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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

The Handmaid's Tail.

The Republic of Gilead gets more than it bargained for when it tries to abuse a grrl who possesses a prehensile tail, tipped with poisonous barbs.
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The Italian Gob: Michael Caine talks too much.
The Italian Hob: Michael Caine buys a new kitchen.
The Italian Mob: Michael Caine takes over the mafia.
The italian Nob: Michael Caine makes a lot of money.
The Italian Sob: Michael Caine is disappointed in love.
The Grafters
John Cusack works tirelessly in a string of low-paid, menial jobs, before meeting a charming young woman and reconnecting with his estranged mother, both of whom also hold down minimum wage posts without complaint.
Kinky Boobs
A bra manufacturer must adapt to modern times if his business is to survive and enlists the help of a drag queen for fresh design ideas.
A Streetcar Named Des'ree - A troubled streetcar struggles with its crippling phasmophobia whilst trying to open a late night bakery.
Casablinca - Russell Crowe stars in this WWII romantic drama as an Australian expat who must choose between his love of a woman and his love of getting really drunk and beating up a woman.
A family move into a house built on land that used to be part of Bernard Matthews' first farmyard
And the sequel Coultergeist - after escaping the first instance's fate by deep frying their own residence, the family try to get on with their lives only to find themselves haunted by a levitating maelstrom of unpleasant right wing polemic.
Birty Dancing

...Hollywood romance at is best as the sheltered Director General of a major broadcasting corporation is swept off his feet by a hunky dance partner during his stint on Strictly...
Alt: The President's Men
A hip new POTUS decides the best way to relate to Da Kidz is to stuff the West Wing with scooter-riding dotcom entrepreneurs and turn the Oval Office into a beanbag-and-fussball filled breakout room
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