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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film


Kitchen sink drama about an underage brickie apprentice skipping school to make ends meet in his single parent household of 1950s era rationing.
Reservoir Digs - due to the prolonged drought on the Pacific coast of North America, a team of archaeologists from the University of British Columbia get the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to conduct an excavation at the site of a First Nations settlement on the normally submerged banks of a large reservoir. All is going well until the a strong El Niño means the winter rains look set be rather more considerable than normal.
Futur Lama.

A boy is born - in Lhasa's inner city

Surrounded by - a life that ain't so pretty.

He is then informed that he is the current reincarnation of the Dalai Lama.
Reservoir Digs - due to the prolonged drought on the Pacific coast of North America, a team of archaeologists from the University of British Columbia get the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to conduct an excavation at the site of a First Nations settlement on the normally submerged banks of a large reservoir. All is going well until the a strong El Niño means the winter rains look set be rather more considerable than normal.

Some of these films I'd genuinely like to see, this isn't one of them.
Twelve Years I Slave - A doting father loses the plot when his ungrateful daughter stamps on a matchstick model of the entire state of New Hampshire that he had been preparing as graduation gift since she was nine years old.
Reservoir Logs.

Based on the long running Canadian TV series Beachcombers, this movie introduces us to the world of Canadian dams and the exciting hijinks that ensue when stray logs are washed into them from upstream.
You should catch the sequel, Reservoir Dons, in which the academics involved in the dig begin to suspect that one of them is to blame for the premature demise of the archaeological investigations.

I was going to make a retort about "Pulp Friction"

But someone has made a terrible porno using that name

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