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Charlotte Dujardin not competing in dressage after whipping video emerges

It's all about food innit? Most wildlife will keep coming back if you offer food. That wildlife becomes comfortable around you and boom, before we know it a wild animal becomes domesticated.

Well maybe it takes a few hundred years to develop full domestication but food and it's supply is how we've ended up with pets.
There is a theory regarding dog domestication that is basically 'dogs appeared to scavenge for scraps at human campsites'.

But there is a rival theory from Raymond Pierotti and Brandy Fogg that humans and wolves initially came together to take part in cooperative hunting.

Pierotti and Fogg stress the potentially active role played in this by the wolves, observing humans and seeing how they might be useful to them, and suggest that the wolves might even have attempted to show the humans new ways to hunt. A similar thing has happened between dolphins and humans. Where cooperative fishing between dolphins and humans has developed, it has been the dolphins who have initiated the contact.

That's disputed, but it's not so disputed that the process of domestication has affected both humans and dogs. We've domesticated dogs, but dogs have also domesticated us. It's not just been one-way. One of the effects of dog domestication has been a reduction in brain size. Wolves are smarter than domestic dogs.
There is a theory regarding dog domestication that is basically 'dogs appeared to scavenge for scraps at human campsites'.

But there is a rival theory from Raymond Pierotti and Brandy Fogg that humans and wolves initially came together to take part in cooperative hunting.

Pierotti and Fogg stress the potentially active role played in this by the wolves, observing humans and seeing how they might be useful to them, and suggest that the wolves might even have attempted to show the humans new ways to hunt. A similar thing has happened between dolphins and humans. Where cooperative fishing between dolphins and humans has developed, it has been the dolphins who have initiated the contact.

That's disputed, but it's not so disputed that the process of domestication has affected both humans and dogs. We've domesticated dogs, but dogs have also domesticated us. It's not just been one-way. One of the effects of dog domestication has been a reduction in brain size. Wolves are smarter than domestic dogs.

There’s also a (presumably linked) theory that humans and wolves cooperated to outcompete and exterminate Neanderthals.
There’s also a (presumably linked) theory that humans and wolves cooperated to outcompete and exterminate Neanderthals.
Pierotti and Fogg string together a few strands of evidence. One of the things they do is take seriously the symbolism of myths and legends.

Not so fanciful to do that. There is another fascinating work done by an Australian meteorologist whose name escapes me right now, who convincingly traced the myths and legends of various Aboriginal peoples living around the coasts of Australia back to moments when places are known to have flooded following the end of the ice age. His work has power because he predicted the kinds of stories he would find in different places before he went and found them.

We don't have continuity in our myths and legends here in Europe to trace things back thousands of years, sadly - any stories related to the flooding of Doggerland are long gone. But other parts of the world have much longer continuous cultures.
There is a theory regarding dog domestication that is basically 'dogs appeared to scavenge for scraps at human campsites'.

But there is a rival theory from Raymond Pierotti and Brandy Fogg that humans and wolves initially came together to take part in cooperative hunting.

Pierotti and Fogg stress the potentially active role played in this by the wolves, observing humans and seeing how they might be useful to them, and suggest that the wolves might even have attempted to show the humans new ways to hunt. A similar thing has happened between dolphins and humans. Where cooperative fishing between dolphins and humans has developed, it has been the dolphins who have initiated the contact.

That's disputed, but it's not so disputed that the process of domestication has affected both humans and dogs. We've domesticated dogs, but dogs have also domesticated us. It's not just been one-way. One of the effects of dog domestication has been a reduction in brain size. Wolves are smarter than domestic dogs.

Are you saying dog owners have smaller brains than non-dog owners?

I've seen no evidence for this, but I can certainly believe it's true
That's because I've been here over 20 years and you've been here 5 minutes.
There are people here who I don't get along with but that's because we've taken 20 years sizing one another up and deciding we don't get along.
You've managed to piss off a huge number of people in your what, week here?
And you're not one of the new influx of people from another board, you arrived just before that.
And plenty of us know each other in real life, have met each other socially, even knew each other before the boards, have shared deep and personal things over the years - births, marriages and deaths and everything in between. There’s a web of connections between posters that may not be obvious but it very much exists.

We know who is a good un, and who may be a good un having a bad day. You don’t have to have posted here for 20 years to be a good un; but if someone turns up and is immediately picking fights with multiple posters they’re probably not a good un and will most likely never will be.

Attacking the urban community is attacking us all. I say this including the recent AV refugees as part of the urban community.

Posters are quite reasonably pissed off with you charging into this forum and trying to turn the focus of important threads onto you.

Wind you neck in or get banned.

TBF, I don't think all posters feel this way.

I appreciate that the other thread was an important one which was being disrupted (though IMO a few other posters shared some of the responsibility for that), but I'm not sure that's really the case here.

ETA having seen their subsequent post, I withdraw this comment
TBF, I don't think all posters feel this way.

I appreciate that the other thread was an important one which was being disrupted (though IMO a few other posters shared some of the responsibility for that), but I'm not sure that's really the case here.
Yeah no idea about the other thread, but this one was very small beer.
TBF, I don't think all posters feel this way.

I appreciate that the other thread was an important one which was being disrupted (though IMO a few other posters shared some of the responsibility for that), but I'm not sure that's really the case here.
They've broken all recent records for reported posts, and those reports have come from a variety of posters.

I can zero benefit in keeping a poster who turns every thread into a discussion about themselves, regardless of the seriousness of the topic. Just like this one where they've already contributed 80 posts.
TBF, I don't think all posters feel this way.

I appreciate that the other thread was an important one which was being disrupted (though IMO a few other posters shared some of the responsibility for that), but I'm not sure that's really the case here.

ETA having seen their subsequent post, I withdraw this comment

Right oh, it wasn't you they were droning on at all day though and accusing of things you hadn't done was it :D
(And I didn't report them anyway, but others must have been fucked off with them)
It's sad to hear the bad press brought via this cruel and hopefully one off case.
Dressage is a beautiful and highly skilled art and commitment between rider and horse. The dedication and years of sharing time and feelings between your horse is on another level, you truly do think and move as one....perfection on every level and a closeness not many share, even with other people....I'll leave it there as I'm starting to sound weird :oops::D

I do love horse 😍

This is really interesting.

This is where I like urban, not the ponderous politics threads, but when you learn something unexpected.

My youngest daughter has just started equine therapy and it's amazing.
This is really interesting.

This is where I like urban, not the ponderous politics threads, but when you learn something unexpected.

My youngest daughter has just started equine therapy and it's amazing.
Horses are amazing and sensitive creatures, I hope your daughter enjoys it and gains something positive from it
No, you do the honours. Pander to your accolytes, rather than accept that new posters are bullied.
We have plenty of new posters here, yet you're the only one who has causing posters to report your behaviour.

Why do you think that might be? Any ideas?

Actually fuck it. You've all but trashed this thread with your attention seeking antics, but seeing as you're too weak to leave on your own accord, I'll do it for you.
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