, was redacted from the public report, along with other sensitive intelligence.

Full article here. ‘No One’ Protected British Democracy From Russia, U.K. Report Concludes
ISC recommends UK intelligence should undertake a retrospective assessment of EU ref.

So let’s get this straight. A bunch of foreigners may have tried to influence British democracy, either by spreading fake news, buying favours and people, planting false stories and opinions etc. But hang on a minute. Doesn’t this kind of stuff happen all day, every day, all around the world, perpetrated by all governments and mega-corporations? So really, what’s the big deal? What’s so unusual?
IMHO the story here is that Boris & Co got the benefit of the 'foreign interference' with Brexit and has since chosen to keep the intelligence services from investigating and fighting back against it for his own ends. It's as good as complicity.

He also blocked the publication before the election, again for his own ends.

It may not be unusual for outsiders to try and influence British politics but to learn that the PM willfully allowed it to happen and indeed benefit from it is disturbing. Doubly so in the context of recent geopolitics
So let’s get this straight. A bunch of foreigners may have tried to influence British democracy, either by spreading fake news, buying favours and people, planting false stories and opinions etc. But hang on a minute. Doesn’t this kind of stuff happen all day, every day, all around the world, perpetrated by all governments and mega-corporations? So really, what’s the big deal? What’s so unusual?
1) The seeming acquiescence of the government.
2) The way in which alleging it goes on all the time doesn't make it something which ought to be accepted.
1) The seeming acquiescence of the government.
2) The way in which alleging it goes on all the time doesn't make it something which ought to be accepted.
I was just trying to point out that this kind of stuff is everyday. Media barons like Murdoch control the news in countries all around the world. America uses it political, economic and military influence whenever and wherever it can. As does China, the UK, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the UAE. Why single out Russia? Once upon a time Soviet Russia had willing accomplices in the shape of obedient Communist parties all round the place. They don’t have that any more. They don’t control Eastern Europe anymore, nor much of the old USSR. OK it’s convenient to attack the Tories, but their handlers these days very much live in Washington, not Moscow.
So let’s get this straight. A bunch of foreigners may have tried to influence British democracy, either by spreading fake news, buying favours and people, planting false stories and opinions etc. But hang on a minute. Doesn’t this kind of stuff happen all day, every day, all around the world, perpetrated by all governments and mega-corporations? So really, what’s the big deal? What’s so unusual?
They don't like it up 'em
Except you're committing pretty much as bad a thing, by tarring all the English with the same brush
Explain to me why, when I describe the people 'who run the UK' it means everyone english to you? I plainly said nothing of the kind. Are you trying to protect them with disingenuous shite like this? Do you support the people who run your country to the extent that any criticism of them is to be attacked as racism?
You're quoting a report based on information released by a Russian state 'news agency', AKA Putin's mouthpiece, which could easily have been done to undermine the UK government, as part of a plan to influence the referendum result.

Even Salmond was cautious enough to say, "If this is accurate...", and a joint convener of the Scottish Greens, said: "If accurate...", whereas you seem to have swallowed it. hook line and sinker.
I could quote a lot more than that if I culd be arsed or if your opinion was relevant, mr telegraph-reading brexiter...accusing others of being duped. :rolleyes:

There was no Russian interference in indy1, the only interference came from your country and its lackeys.
Looks like Russians are laundering cash through London’s property market according to this article:

I wonder how many London estate agents are turning a blind eye, facilitating this whilst getting rich in the process?

Best thing to do would be to move Parliament out of London and put an end to this vile concentration of capital and overblown property market.
Looks like Russians are laundering cash through London’s property market according to this article:

I wonder how many London estate agents are turning a blind eye, facilitating this whilst getting rich in the process?

Best thing to do would be to move Parliament out of London and put an end to this vile concentration of capital and overblown property market.

Or, you know, bring about an end to the excesses of capitalism and those who facilitate and partake in such rampant behaviour.

Surprised this is news to you...
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