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Chorley and Eccles Cakes

Eccles has never been the same since they shut the lovely Eccles market and built a Morrisons in its place. But I digress. I do quite like a Chorley cake but always preferred my more local Eccles cake, especially from either of the two original Eccles cake shops at the top of Church Street. Why two "original" shops? The story goes, the original "original" Eccles cake shop moved two doors down and someone else moved in the vacated shop and also called it the original shop, which er... technically it was, even though they might not have had the original recipe. I never knew which was which but they were both good. I've not been up that end of Church Street in years and I doubt either shops still exist. That said, the still available Lancashire Eccles cakes Ax^ mentions, produced in Ancoats, are very good.
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