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Brunei brings in death by stoning as punishment for gay sex

You edited after I quoted ...so...

I have no idea what you're saying but I'm not British and Irishness is not the same. At all.
Obviously you've never been to Ireland or you would realise that.

Or maybe, just maybe, hard to comprehend I know, we perhaps have a different yardstick of what constitutes Britishness. A definition that would include people like Sajid Javid, Lord Ahmed and Arlene Foster...
Or maybe, just maybe, hard to comprehend I know, we perhaps have a different yardstick of what constitutes Britishness. A definition that would include people like Sajid Javid, Lord Ahmed and Arlene Foster...

No. I was born and reared in Eire. That's the Republic of Ireland. I never have been nor will I ever be British. Nor will I ever have anything in common with Arlene Foster.

I'm not point scoring...I was just telling you I'm not British.
That's not catching you out. That's telling you I'm Irish...not British.

You are not following the conversation are you? You accused me of wanting to genocide catholic people. Then I said that using that yardstick, according to some posters on here, this would sanction the definition of genociding what the west codes to be wahabis. This is what I meant by British values, not that you were British.
You are not following the conversation are you? You accused me of wanting to genocide catholic people. Then I said that using that yardstick, according to some posters on here, this would sanction the definition of genociding what the west codes to be wahabis. This is what I meant by British values, not that you were British.

You're shifting goal posts at an awful rate.

Anyway. I've got to have my tea.

What time is it there?
I'm not shifting goal posts at an awful rate. there is a concerted effort to paint me out to be an utter thicko on this forum whenever I get involved in politics discussions and I'm really tired of it. Ironically pushing me into the identity politics boxes that I'm trying to escape, because id politics is not just something in the head, it's a social relation.
I'm not shifting goal posts at an awful rate. there is a concerted effort to paint me out to be an utter thicko on this forum whenever I get involved in politics discussions and I'm really tired of it. Ironically pushing me into the identity politics boxes that I'm trying to escape, because id politics is not just something in the head, it's a social relation.
Actually, I don't think anyone ever regards you as an "utter thicko" at all. However, you are saying some rather odd things. Also, you seem to be very close to playing at identity politics here.
I'm not shifting goal posts at an awful rate. there is a concerted effort to paint me out to be an utter thicko on this forum whenever I get involved in politics discussions and I'm really tired of it. Ironically pushing me into the identity politics boxes that I'm trying to escape, because id politics is not just something in the head, it's a social relation.

I dont think you're a "thicko" at all. I usually really enjoy reading your posts.
Actually, I don't think anyone ever regards you as an "utter thicko" at all. However, you are saying some rather odd things. Also, you seem to be very close to playing at identity politics here.

How so? I'm saying that to destroy wahabism we must attack the imperialist structures that give way to it, not wahabists. I'm for the elimination of all religion but that isn't going to happen if we attack the conservatives, that just empowers them even further.
I don't believe in a progressive islamic political system unshackled from the nation state though? I'm not sure why I didn't make sense before?

Whatever you can say against me my secularist credentials are not in doubt.
I was in no way saying that Irish people were not colonised either, clearly they were, that is emphatic fact. What I was saying was something different. I was saying that yes, you can say that I wanted to kill all catholic people (I most certainly don't btw though I am for catholic religion disappearing as well as protestant.) What I was saying is that if you say that for the catholic church, which at least has a hierarchical authority, salafism and its descendents wahabism don't. In the hands of British statecraft advocating such a policy can just lead to indiscriminate slaughter. The authority of Wahabists isn't consecrated in Saudi, even if it is predominantly based there today for *oil and financial reasons*
I was in no way saying that Irish people were not colonised either, clearly they were, that is emphatic fact. What I was saying was something different. I was saying that yes, you can say that I wanted to kill all catholic people (I most certainly don't btw though I am for catholic religion disappearing as well as protestant.) What I was saying is that if you say that for the catholic church, which at least has a hierarchical authority, salafism and its descendents wahabism don't. In the hands of British statecraft advocating such a policy can just lead to indiscriminate slaughter. The authority of Wahabists isn't consecrated in Saudi, even if it is predominantly based there today for *oil and financial reasons*

Ok. I understand that.
It hasn't upset me (why do people keep dishonestly doing this?) it's just that the rationale for saying wahabis must be attacked could be leveled to claim that the western definition of wahabi actually includes many highly conservative muslims not affiliated with the saudi clerical establishment.

That, therefore, itself would be genocide.

I'll be happy to see those who actively support or encourage terrorism attacked.
They deserve it.
However, as they're Saudi and thus in bed with the world's policeman, not a lot will happen.
FWIW the current pope personally would probably encourage use of a condom if it stopped a child being born into a life of misery.

The point is, even the more extreme members of the Catholic church in most of the world just just their mouth, not their fists.
That has been known to change with US abortion clinics but, for the most part, I can say what I like without fear of violence, and they can't force me into anything.
New IRA lot excepted.
Good. Clinton must be hanged. Do you agree?

Bernard as well.

I'm not really a fan of the death penalty as such, but we're talking more war rather than justice or retribution. I'm not a fan of either famous Clinton, but I'm unsure death is a suitable punishment.
Saying that, many senior US, UK, French (and lots of other) politicians have actively supported or ordered mass murder, so I suppose they really such be only the list of people to punish. I'd prefer to start with Tony Blair, if that's acceptable to everyone here.
You ever heard of prevent?

Preventing terrorism is good, but that's a long term strategy that requires a lot of education - not easy when all the teachers are idiots, support idiotic extremist ideals, and are generally cunts. A tough job in places like Saudi where the extremists infest everything in society.
People that want a more relaxed society, and that's probably most ordinary Saudis, don't dare make a move for fear of retribution.
Look what happened when a woman first tried to drive.
Still, they know their world position is changing as oil becomes yesterday's commodity, so they're being forced to relax things a little. Hopefully they'll create a reasonable society in time, but it won't be tomorrow because the extremist infestation is still all but total. When Saudi cash leaves the terrorist and extremist education (Including indoctrination in primary schools) in so many countries, we'll see a lot less maiming and murder.
The point is, even the more extreme members of the Catholic church in most of the world just just their mouth, not their fists.

You didn't mention The Catholic Church, you posted:
Condom anyone?
Shhh, don't tell the pope I offered you one.

That's what I responded to. If youeant the church, post that. Reading your posts is like,

You: "A"
Other Poster: "No, B"
You: "But I meant C"
Other Poster: "Ah well in that case, D and maybe E"
You: "lol ignore C, I was talking about P and Q"
Other Poster: "You never mentioned P or Q!"
You: "I said A and C, they're the same as P and Q you idiot!"

tl;dr, Catholic Church = basically evil, current Papa = maverick progressive, unpopular among traditionalists.

Don't say 'pope' if you mean 'church'. This isn't 1870.
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