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Carlson visits Julian Assange

Or perhaps they don't want to give a platform to a rapist who hid in a stationery cupboard for years to run down the clock on the rape investigation and so avoid the consequences of him being a rapist? Perhaps?
I see by your laughing emoji response that you find rape funny. No great surprise there.
I disapproved of him strongly from the beginning when Wikileaks outed and endangered intelligence assets. Hope his extradition to the US finally goes through.

See, now that's a principled position. I can understand imperialists and war-mongers hating Assange, he was a serious threat to their nefarious plans. That makes sense to me. What I don't understand is twits who think they're on the left but still hate Assange. That's the veritable apotheosis of stupidity imho.
See, now that's a principled position. I can understand imperialists and war-mongers hating Assange, he was a serious threat to their nefarious plans. That makes sense to me. What I don't understand is twits who think they're on the left but still hate Assange. That's the veritable apotheosis of stupidity imho.

So Carlson interviews Assange's wife on the prison bus as they go to visit him in Belmarsh. They go inside to see him, but no cameras allowed. Then they come back and talk about him. Obviously just a teaser, a rip-off really, better than nothing I suppose.
So Carlson interviews Assange's wife on the prison bus as they go to visit him in Belmarsh. They go inside to see him, but no cameras allowed. Then they come back and talk about him. Obviously just a teaser, a rip-off really, better than nothing I suppose.

So, you start a thread with a video saying it's Carlson interviewing Julian Assange, then you actually watch it, and find it isn't, and edit the title and OP.

<slow hand clap, you waste of oxygen.>
So, you start a thread with a video saying it's Carlson interviewing Julian Assange, then you actually watch it, and find it isn't, and edit the title and OP.

<slow hand clap, you waste of oxygen.>

I note he’s edited the original post to change it from a breathless ‘ first interview in years’ to ‘visit’. Fortunately the original post is quoted in weltweit contribution.

I didn’t realise Phil was such a rapist fanboy that he’d post a link to a video without even bothering to watch it first. But that’s my fault, it’s obvious in retrospect.
So, you start a thread with a video saying it's Carlson interviewing Julian Assange, then you actually watch it, and find it isn't, and edit the title and OP.

<slow hand clap, you waste of oxygen.>
veritable apotheroseisisis of a dafty
Oops, meant to post this hours ago before I went out but never hit send, the thread's certainly taken an entertaining turn since then:
See, now that's a principled position. I can understand imperialists and war-mongers hating Assange, he was a serious threat to their nefarious plans. That makes sense to me. What I don't understand is twits who think they're on the left but still hate Assange. That's the veritable apotheosis of stupidity imho.
I mean, if nothing else, for those of us on the left who are opposed to the Republican Party, Assange's deliberate cooperation with the Trump campaign would be a bit of a dealbreaker. I suppose if you're already a Trump supporter then that's just another tick in the plus column though.
Also, posted this before, but I think this interview with Jeremy Hammond is a pretty vital perspective, relevant bit is from about 1:21 onwards:
Or perhaps they don't want to give a platform to a rapist who hid in a stationery cupboard for years to run down the clock on a rape investigation and so avoid the consequences of him being a rapist? Perhaps?
🤣 behave

Someone put this thread in Christmas quarantine 😁
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