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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

So off sick from work today and just did a playbuzz quiz on Buffy, which I won't post here on account of it being rather insultingly easy. However, has made me consider spending the rest of the day watching Buffy again from the beginning, or at least series 2. Can anyone see any flaws in this plan?
So off sick from work today and just did a playbuzz quiz on Buffy, which I won't post here on account of it being rather insultingly easy. However, has made me consider spending the rest of the day watching Buffy again from the beginning, or at least series 2. Can anyone see any flaws in this plan?
You probably won't want to stop at series 2 and you'll have to manufacture ever-more-convoluted sickness charades to keep you off work?
It is a tricky dilemma though whether to watch from a certain point, suggesting you can carry on when you have time, or just pick the favourite episodes.
Re-watching Buffy and Angel from the start is a project I attempted a couple of times, but I never managed to finish. Too many episodes !
It is a tricky dilemma though whether to watch from a certain point, suggesting you can carry on when you have time, or just pick the favourite episodes.

I usually pick the favourites. But sometimes it's a natural process - you watch one and then have to follow on.

There are some I avoid like the plague too, some because I don't like them (Beer Bad, Killed By Death) and some because they're so fucking good they are far too emotional (Passion).

Season 4 is usually my go to season.
So off sick from work today and just did a playbuzz quiz on Buffy, which I won't post here on account of it being rather insultingly easy. However, has made me consider spending the rest of the day watching Buffy again from the beginning, or at least series 2. Can anyone see any flaws in this plan?

No. Please proceed.
Watching James Masters and John Barrowman snog and then beat the shit out of each other is one of the hottest thing I've ever seen! :oops: *fans self*
I rewatched the end of season 6 and all of 7 last week *sniff* with much (over)analysis and commentary with the gorgeous Glitter :thumbs:

I'm on Angel now. The whole Connor returns and Cordelia wtf shit is about to start. I really really hate what they did with those story lines.

What is with the Cordy guff? Did she want to leave or get pregnant or something? And Fred :( it's all so unnecessary.

I know it's necessary for, like, plot and stuff alright :mad:
I rewatched the end of season 6 and all of 7 last week *sniff* with much (over)analysis and commentary with the gorgeous Glitter :thumbs:

I'm on Angel now. The whole Connor returns and Cordelia wtf shit is about to start. I really really hate what they did with those story lines.

What is with the Cordy guff? Did she want to leave or get pregnant or something? And Fred :( it's all so unnecessary.

I know it's necessary for, like, plot and stuff alright :mad:

Charisma Carpenter got pregnant so they had to rewrite a lot of what happened in the latter half of S4, I think the original ideas are online somewhere but can't remember.

Also, yay Buffy thread bump, having just finished Jessica Jones there were quite a few lines and parallels that made me think of her as an older Faith :cool:
Charisma Carpenter got pregnant so they had to rewrite a lot of what happened in the latter half of S4, I think the original ideas are online somewhere but can't remember.
I knew it was shit and didn't work for a reason! Thanks :cool:

Jessica Jones - recommended?
I rewatched the end of season 6 and all of 7 last week *sniff* with much (over)analysis and commentary with the gorgeous Glitter :thumbs:

I'm on Angel now. The whole Connor returns and Cordelia wtf shit is about to start. I really really hate what they did with those story lines.

What is with the Cordy guff? Did she want to leave or get pregnant or something? And Fred :( it's all so unnecessary.

I know it's necessary for, like, plot and stuff alright :mad:
I like Fred.
And once they are in Wolfram and Heart it's really good.
But you need the build up for them to get there.
I bloody hate Jasmin though. That story lines really shite.
Oh and I hate Conner the little brat. :D
Charisma Carpenter got pregnant so they had to rewrite a lot of what happened in the latter half of S4, I think the original ideas are online somewhere but can't remember.

Also, yay Buffy thread bump, having just finished Jessica Jones there were quite a few lines and parallels that made me think of her as an older Faith :cool:
I've just started Jessica Jones.
Liking it so far.
I don't know how true it is but someone told me Cordelia ascended because she was in rehab.
That would be glorious if it was true :cool: she had that big absence when baby Connor gets taken away in season 3 as well. Speaking of which, Darla staking herself is such a stroke of genius.

I like Fred too kittyP I just crave happy endings and I hate that they couldn't cure her of the blue problem. The whole jasmine thing is best forgotten, but i agree it's ace when they get to W&H.

Theory - Connor is to Angel what Dawn is to btvs.

I really wish they'd just kept him around as a baby, i think it could have been interesting.
Being completely off her chops would explain the short blonde hair....

Connor is ok in my book until he effectively shags his Mum.
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