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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

I, Daniel Blade.

Unemployed heart attack survivor struggling with inhumane red-tape by day, Vampire Superhero by night.
Saturday Night Hever

John Travolta is an amateur historian with a real passion for the Tudors. He decides on a whim one weekend to visit the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, but gets there after the castle has shut, and has to bunk over the gates and tour the grounds in the dark.
The Rime Bandits

Mr Freeze and his goons go on an audacious crime spree stealing anything that's not nailed down. Batman appears at the end and reveals he allowed it all to happen "For a laugh"
Ma Vie en Hose
A seven year old boy insists upon wearing trousers to a party to the disappointment of his Guardian-reading parents who hoped he'd be transexual.
Loon over Parador

Conspiracy theorist becomes president of Latin american banana republic (topical)

Ross of Iron.

David Schwimmer stars as the popular Marvel comics B-lister.

Bing John Malkovich

Balding actor recreates the life of the famous 40s crooner.
The Account Ant - Steve, an unassuming ant, becomes obsessed with obtaining the best possible interest rates for his savings. One day however, his spreadsheets of "best buy" savings accounts attract the attention of a certain mysterious 8-legged stranger.
Richard IdI - When self-confessed dictator obsessive Richard Smith changes his surname by dead-poll in honour of his favourite despot, he is surprised by the reaction of his only child, Vlad III Smith.
Henry VX

Counterfactual Shakespearean business in which an English king is bent on conquering the French crown. But before he can invade, he is accused in a dossier published in dubious circumstances of having secret stockpiles of a nerve agent with which he intends to tip his archers' arrows; a hurried coalition is formed amongst the great European powers, and a sneak attack is launched...
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