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Brunei brings in death by stoning as punishment for gay sex

I'm hearing that the high-ups are seriously considering stripping the Sultan of the award we gave him a while back.

The memory of the complete and utter farce of the actual award ceremony and the train-wreck of clashing protocols involved lives with me to this day..!

Despite being involved in the prep, thnankfully I was too tall to be allowed within sight of the ceremony - Nobody, but nobody was allowed to stand higher than the Sultan and the movable staging we had to hire-in at great cost didn't move that far...!

The bomb-proof groin protection we had to install for him that day is still in place and in use however - it comes to about half way up my thighs.
Holy shit, people are going backwards. :mad: That's horrifying.

Sure is. Luckily this is a tiny place so not that many people are involved, but one is way too many. I gather the bastard runs a string of hotels - Demo time? Fake bookings? What have you?

Good. Arseholes like him don't care about money, they have limitless amounts. They don't care about condemnation from the masses, we're scum in their eyes. However, if the UK's premier academic institutions call him out as beyond the pale and revoke honours bestowed, if the UK (head of) state revoked his knighthood and so on, it would make clear that everyone thinks he's a cunt and he can fuck off. Heathrow, employer of a higher % than most of LGBT folk should refuse his 747 permission to land, and so on. Make the fucker a pariah. And tell his heir that he only wins at pool cos everyone lets him.
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Not much controlling reproduction in the case of LGBT people, mind.


A 61-year-old woman from Nebraska recently gave birth to her own granddaughter. Cecile Eledge embarked on this special journey so her son and his husband could have a baby of their own.

Eledge served as a gestational surrogate for her son, Matthew Eledge, and his husband, Elliot Dougherty, carrying their baby for nine months, according to a press release by Nebraska Medical Center. "There was no moment of hesitation. It was natural instinct." Cecile Eledge said.

The family went through a lengthy process to determine if Eledge was a good candidate to serve as a gestational surrogate. Her age was a consideration, and she underwent several tests before doctors said she could carry the embryo. Dougherty's sister donated the egg and Matthew Eledge donated this sperm.

61-year-old woman gives birth to her own granddaughter for her son and his husband

There is a drive in most people toward reproduction, even gay people. This is a more around about way of achieving it, but its still biologically related reproduction. I'm surprised the Catholic Mafia hasn't banned it. Its still considered odd enough to make the news, even though I know its been done elsewhere.
'and adultery'

An unmarried woman is raped and gets pregnant. Can't prove the rape...
Yes, this bit often gets forgotten.

If they decide to take the same route as Iran for gay men, it will be castration and living as a woman for the rest of their lives. I am not sure what is better to be honest? Life with limited sexual function, a gaping wound to dilate regularly, or death.
Not much controlling reproduction in the case of LGBT people, mind.
i have to wonder what you think the B stands for in LGBT. And most T people i know have kids. A significant number of Ls can get pregnant and Gs tend to know some Ls at least. So that's how that works.
i have to wonder what you think the B stands for in LGBT. And most T people i know have kids. A significant number of Ls can get pregnant and Gs tend to know some Ls at least. So that's how that works.

Yes, that was me not thinking before I types. Apologies, being bi myself, I should know better.
Can't we just agree that both Islam and Christianity are bollocks, and their leaders are cunts?

Only the denominations of shia islam have leaders, and A) they make up 20% of the muslim population at most, and B) even then there is no centralised authority for all the schools, the grand ayatollahs vary.

There is no papacy in Islam.

As for Brunei and shariah, it does not adhere to any form of shariah traditionally understood, because there is no seyhulislam or caliph, let alone qadis in the traditional sense, and the ulema are totally devoted to whichever state pays their money. I'm not saying that the shariah was always totally objective (clearly islamic history proves this wrong) but this contemptible and deplorable policy is just statecraft to garner support rather than any commitment to islam. It's weaponisation, just like Putin's attitude to LGBT+ issues is fueled by great russian nationalism.

Not that I'm going to make apologies for the qu'rans attitude to homosexuality (still a debated topic!) or even make apologies for medieval shariah, but it would literally be impossible to prosecute people who have private gay sex according to those criteria. Of course we can debate whether this was always adhered to, but I would assume many of us are not historical experts on gender history in the middle east. Naturally, all forms of public sex were forbidden in traditional islamic societies, as they were in the west.

In fact I've not heard of much ostracisation of gay and gender bending people prior to the introduction of colonialism in the 18th and 19th centuries, (this doesn't mean that it didn't exist) it's just a lot of these laws were formulated to protect the rulers privileges in predominantly mercantile societies. I could be wrong of course but either way I doubt the ruling of the sultan today has anything remotely close to a scholarly consensus. So no a return to this golden age is physically impossible but it seems to me people want to conceptualise God as an angry borat in the sky, rather than a form of class rule.

The proletarian revolution will kill God forever!
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Sharia law originally as meant to be more Humane and merciful i.e adultery could only be found guilty if 4 people witnessed the act and most of the vile punishments are difficult to enforce and are usually followed by suggestions of mercy are a much better idea.

unfortunately the Saudi Wahhabist the batshit version of Islam has more money than anyone to push its odious views:mad:.

if religious fundies got fanatical about mercy and forgiveness it would be much harder to be an atheist.

This is an important point. Until the late 1970s there were very large communist presences in the Islamic world. Everyone should look at what happened to the Indonesian CP in the late 60s.
Can't we just agree that both Islam and Christianity are bollocks, and their leaders are cunts?

I agree they are a pair are bollocks, but we must not allow ourselves to condemn whole groups just because we disagree with them
As for religious leaders, I tend to disagree with them on pretty much everything, but only the ones like this sultana (yes, I'm taking the piss out of him) are proven cunts.
Added. A good number of Saudi's religious leaders are well proven cunts, especially the wahhabi lot that spread extremism and are generally violent twats.
Can't say I'm a fan of the Popes either, especially the one in Italy, but I tend to think of him as a misguided idiot rather than a cunt.
oh the pope is an absolute cunt. the catholic church must be totally obliterated before you lot start attacking wahabism (something I support being done on the correct grounds.) there has never been more evil religious institutions than catholicism and varieties of lutheranism.
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