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BREXIT Crunch time (part 38) WTF is going to happen next?

Brexit crunch - WTF happens next?

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so - mays talks with corbyn going nowhere what so ever because she refuses to shift her position and it looks like it was another of her cunning tactical ploy.
blimey! who saw that coming?

So I guess April 12th is the official day of crunch - assuming May cant get her deal through.
She has until then to get a longer extension out of the EU - and that means she has to call a general election or have a 2nd ref.
Or has she got another utterly futile, sideways manoeuvre in her box of despair?
I'm hoping for a top-down manoeuvre, perhaps from the top of suicide bridge to the surface of the a1
Not sure what is supposed to happen if Macron vetos any extension in circumstances where Parliament has legislated against leaving with no deal on 12th April?
Not sure what is supposed to happen if Macron vetos any extension in circumstances where Parliament has legislated against leaving with no deal on 12th April?

Unless I missed something in all the chaos, Parliament hasn't legislated against leaving with no deal, that's still the default position and could still happen, especially if any extension is vetoed.
What does it say about his constituents, that they elected him?

(Jacob Rees Mogg)
that they vote tory under all circumstances

My mate in Momentum spent a couple of years maneuvering towards deselecting Umunna and then went out canvassing for him in the last election. It makes no sense to me but that's how it works.
oh my bad thought it had gone through the Commons by one vote and was currently festering in the Hof L

You're thinking of the Yvette Cooper/Oliver Letwin bill, which would require the Maybot to request a further extension beyond 12 April, no deal could still happen especially if any extension is vetoed.
I have no intention of reading the frothing fool, but I love the presumed logic behind McVey's piece. The Marxist hard Left is plotting to keep the UK closely allied to or even, heaven forfend, still in the Communist conspiracy that is the European Union. And bringing down a good, patriotic British government, no doubt, the fiend. :D
I like the way today the Mail and Express are pretending this Tory disaster isn’t happening, and are leading on other stories altogether. Nothing to see here.
Both would split them. That's the point.

I think at this point I think it might seem obvious to a lot of people that anything would split them; wounds have been festering for 30+ years, the gangrene has set in and they're just performing random amputations to stave off the inevitable.

May would sooner instigate civil war than risk causing an even more obvious rift in the tory party though.
Not had anyone round for the locals yet. (Quite a bit of shit locally that is relevant to that election, and finally getting rid of the 2 incumbents (2 white Tory I have had had a go at though not about numeracy).

Be interesting to see, coz I think thems that think of Brexit what this needs is more public involvement is in for a shockl
True but Revoke would do much less damage to everyone else

...and why on earth would anyone and everyone else factor in to the equation?

There's a queue of scapegoats a mile long to pin blame on for the next decade; three years ago we were already hearing how remoaners and foreigners were somehow responsible for unbellyfeel Tinkerbell brexit not working; if and when the economic consequences become acutely dire you can fully expect a deluge of shit worthy of 1930's Germany to be thrown in all directions. TM is merely the first and most obvious target.
Revoke would utterly fuck the Tories in a way No Deal doesn’t even come close.

No deal, not sufficiently so.

Many Tories, especially the membership would be very happy with this. Short term turmoil, but the threat to them from UKIP and the Brexit Party would be over. Time for a new leader, positive about Brexit to lead with a mix of euphoric meeting the new dawn and pull ourselves together cos backs are to the wall.

It could have a similar dynamic to Thatcher v Foot.
Interesting assertion. I guess we'll find out.
By everyone else I was talking about ordinary people not politicians, As for parliamentary parties well I agree with you that there are no good options left for the
Tories (behold all the fucks I give). I would suggest that more Tory voters will feel betrayed by Revoke than No Deal and the opposite way around for Labour.
The SNP will come out of covered in absolute glory if A50 gets revoked and will probably earn an "At Least they Tried" medal for anything else.
The DUP are just anarchists in it for the LOLS and don't give a shit and all other parties are as much spectators as we are.
No deal, not sufficiently so.

Many Tories, especially the membership would be very happy with this. Short term turmoil, but the threat to them from UKIP and the Brexit Party would be over. Time for a new leader, positive about Brexit to lead with a mix of euphoric meeting the new dawn and pull ourselves together cos backs are to the wall.

In a way though, there’s a risk even no deal doesn’t end the argument. Unless the new Tory leader wants the UK to sit in splendid isolation by itself, they’re going to have to agree a new trade deal with Europe. Who will sit there saying the same things they’ve been saying to us over the last three years. At which point, to agree something, the arguments have to start again.

Essentially the Tory party is arguing over fantasies, it has been for decades, and I doubt those sorts of arguments are ever truly resolvable. Else ‘the natural party of government’ as they term themselves would have resolved them by now.
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