Plastic Paddy
Things the map shows:
1. Whether you're automatically offered citizenship in a country you're born in
Things the map doesn't show:
1. Whether you're offered citizenship in a country your parents are born in
2. Whether you're offered citizenship in a country you're not born in
What's your point again
As I thought. Idiot.
It’s not about having citizenship offered, it’s about having it bestowed or conferred.
ALL of the countries that bestow such citizenships will be red on the map (assuming the people who made it know what they’re doing). However, not all of the countries in red WILL bestow such citizenships. There's a Venn diagram going on here isn't there? Guess what colour the middle bit's going to be.
So if one or both of your parents come from a red country, do your research before joining ISIS. Like Maomao just did.
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