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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

We just watched 'The Body'... :( but also, wow... Not a lot on tv has ever been so gripping :oops: I had no idea it was going to happen so I'm still in shock.

It is an incredible piece of television. That and the episode that follows produced some of the most powerful reactions in me that I've ever had in response to tv drama. I lived it with them, if that doesn't sound too stupid.

Obviously, as Cordelia would say, there is the 'overempathise much?' thing happening there too :oops: but it doesn't dilute the truth of what I've just posted.
It is an incredible piece of television. That and the episode that follows produced some of the most powerful reactions in me that I've ever had in response to tv drama. I lived it with them, if that doesn't sound too stupid.

Obviously, as Cordelia would say, there is the 'overempathise much?' thing happening there too :oops: but it doesn't dilute the truth of what I've just posted.
I find 'The Body' so powerful it sort of freezes/numbs me. The following episode however, Anya/Willow in particular, makes me weep. For hours and hours.
It is an incredible piece of television. That and the episode that follows produced some of the most powerful reactions in me that I've ever had in response to tv drama. I lived it with them, if that doesn't sound too stupid.

Obviously, as Cordelia would say, there is the 'overempathise much?' thing happening there too :oops: but it doesn't dilute the truth of what I've just posted.

Just read more about it (on Wikipedia), apparently one of the finest TV episodes ever made, according to many critics... (The Body, that is) - Well, I had no idea I'd be enjoying Buffy so much and that it would be so amazing when I set out to watch it. I didn't have the emotional energy to watch the next one straight after, will watch it tomorrow.

It's also the episode when Willow and Tara finally kiss on screen. Before that the only proper kissing was done by heterosexual couples.
Tried to persuade non-believer friends on Friday that Buffy was the best drama ever committed to small screen. They just said that unlike me, they aren't teenage girls.

Well, that's what I, stupidly, used to think ;) I wouldn't say it's THE BEST, but it's certainly right there at the top! I still have to finish season 5 and then 2 more seasons to go I think. So I might still revise that opinion and put it at the top...
The Body is THE most powerful piece of television I have ever seen.

And as someone said above the exchange between Willow and Anya is so heartbreaking and familiar. It's the mundane that is the hardest part of a loss to get over ime and this part is heartwrenching.

Anya: Are they gonna cut the body open?

Willow: Oh my God! Would you just... stop talking? Just... shut your mouth. Please.

Anya: What am I doing?

Willow: How can you act like that?

Anya: Am I supposed to be changing my clothes a lot? I mean, is that the helpful thing to do?

Xander: Guys...

Willow: The way you behave...

Anya: Nobody will tell me.

Willow: Because it's not okay for you to be asking these things.

Anya: But I don't understand.

[begins to cry]

Anya: I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And-and Xander's crying and not talking, and-and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why.
The Body is THE most powerful piece of television I have ever seen.

And as someone said above the exchange between Willow and Anya is so heartbreaking and familiar. It's the mundane that is the hardest part of a loss to get over ime and this part is heartwrenching.

Anya: Are they gonna cut the body open?

Willow: Oh my God! Would you just... stop talking? Just... shut your mouth. Please.

Anya: What am I doing?

Willow: How can you act like that?

Anya: Am I supposed to be changing my clothes a lot? I mean, is that the helpful thing to do?

Xander: Guys...

Willow: The way you behave...

Anya: Nobody will tell me.

Willow: Because it's not okay for you to be asking these things.

Anya: But I don't understand.

[begins to cry]

Anya: I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And-and Xander's crying and not talking, and-and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why.

Oh goodness I am crying now.
Must stop reading and get dressed.
Just to update everyone, I have now watched all 4 of JW's TV series! It's amazing how quickly you can rip through series when your baby will only sleep on you in the daytime and is a prolific feeder!

It's been particular fun playing "spot the cast member cross over", and also I have now decided my order of preference. From favourite to least, it has to be:


Now I've progressed to Quantum Leap on Netflix :D
Just to update everyone, I have now watched all 4 of JW's TV series! It's amazing how quickly you can rip through series when your baby will only sleep on you in the daytime and is a prolific feeder!

It's been particular fun playing "spot the cast member cross over", and also I have now decided my order of preference. From favourite to least, it has to be:


Now I've progressed to Quantum Leap on Netflix :D

That would be my ranking as well (although sometimes Angel jumps ahead of FF, mainly because it had more time to develop story and character arcs).

I've been watching Veronica Mars recently, actually very good in parts and def has Whedon influences (he even guest stars in an episode), worth watching.
That would be my ranking as well (although sometimes Angel jumps ahead of FF, mainly because it had more time to develop story and character arcs).

I've been watching Veronica Mars recently, actually very good in parts and def has Whedon influences (he even guest stars in an episode), worth watching.
Thanks for the recommendation, will check it out :)

It annoys me so much that Firefly was cancelled, it was great and bloody perfect in places. :mad: Alternatively I think it was probably good that Dollhouse was only given two series as it made it much tighter.
cool. Last I saw it Coulson had been abducted. Didn't realise it had restarted in the new year

Interestingly a hardcore whedon fan I know doesn't rate it as 'it doesn't seem like whedon'

yes it does. The gang, the quippy knowing dialouge etc. Its all there.
Don't forget Agents of Shield, which has recently moved from shit to not shit.
Bugger. I didn't know about this one. :mad: Will it matter if said Whedon marathon is broken up by QL? :D

Which incidentally I was thinking is kind of the opposite of Dollhouse... (i.e. it's about the same person being transferred into different bodies, as opposed to different people being transferred into the same body)
cool. Last I saw it Coulson had been abducted. Didn't realise it had restarted in the new year
Interestingly a hardcore whedon fan I know doesn't rate it as 'it doesn't seem like whedon'
yes it does. The gang, the quippy knowing dialouge etc. Its all there.

I'm the same, haven't restarted watching it after the break, will give it another go.

Technically it's not Whedon, showrunners are his brother and wife I think, so far he's not had anything to do with it.
DotCommunist said:
For multiples fun Orphan Black is worth a watch. Some immensely bad english accents going on. Not Whedon tho.

I watched the first two episodes on the iplayer but it didn't really grab me.
It wasn't bad though. Maybe I just needed to be in the right frame of mind and persevere.

Watching Buffy season 6. I always forget how dark the whole series is over all.
Even OMWF is pretty dark despite the music.
I'm trying not to give took much away.
If anyone thinks I've said too much for those on first watch let me know.

"Bored now" :eek: :(

Oh oh oh oh! I have only just realised how that links back to that characters alternate reality version in earlier series! :eek:
Maybe I had realised and then forgotten... No I don't think I had. :oops:

OK come on to PC as can't spoiler on phone.
Vampire Willow says "Bored now" a lot in the episode where Cordelia wished Buffy had never existed. First one with Anya.
And when Tara gets shot, and Willow turns in to black eyed psychotic Willow, she say's "bored now" with the same intonation as well.

You're all sitting there going "yes we know" aren't you? :oops:

I really can't remember if I did already clock this ages ago or not :oops:
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This moment never fails to make me shiver.

Giles: Can you move?
Ben: Need a … a minute. She could’ve killed me.

Giles: No she couldn’t. Never. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge, and … make Buffy pay for that mercy. And the world with her. Buffy even knows that… and still she couldn’t take a human life.
*puts on glasses*
Giles: She’s a hero, you see. She’s not like us.

Ben: Us?



Cold as fuck :eek:
The Octagon said:
This moment never fails to make me shiver.

Giles: Can you move?
Ben: Need a … a minute. She could’ve killed me.

Giles: No she couldn’t. Never. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge, and … make Buffy pay for that mercy. And the world with her. Buffy even knows that… and still she couldn’t take a human life.
*puts on glasses*
Giles: She’s a hero, you see. She’s not like us.

Ben: Us?

Cold as fuck :eek:

Ooooh gosh yes! :eek:
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