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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I've never actually finished Angel and I totes need to but I really heart Fred and Gunn and it makes me sad.

I love Wes but he was ace as badass Lilah-shagging Wes. No matter how much he loved Fred.
Being completely off her chops would explain the short blonde hair....

Connor is ok in my book until he effectively shags his Mum.
Yes it would! Love the bob but it's all bad after that. Which is a shame because she was a great character.

Ugh no Connor is just irritating angst.

You have to finish it - it's got spike! Eta: uhhhhhm, spoiler? :oops::D
Yes it would! Love the bob but it's all bad after that. Which is a shame because she was a great character.

Ugh no Connor is just irritating angst.

You have to finish it - it's got spike! Eta: uhhhhhm, spoiler? :oops::D

Tbh none of the characters are very likeable individually. At least not for long. Especially Angel :D
But as an ensemble they can be great :)
Tbh none of the characters are very likeable individually. At least not for long. Especially Angel :D
But as an ensemble they can be great :)
I <3 the host. But yeah I agree, although I want desperately for Angel to be happy in a way I was never fussed about for Buffy (unless it was with spike natch).
I'm going to be controversial here but I hated Fred for ages :D I had warmed to her by the last series but there was something too much (though not exactly like) like quirky manic pixie girl about her. I had the fucking rage during that scene with Gunn where a big deal is made about her eating huge amounts of food whilst being tiny. It's just such a trope, and I was a bit disappointed with Joss for that.

Then she improves just before the doom happens :mad:
I'm going to be controversial here but I hated Fred for ages :D I had warmed to her by the last series but there was something too much (though not exactly like) like quirky manic pixie girl about her. I had the fucking rage during that scene with Gunn where a big deal is made about her eating huge amounts of food whilst being tiny. It's just such a trope, and I was a bit disappointed with Joss for that.

Then she improves just before the doom happens :mad:
No no no I loathed her too. Although I liked the episode with her parents and the way it addressed depression. Then it was like ok, ui guess you're alright i suppose and she goes and breaks Wesley's heart and gets all unconvincingly icky with Gunn. Agree with absolutely everything else you wrote too.

I realise this is a massive contradiction because I'm also cross that she didn't get to be brought back :facepalm: I've been ill for a fortnight and had nothing but buffy-verse for company, does it show? :oops::D
I'm going to be controversial here but I hated Fred for ages :D I had warmed to her by the last series but there was something too much (though not exactly like) like quirky manic pixie girl about her. I had the fucking rage during that scene with Gunn where a big deal is made about her eating huge amounts of food whilst being tiny. It's just such a trope, and I was a bit disappointed with Joss for that.

Then she improves just before the doom happens :mad:

I do remember thinking wtf with that but also that that wasn't Fred's fault iyswim?
In more Buffy news I have been rewatching since series two for a while now and sadly am already half way through series 7. Every time I watch series 7 I decide that I love Andrew more and more. Not in seeing him as an honourable character but he's just so fucking comical. :D

Sorry completely stupid reply as I had just seen that did you did watch Angel.

Did you finish Angel is what I meant to say?
Sorry completely stupid reply as I had just seen that did you did watch Angel.

Did you finish Angel is what I meant to say?
I have watched Angel a couple of times before but not sure if we still have it saved and I don't think it's on Netflix. Whilst it has it's moments it's also just not as good as Buffy :(

If I need more Joss action I may just watch Firefly again :D
No, it was Mr Whedon's! I was just a bit cross at how he had written her. As I said, really tropey and a bit beneath him I thought.

I guess that, even though he dealt so well with a lot of issues, some issues are off the radar sometimes for some people, no matter how good they are with that kinda stuff.
See I really didn't get on with Firefly.
I had no problem with it but it just didn't click and I found it boring from the beginning, :oops:
No, it was Mr Whedon's! I was just a bit cross at how he had written her. As I said, really tropey and a bit beneath him I thought.
Yep. And in the same season that they have an episode based around a baddie whose touch (etc) brings out pure misogyny in men. It's a) chilling - Wesley is just brrrr and then his sadness at the end :( - and b) Cordelia delivers such an awesome pep talk to Lilah who then shoots Billy. Gaah it's fantastic! Makes the naff stuff wrt Fred all the more annoying.
Yep. And in the same season that they have an episode based around a baddie whose touch (etc) brings out pure misogyny in men. It's a) chilling - Wesley is just brrrr and then his sadness at the end :( - and b) Cordelia delivers such an awesome pep talk to Lilah who then shoots Billy. Gaah it's fantastic! Makes the naff stuff wrt Fred all the more annoying.

I was you. With better shoes.
I have watched Angel a couple of times before but not sure if we still have it saved and I don't think it's on Netflix. Whilst it has it's moments it's also just not as good as Buffy :(

If I need more Joss action I may just watch Firefly again :D
I'm going to be controversial now and say that buffy is overall winner but that angel's moments of genius are sometimes better than btvs's. Eta: for me i mean.
No I do get what you mean Rebelda.

Damn you all btw! I was knackered and going to bed and now I've just woke myself up by excitedly chatting shit about Buffy and Angel! :mad::D
It would have been better if he had walked off with two hunky men, given the hints about his sexuality!

(Does that need to be in spoilers do we reckon?)

I know what you mean but I also think, through both Buffy and Angel that was well implied and it left you with him being a totally over the top Watcher.
I think, maybe, if you had actually seen him walk off with men it would have spoiled it coz it was already known anyway iywim?
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