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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

CNT36 said:
They sort of work the iffyness of Spikes accent into the character though right? Starting of as William the poet and adopted the accent once he'd gone bad.

In other news just finished season 2 and the fish story was better than I remembered.

I believe the transition of Spike's accent (starting off posh moving to cockney) much more than Angel.
Angel's Irish accent is cringingly awful.
All though to be fair to the actress that played Kendra, apparently she was told that the character was American until days before filming and then they changed their minds and made her West Indian.
Apparently she was really upset as she had no time to get a voice coach or anything and was really unhappy with the outcome.
I never thought Spike wasn't British, his accent never offended my ears... Kendra's and Angel's I did pick up as not being great.

Anyway the accent thing never bothered me, the bad fighting did, immensely! Once the fighting became better choreographed, and they toned the over the top grunting down, I was able to suspend my disbelief and get into Buffy and enjoy it.
I am watching Penny Dreadful and Billy Piper's accent is proper Kendra :D

Somewhere between Irish, cockney and West Indian.

I quite like Billy Piper but God it's awful!
There is such good music in Buffy*, especially in the earlier series, that it always upsets me that (despite their great name) Dingos Ate My Baby are cheesy crap.

*The Breeders at The Bronze for goodness sake :cool:
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Also I meant to say before, I think personally that Drusilla's iffy accent adds to the feeling of her flaky madness.
I bloody love Drusilla :cool:
I was going to say that and all. I always wondered whether Dru was deliberately putting some of the weirdness on to throw everyone off guard.
All though to be fair to the actress that played Kendra, apparently she was told that the character was American until days before filming and then they changed their minds and made her West Indian.
Apparently she was really upset as she had no time to get a voice coach or anything and was really unhappy with the outcome.
Tbh I suspected it wasn't the case, but I thought she sounded more like she was meant to be Welsh! :D
Are any of them as bad as River's "cockney" accent in that episode of Firefly?
I can't believe I was thinking this right up until I saw you had already posted it! :oops::D
Seeing as it's my birthday I'm allowed to watch Once More With Feeling while badgers is here.
But I'm too emotional and can't sing along as I keep crying and it's only just started :facepalm:
Seeing as it's my birthday I'm allowed to watch Once More With Feeling while badgers is here.
But I'm too emotional and can't sing along as I keep crying and it's only just started :facepalm:
:D (((kittyP))) I hope you made it through. I might watch OMWF tonight, although I'm a bit glum so I might watch a sad one and have a good cry (NOT the wedding one, I'll jump off the balcony (not really) if I watch that). Or maybe I should woman up, watch Showtime and try and get some of my RAH back :cool:
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