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Cakes you don't eat

What cakes don't you eat?

  • Carrot

    Votes: 11 12.8%
  • Chocolate

    Votes: 6 7.0%
  • Victoria sponge

    Votes: 4 4.7%
  • Coffee

    Votes: 25 29.1%
  • Lemon/citrus

    Votes: 6 7.0%
  • Anything involving vegetables

    Votes: 10 11.6%
  • Red velvet

    Votes: 22 25.6%
  • Fruit

    Votes: 17 19.8%
  • Cake

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • What kind of sicko doesn't eat all cake

    Votes: 32 37.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 8.1%

  • Total voters
Part of the appeal of cakes, for me, is decorative. Like cocktails, there should always be a garnish.

For this reason, I prefer iced cakes like a cream sandwich or a lemon drizzle to the unadorned brown loaf cake, which I often fear has sultanas lurking inside. (Seriously, banana loaf, carrot cake… neither need sultanas).

I like a moist sponge best of all, with a light, not too sweet, icing. Quite the opposite of Reno.

And 5t3IIa and A380 are both just wrong about Black Forest gateau. The perfect accompaniment for chocolate sponge is fresh cream and sweet back cherries.
Worse than that, it's beetroot.
I really like/used to like red velvet cake, cos I'm dead sophisticated and classy and that, but I went off it a bit on learning that it's often made using colouring from crushed beetles. Which is obv not great from a vegetarian perspective but I also feel like a lot of meat eaters might not be that keen on crushed beetle cake? Shame, cos it is quite a nice cake.
I feel like I want to raise an objection to the word frosting. Isn’t it icing? Frosting is what Americans put on cupcakes that are 2/3 over sweet bun and 1/3 icing. Fairy cakes or butterfly cakes are superior.
I would like to put a vote in in favour of cupcakes that are 2/3 over sweet bun and 1/3 icing. Probably the ideal form of cake thinking about it, all other forms are just pale imitations.
Do you eat almonds in other forms?
I eat olives and chilli peppers in other forms, I might not be keen on a cake where some cunt had smeared bits of them all over though.

Anyway, can sympathise a bit with Reno's heretical cake-dodging. Like, cake's alright, but a lot of them are so heavy. Not saying I'd say no to a slice of cake, but if I had to choose between like a cake and some crisps, or a chocolate bar, or a doughnut or yumyum, I feel like I'd be leaving the cake most of the time.
Pretty much all cakes are nice if made right. Unfortunately, lots of cakes aren't made right.
That is very true.

Back in the day when things were right in the cake world, National Trust cafes, and similar places (including those lovely "friends of..." cafes you used to get in hospitals), always had wonderful cakes but, in recent years, my excitement at seeing old fashioned looking sponge cakes (Victoria Sponge type) in such places has been dashed by the first mouthful. Several times. I was beginning to think that I had grown out of old fashioned looking sponge cakes until I had a glorious Victoria Sponge cake in a cafe down in Margate recently and realised that it wasn't my memory or taste that was wrong.
Any cake is good as long as it doesn't contain too much marzipan or coconut.

Black forest gateau is lush. Morrisons do some bfg muffins :) but are very crumbly. :(
Bacon, feta and garlic?
Black Forest Gateau is one of those things that would be wonderful if properly made. Growing up in the 70s my experience was that it rarely was.
I really like/used to like red velvet cake, cos I'm dead sophisticated and classy and that, but I went off it a bit on learning that it's often made using colouring from crushed beetles. Which is obv not great from a vegetarian perspective but I also feel like a lot of meat eaters might not be that keen on crushed beetle cake? Shame, cos it is quite a nice cake.

I would like to put a vote in in favour of cupcakes that are 2/3 over sweet bun and 1/3 icing. Probably the ideal form of cake thinking about it, all other forms are just pale imitations.

I eat olives and chilli peppers in other forms, I might not be keen on a cake where some cunt had smeared bits of them all over though.

Anyway, can sympathise a bit with Reno's heretical cake-dodging. Like, cake's alright, but a lot of them are so heavy. Not saying I'd say no to a slice of cake, but if I had to choose between like a cake and some crisps, or a chocolate bar, or a doughnut or yumyum, I feel like I'd be leaving the cake most of the time.

tbf, cochineal is not a new thing and vegetarians tend to be aware of it.
I don't really eat cake these days. One in a blue moon I would politely have a small slice on someone's office birthday but none these days.

Shame because I love baking cakes (and still do) 🤷‍♂️
I’m not overly bothered about cake but don’t have much of a sweet tooth. My Ma baked all the time when I was a kid and I had friends who I suspect only hung out with me because of her cakes and buns so I had too much of a good thing. When someone brought a cake into work I was indifferent to its charms whereas others (mainly women) would be all “Ooh!” and “Aah!” as if it was some sort of forbidden food.
However I’m not completely immune to its charms and if it’s a decent chocolate gateau or cheesecake I will definitely have a slice. The only cake I refuse to try is one that’s been described in terms of its virtue - something like a vegan carrot cake that always seems to have been baked by some lass in hemp trousers and crocs called Emma.
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