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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Escape From NJ - same film with a more New Jersey feel to the sets.

So even more dystopian then?

No country for cold men. The survivors from Scott's Arctic expedition receive a frigid reception.
Billets Over Broadway
Recently arrived theatrical ingenue John Cusack decides to jack in the script writing racket and turns his hand to running a boarding house
The last temptation of Chris. Chris Tarrant is lured out of retirement to host a final season of who wants to be a millionaire
the list temptation of christ. christ was famously a great list maker - and that side of the messiah is brought to the fore in this rather tedious effort.
Jesus Christ Superstag

Peter is getting married so the Son of Man has arranged a banging stag do for the 12 lads. They are going to paint judea red, drinking from canaan to damascus before finishing up at a Galilean curry house. High jinks ensue
The Last Temptation on Christ - News that a pharmacist on Christ Avenue is selling methadone without requiring a prescription proves too much for Anelise to resist, with tragic consequences
Guest Who's Coming to Dinner - When Marjory spots a grammatically incorrect phrase in an email from her husband concerning a forthcoming evening's arrangements, she has a breakdown. Languishing on remand for arson with intent to endanger life she strikes up an unusual friendship with her cell-mate.
Chum - borstal is not so bad when you have some good fiends ;)

The importance of boing Earnest - A film adaptation of Oscar Wilde's classic about a man made of rubber.

The Scene of a Woman - Al Pacino stars as a man who cannot smell anything and subsequently gets all of his romantic queues visually.

Goodfella - The story of a one man mafia.
Goo fellas - unfunny comedy based round the antics of a bunch of lads who work in a lubricant factory.
Goo fellas - unfunny comedy based round the antics of a bunch of lads who work in a lubricant factory.

Goof Ellas - twin sisters Liz and Rosie are working for a circus in 1950s England when one day their act, Ella & Ella the Goofy Twins is interrupted by an unexpected earthquake. As a tsunami engulfs Kent the twins put their circus act aside to battle for survival.
Daybeakers - a set of plastic drinking vessels that bare the unusual property of not functioning during the hours of darkness are the first on a list of items that Peter and Julian investigate after setting up their Special Item Detective Agency.
Jesus Christ Superstag

Peter is getting married so the Son of Man has arranged a banging stag do for the 12 lads. They are going to paint judea red, drinking from canaan to damascus before finishing up with a Cheeky Nandos in the company of the Archbishop of Banterbury. High jinks ensue

CE Ventura: Pet Detective - A detective (who also happens to be a domestic pet of some kind) scours the land in search of products which do not comply with European legislation.
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