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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Really?Buffy fights a genocidal war, killing first and asking questions later. She knows that demons can be good guys but she will still behead or stake them without hesitation. She's occasionally nice to her mates though.

It's a bit apples and oranges to be fair, but the human trafficking / lack of free will aspect (Echo and the other dolls are used as basically sex slaves on several occasions) of Dollhouse make it a little more uncomfortable viewing (IMO).

There's still some humour, but it's definitely scaled back compared to Buffy / Angel, etc.
It's a bit apples and oranges to be fair, but the human trafficking / lack of free will aspect (Echo and the other dolls are used as basically sex slaves on several occasions) of Dollhouse make it a little more uncomfortable viewing (IMO).

There's still some humour, but it's definitely scaled back compared to Buffy / Angel, etc.

It depends on what you meant by "morally grey" because yes it is uncomfortable watching sometimes but I think that is kind of the point, Whedon is not saying it's OK.

It is not really a very funny show at all. Much darker and more serious.

I thoroughly enjoyed it but I wasn't anywhere close as "in to" it as Buffy.
It's a bit apples and oranges to be fair, but the human trafficking / lack of free will aspect (Echo and the other dolls are used as basically sex slaves on several occasions) of Dollhouse make it a little more uncomfortable viewing (IMO).

There's still some humour, but it's definitely scaled back compared to Buffy / Angel, etc.
Yeah, I downloaded it in the end and watched a few episodes this morning. This is definitely my initial impression of it. Think I'm going to stick with it though.
Really?Buffy fights a genocidal war, killing first and asking questions later. She knows that demons can be good guys but she will still behead or stake them without hesitation. She's occasionally nice to her mates though.
Not so. There are more than a few episodes where she shows herself more sympathetic to that reality. Particularly the episode with the Watchers Council and pretty much the entire point of Faith, Wesley and even Kendra. She can't bring herself to kill Angel or Spike later on, or Anya for that matter.
I loved dollhouse, the premise was very interesting and it could (and possibly should) have gone on for longer.

They did at least have warning of cancellation though and did their best to finish it. Unlike tru calling which abruptly ended mid-story arc (and was also great).
dollhouse was misogynistic crap

I saw that on Netflix the other day, think I'll pass. 'It's always Sunny in Philadelphia' is my thing right now, as well as Buffy. It has no relation to Buffy whatsoever, and it's wonderfully, ridiculously stupid. Don't think I've watched much 'tv' since we got Netflix, quite impressed by it.

Series 4 of Buffy: enjoying it very much!
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Couldn't remember where I last left off (other than repeatedly watching Once More With Feeling :oops: ) but dipped in to Buffy V Dracular and then the one where Buffy is stuck in a time loop and spike and clem etc are betting with kittens :D

I'm trying to be aware that people that are new to Buffy might be reading and not giving spoilers.

I don't think that really gives anything away does it?
ViolentPanda said:
Ah, you play the "ooh, I've seen ****** in something else!" game too!

I do this permanently but with everything from Betty Davis films (and earlier) to current series like Silent Witness.

It drives Badgers insane but he mostly dies quietly inside :oops: :D
I do this permanently but with everything from Betty Davis films (and earlier) to current series like Silent Witness.

It drives Badgers insane but he mostly dies quietly inside :oops: :D

Just for the record, Bette Davis has never been in Silent Witness.
We just watched 'The Body'... :( but also, wow... Not a lot on tv has ever been so gripping :oops: I had no idea it was going to happen so I'm still in shock.

Oh it's so so well I was going to say sad but it is more shocking and kinda numbing.
I think it is the only episode to not feature any music at all.
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Oh it's so so well I was going to say sad but it is more shocking and kinda numbing.
I think it is the only episode to not feature and music at all.

It just seemed so real... I know that was the intention and what an amazing job they did!!!

I kept hoping it was all a bad dream. It just blew my mind a bit. Lack of music made it all more real.

Just reading that Whedon's mother had a similar death...
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