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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

The Magnificent Camber Sons
A bunch of brothers from a small Sussex seaside village get holiday jobs working at the nearby Pontin's; hilarity ensues.
Enemy of the Slate
Gene Hackman does his level best not to give Will Smith any credit
I fuckin loved Hackman in this. He does his best Gene Hackman 70s paranoiac USA role style in it. Its second only to his take on Lex Luthor 'Superman! Its so nice to be back where I belong'
I fuckin loved Hackman in this. He does his best Gene Hackman 70s paranoiac USA role style in it. Its second only to his take on Lex Luthor 'Superman! Its so nice to be back where I belong'
What, better than his turn as Harry Caul in The Conversation, of which Edward Lyle is but a broad caricature?
What, better than his turn as Harry Caul in The Conversation, of which Edward Lyle is but a broad caricature?
I've not seen it, is it worth my time? I've heard of it but not really got the vibe from descriptions that tell me 'go on m8 you'll love it'
Jurassic Worl

Chocolate manufacturers try to recapture the tastes of prehistoric times with hilarious consequences
I've not seen it, is it worth my time? I've heard of it but not really got the vibe from descriptions that tell me 'go on m8 you'll love it'

It's no 2 Fast 2 Furious, but it is a masterful piece of suspenseful cinema in which Hackman gets to do more than choke out a few 'heh's whilst grinning like a psycho.
Grill on a motorcycle.

Two bikers try and smuggle George Foreman Grills in this easy rider sequel.
Right, I'm sat here with a copy of Halliwell's, so these are probably all gonna begin with 'A' as I'll likely get bored/too drunk before hitting 'B' :facepalm: :D


Noel Clarke's gritty tale of urban dinner party planning
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