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oh the pope is an absolute cunt. the catholic church must be totally obliterated before you lot start attacking wahabism (something I support being done on the correct grounds.) there has never been more evil religious institutions than catholicism and varieties of lutheranism.

I'm not especially concerned about the Roman church because, much as their leaders rant on a lot, they don't tend to encourage mass murder.
As a note, they tend to do a lot of stupid stuff such as trying to ban condoms, that meaning there's a greater risk of STDs and unwanted pregnancies, and their stance on abortion is fucking silly.

Wahhabism is positively nasty, probably the worst branch of Islam, and a fucking dangerous bunch to be near. They fund mass murder and actively encourage a whole bunch of other bastards to do the same shit.
That isn't to knock Islam in general, But it is a swipe at extremist twats.

Not that a few words on a forum will do much good when it comes to stoping them, but I get a chance to show my disgust in public.
I think you'd find that the roman catholic church sanctioned mass murder for over 3 centuries. Whereas wahabism is a comparitively recent phenomenon, 60 years at the most, more like 50-40.
to complicate things even further classical salafism is not much different to Wahabism but it has (for the most part) been politically quietist.

Attacking wahabis to purge them totally misunderstands the dynamics going on here. like my tag says, the main enemy is at home, including your home.
true. much longer even.

Definitely much, much longer.

it's older than that, surely?

Salafism (the puritanical islam) its descended from is, yes. That current emerged in the 18th century in ottoman ruled Hejaz, was crushed by the Ottomans and then lay dorment in the Saud family and clergy until they took power. Since then they've always relied on the clergy to prop up their rule, but there were tentative steps towards modernisation until the Iranian revolution. The siege of the grand mosque of Mecca in November 1979 meant that the Saudi royal family was dependent on obtaining a ruling from the clerical class to enter the mosque and put down the insurgents.

Since then, we see wahabism fully flourish as a creedo that the saudi royal family dug its den in. They can't do without it, hence acting as the jendarme to target much weaker countries such as Pakistan by throwing largesse at the cultivation of religious sentiment (their religious sentiment) by the dozen.

In terms of the major muslim majority countries in the middle east, Iran excluded, Turkey is one of the few sunni countries that has not had a wahabi problem because it has had its own indigenous varieties of political islam (much more concerned with parliamentarianism and conquering party political power.) During Nasir's persecution of the muslim brotherhood in the late 60s secular Turkey was not on the minds of militants running away from Egypt. Though of course there have been business and political interests in TR that have supported the Ikhwan. Erdogan's previous mb sympathies are known to everyone. And of course, the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Kurdish working class and peasantry by the inheritence of the secularist state by the erdoganists sadly continues. But again, that is still, to this day, approved of by many Kemalist social democrats, some of which are anti-islam to the grave.
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Whereas wahabism is a comparitively recent phenomenon, 60 years at the most, more like 50-40.

Try a few hundred years. That lot are very much responsible for a lot of attacks because the fuckers fund terrorist groups in a big way and, since they're effectively in control of the oil rich nation run by the fake royal Saudi king and his bastard cronies, they pretty much run Saudi as a country (You might guess I don't think a lot of their idiot king, their idiot government, and their ultra extreme religious idiots).
Their funding spreads far and wide, commonly giving cash to terrorist groups or opening schools in other countries that produce terrorists.
Basically, they're a bunch of cunts.
There is a bright side, as Saudi starts to see changes forced by the major shift in oil use over the next few decades, their power is slowly weakening and, hopefully, their perverted branch of Islam will wither and die, but sadly it won't be before the fuckers manage to kill a lot more people and seriously oppress a load more.
From what I gather, most Muslims want to see the fuckers gone as well.
I think you'd find that the roman catholic church sanctioned mass murder for over 3 centuries

Probably longer, and defended sex crimes, and allowed clergy to enrich themselves in unreasonable ways, and are most defiantly guilty of a lot of hypocrisy.
However, much as I'm not a fan of their policies, they can be ignored for the most part as they don't actively engage in mass murder at the moment. ......... err, I don't think (Maybe someone will prove me wrong)

Condom anyone?
Shhh, don't tell the pope I offered you one.
oh the pope is an absolute cunt. the catholic church must be totally obliterated before you lot start attacking wahabism (something I support being done on the correct grounds.) there has never been more evil religious institutions than catholicism and varieties of lutheranism.

The Catholic Church as you call... is its people. You want to obliterate all Catholics?
Are you accusing me of genocide? Because frankly that is not a surprising low these days but I feel obligated to report it.

You wrote this..
the catholic church must be totally obliterated

Obviously I'm not accusing you of genocide to use your words.
I just wanted you to explain what you meant.
I'll leave it though as my question has upset you.
It hasn't upset me (why do people keep dishonestly doing this?) it's just that the rationale for saying wahabis must be attacked could be leveled to claim that the western definition of wahabi actually includes many highly conservative muslims not affiliated with the saudi clerical establishment.

That, therefore, itself would be genocide.
So you say... to me you are British though.

Or to make things more precise, you have a much much greater proximity to Britishness and British Values than I could ever hope to have.

How the Irish became white etc...
point is you're out of your league here. Not that I would ever say I'm an expert in the politics of the islamic world (anyone who claims to be is chatting utter nonsense) but this kind of solicitous point scoring to be like ah! caught the browny out is wearing very, very thin.
point is you're out of your league here. Not that I would ever say I'm an expert in the politics of the islamic world (anyone who claims to be is chatting utter nonsense) but this kind of solicitous point scoring to be like ah! caught the browny out is wearing very, very thin.


I'm not point scoring...I was just telling you I'm not British.
That's not catching you out. That's telling you I'm Irish...not British.
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