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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Bram Stoker is Dracula
The evidence was there all along, but required one brave film-maker to piece it all together
Doctor Strangeglove. A documentary team follows everyone's least favourite proctologist around as he carries out some of the deepest rectal examinations to be found anywhere in the NHS.

A former heavyweight boxing champion-turned-astronaut has to undergo a tonsillectomy aboard a commercial intergalactic mining vessel after a flare-up of scarletina leaves him mute - in space, no one can hear you scream...

....the ultimate film franchise mash-up....Bond's shadowy nemesis in the swivel arm-chair is finally unmasked as none other than the pointy-eared Vulcan himself - menacingly stroking a tribble....
Ali NS - What if Muhammad Ali had become a nazi? Provocative return to form for M. Night Shyamalan.
Icon man - This historical work takes a provocatively original viewpoint; Robert Downey Jr stars as a priest in 6th century Byzantium, caught between his traditional views and the rise of a new order determined to find a new form of worship.

Alternative history asking the question 'what if Hitler had gallstones'
Ffs cant think of any more
The hunt for rad october

its september 30th and a group of 1970s teens are trying to organise the grooviest high school disco they can think of
The life of bran - (educational). 1934 collaboration between the BBC and Crabblethorpe & sons (wheat processors of the period) notable for it's early use of the pure machine-noise soundscape.
The Hodfather - The epic tale of one's man's quest to be the biggest in the construction industry.

Starface - A giant intelligent starfish emigrates from the Caribbean sea to make a new life in Florida.

The Bore - One man's inane chatter has proven to much for the planet, which has stopped rotating. A specially-selected team must drill a large hole to the centre of the Earth and throw him down there in order to get it rotating again.
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