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Brunei brings in death by stoning as punishment for gay sex

Arlene Foster’s not British, have you heard the woman speak? She’s feckin’ Irish.

Her passport is British.. and she lives in the UK. She sees herself as British... her accent is one from NI...yes...but believe it or not there are variants of "norn" Irish accents. For example a Donegal accent is different to a Belfast accent.
Mind you...you have to live here to catch the variant nuances of accent.
There are less hardline unionists who relate to and see themselves as having Irish heritage. There are even some who have Irish passports. Arlene is a hardline unionists. She has declared that if Ireland were ever to be a United Ireland again that she would leave and live in England. She isn't really someone who sees herself as Irish... she sees Northern Ireland as part of the UK and sees herself as a British citizen.
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Preventing terrorism is good, but that's a long term strategy that requires a lot of education - not easy when all the teachers are idiots, support idiotic extremist ideals, and are generally cunts. A tough job in places like Saudi where the extremists infest everything in society.
People that want a more relaxed society, and that's probably most ordinary Saudis, don't dare make a move for fear of retribution.
Look what happened when a woman first tried to drive.
Still, they know their world position is changing as oil becomes yesterday's commodity, so they're being forced to relax things a little. Hopefully they'll create a reasonable society in time, but it won't be tomorrow because the extremist infestation is still all but total. When Saudi cash leaves the terrorist and extremist education (Including indoctrination in primary schools) in so many countries, we'll see a lot less maiming and murder.

Stop trying to talk like you're from the ends. it's very unbecoming. and that's not what Prevent with a capital P is. You're out of your own league. back off.
Brunei halts death penalty for gay sex

Slightly better news

Brunei has backtracked on laws introduced last month that would have made sex between men and adultery punishable by stoning to death.

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah on Sunday extended a moratorium on the death penalty to cover the new legislation.

The rethink follows global outcry over the laws, including boycotts and celebrity protests.

In other words, it's hurting the bastard's pockets - Well done, protesters.
Stop trying to talk like you're from the ends. it's very unbecoming. and that's not what Prevent with a capital P is. You're out of your own league. back off.

"Condescension and embedded self importance"
You really have to read everything before you attack someone. :cool:
What don't you start a thread? I'd be interested in finding out more.

imo of course It's not worth it. most of the intricacies are discussed on the isis, rojava and turkey threads. dwyer of course made some valid points but they got spoiled in his (amusing it has to be admitted) trolling.

I'm also trying to take a bit of a break from politics. maybe next year.
"Condescension and embedded self importance"
You really have to read everything before you attack someone. :cool:

not an attack really, just a matter of fact statement.

this is an attack though:
For the love of all things piri piri sauce, change that godawful username that makes you sound like a 5 year old who still can't use the potty properly and has to get your mum to wipe his anus.
imo of course It's not worth it. most of the intricacies are discussed on the isis, rojava and turkey threads. dwyer of course made some valid points but they got spoiled in his (amusing it has to be admitted) trolling.

I'm also trying to take a bit of a break from politics. maybe next year.
Have to admit I've lost track of some of those threads which is why imo it would be good to have this stuff in one place if you feel up for it at some point. :)
not an attack really, just a matter of fact statement.

this is an attack though:
For the love of all things piri piri sauce, change that godawful username that makes you sound like a 5 year old who still can't use the potty properly and has to get your mum to wipe his anus.

I didn't know you can change usernames - I'll think about it and, if I fancy the idea, I might.
One thing, how did you know about my mum and the wet wipes?
Brunei halts death penalty for gay sex

Slightly better news

In other words, it's hurting the bastard's pockets - Well done, protesters.

The message is still the same though, gays are beyond the pale. Fuck Brunei and keep the boycott going, not just the hotels, but the UK military, police and all the other shit we share with them. FWIW I sell quite a lot of Dorchester Collection rooms, mostly at the Principe in Milan, when people ask me I still quote it, but point out that it is a DC hotel and explain the boycott, none has booked a room. Shame really, the people who work for DC are lovely, but they too understand...
The message is still the same though, gays are beyond the pale. Fuck Brunei and keep the boycott going, not just the hotels, but the UK military, police and all the other shit we share with them. FWIW I sell quite a lot of Dorchester Collection rooms, mostly at the Principe in Milan, when people ask me I still quote it, but point out that it is a DC hotel and explain the boycott, none has booked a room. Shame really, the people who work for DC are lovely, but they too understand...

I take it that you either work for yourself, or your employer is cool with that? I can see you getting seriously humped otherwise.
So, Brunei aren't going to throw rocks at people for a bit of gay love...but what are they going to be doing? Because I feel strangely reluctant to backslap he of the neatly trimmed goatee if it's life with hard labour instead....
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