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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Oooh I've only ever read the soundbite, I've never heard the speech in full http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2013/oct/29/joss-whedon-strong-women-characters

Forgive me if the article is shit, I didn't read it :oops:
So anyway, I have now read it. Sort of synopsis of the speech really. Which is just as well cos the online media is disablist and thinks posting links of speeches without transcribing them or providing subtitles is an acceptable carry on. And it isn't really.

But yeah. Joss Whedon *thumbs*
Mostly spot on but not sure about this bit:

But Buffy herself arrives in the pilot fully-formed—smart, kind, sensitive, and aware of what she wants in life, which is mostly not to have to kill vampires every night and to just be a normal teenager.

Up to a point (and out of plot necessity really). She already knows what she is - but I don't think she knows who she is until much much later
Mostly spot on but not sure about this bit:

Up to a point (and out of plot necessity really). She already knows what she is - but I don't think she knows who she is until much much later
I think she's an contradictory mix of ever changing but also staying the same.

Even though it wouldn't be what it is without her, and I do love her, she quite low down on the list of which characters I love the most.
I think she's an contradictory mix of ever changing but also staying the same.

Even though it wouldn't be what it is without her, and I do love her, she quite low down on the list of which characters I love the most.
Yeah. I think she's easily the best character in the first season or so because she's more formed than the others. But the development curve of the Scoobies and others is so much steeper and more interesting.
Yeah. I think she's easily the best character in the first season or so because she's more formed than the others. But the development curve of the Scoobies and others is so much steeper and more interesting.
Yes. I hadn't really thought about it like that but I think you're right.

I think Spike is at the top (obvs :oops: ) , Anya second and then Giles for me. With the others changing depending on how I feel.
Yes. I hadn't really thought about it like that but I think you're right.

I think Spike is at the top (obvs :oops: ) , Anya second and then Giles for me. With the others changing depending on how I feel.
Spike's a proper slow burner of a character. Goes up like a skyrocket in the last couple of seasons eh.

Giles' curve is interesting. From wise elder statesman to discarded has-been, to one of the gang again... and the little insights into his private emotional life are excellent :)
Spike's a proper slow burner of a character. Goes up like a skyrocket in the last couple of seasons eh.

Giles' curve is interesting. From wise elder statesman to discarded has-been, to one of the gang again... and the little insights into his private emotional life are excellent :)
His best moment is when he gives the immobilised Ben the speech about how Buffy isn't like them as she couldn't kill a human, Ben says something like "not like us?" and Giles covers his mouth and nose and suffocates him!
His best moment is when he gives the immobilised Ben the speech about how Buffy isn't like them as she couldn't kill a human, Ben says something like "not like us?" and Giles covers his mouth and nose and suffocates him!
Jesus yes, that was a proper shocker eh :eek:

When we see Willow go all bad we know it's either an alternative reality or the corrupting influence of magic. When Giles does this it's just... Giles. And all the more shocking for that
Jesus yes, that was a proper shocker eh :eek:

When we see Willow go all bad we know it's either an alternative reality or the corrupting influence of magic. When Giles does this it's just... Giles. And all the more shocking for that
Yes. He does it for totally valid, noble reasons.
He had to because no one else will, but it's still cold and calculated.

It shocked me and made me love him even more at the same time.
Mostly spot on but not sure about this bit:

Up to a point (and out of plot necessity really). She already knows what she is - but I don't think she knows who she is until much much later
Yeah, I thought it was bollocks and all.
The article is generally good, but it massively underplay's Buffy's own character development, from peppy cheerleader to uncertain student to reluctant leader and finally to redemption and triumph.
*Willow is awesome for Jewish girls.
*Willow is terrible for Jewish girls because the only time her Judaism ever gets brought up is as an example of how mean her parents are to not let her do Christian things.
*Willow is a saint.
*Willow is an awful friend who camps out in Buffy's house without paying rent and then makes Buffy take a shitty job to support everyone and was just as big a Nice Girl to Xander as he was a Nice Guy to Buffy.
*Remember when she magically roofied Tara into forgetting their fight and then had sex with her and later said Tara broke up with her for no reason?
*Wow how did I not see that Willow was awful?

fucking hell, one of those comments:

Okay but the WORST THING IN MY WHOLE LIFE was when I read that Joss wrote an ending where Tara comes back to like but they couldn't film it because it didn't work with Amber Benson's schedule. At that moment I felt the walls around me crumble and the sky go dark. An infinite void in the center of my heart screamed once, and then was silent.
I'm sad tonight. So I'm watching Intervention - the one with the buffy bot - and then i will watch the one where Glory kidnaps Spike and Buffy kisses him at the end *teary smile*

E2a: hang on, it's the same episode :facepalm: well I'm gonna watch them both anyway.
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