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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

The big city festival here, tramlines has nearly all the pubs and bars contributing with putting on gigs, dj's, etc, Brewdog bar which is new here, zero.

You in shef? where the hell is there a brewdog bar? I quite like their beers tbh, but there's so much choice in Shef it surely can't be worth it.
You in shef? where the hell is there a brewdog bar? I quite like their beers tbh, but there's so much choice in Shef it surely can't be worth it.
yet another shitty bar on Devonshire Street.

They did actually have a bit of music on, tho just a couple of bands a day
yet another shitty bar on Devonshire Street.

They did actually have a bit of music on, tho just a couple of bands a day

Ah, I live in the vicinity of Kelham island and rarely feel the need to walk more than 10 minutes for a pub. Unless it's the Sheaf.
The tap is a place where one departs from lovers. Or, more usually, nosos. Too expensive for normal drinks and I get in arguments about the way their drinks menu has 'girls' on one side and <male designation> on the other.
My favourite brewer at the moment is Doctors Orders (Australia), some of the best/interesting beers I've tasted: http://www.doctorsordersbrewing.com/www/Prescriptions.html


^This was my recent tipple.

Not sure if this site is a available in the UK (or if theres something similar) but its handy to know what's on tap at your local:

I just can't drink beer at these stupid levels of alcohol that Brewdog et al. produce. It tastes rank.

I find that most of the porters & stouts that can get up to the 10% mark tend to be nice easy drinking, almost too easy :)

I'm not overly into very hoppy beers, some IPA's can get a bit too bitter for my liking at strong levels, but this Riverside Seventy Seven I had recently went down very nice (you wouldn't know it was 7.7% by the taste).

Prices here can be pretty expensive, although I was at a dark beer night the other week and they had four different beers on hand pumps (hand pumps are pretty rare in Sydney), at $10 a pint (what's that about £5.50?) which included the aptly named Othello's Curse (9% i think).

You pay about $6/7 for a schooner of Carlton Draft (popular piss water) around here so I can't complain.
Seems to be a growing trend this 'rebel sell' type of marketing, this time its a brewery called Brewdog with beers named such as Punk IPA, I have no idea about its business practices and workers conditions, but it is so blantant, the niche it is using.

I would think that linking a brand name to a current topical use of language or culture in order to get 'noticed' is as old as the hills. How many businesses set up in the 1970,s using the name Apollo for example?

I like branding and marketing when done well, to some it is bullshit, but bullshit is a fertiliser and in that analogy can help a business grow. It's necessary.
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Not even slightly sexist! 'Edgy' my arse. This is just 1970s rubbish.


Can we just clarify those that have said they like your post, is it for your comments or ahem the picture embedded into the post?;)
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Any product which tries to be your 'pal' through the language on the packaging and general branding can fuck off. I don't want a new friend, I just want a beer ffs.

But if they all didn't have different names you may not know which beer to get, unless of course you drink any old shit.
I find that most of the porters & stouts that can get up to the 10% mark tend to be nice easy drinking, almost too easy :)

I'm not overly into very hoppy beers, some IPA's can get a bit too bitter for my liking at strong levels, but this Riverside Seventy Seven I had recently went down very nice (you wouldn't know it was 7.7% by the taste).

Prices here can be pretty expensive, although I was at a dark beer night the other week and they had four different beers on hand pumps (hand pumps are pretty rare in Sydney), at $10 a pint (what's that about £5.50?) which included the aptly named Othello's Curse (9% i think).

You pay about $6/7 for a schooner of Carlton Draft (popular piss water) around here so I can't complain.

When my mate was first travelling with his (Aussie) GF to Sydney and other places in Aus a good few years ago, getting anything other than tasteless pisswater (as they both described it -- she's been a UK based real ale fan for over 20 years!) went from very hard indeed, to near impossible, they said.

They both say now though that if you know where to look, you can find much better choices, so it's good to have that confirmed with informative detail.

Thanks - I mean even get myself to Australia one day, now :D
When my mate was first travelling with his (Aussie) GF to Sydney and other places in Aus a good few years ago, getting anything other than tasteless pisswater (as they both described it -- she's been a UK based real ale fan for over 20 years!) went from very hard indeed, to near impossible, they said.

They both say now though that if you know where to look, you can find much better choices, so it's good to have that confirmed with informative detail.

Thanks - I mean even get myself to Australia one day, now :D

Craft beer and quality imports are everywhere now, the market has changed in the last 5 years. My local bottlo has just opened a craft beer section some really nice stuff.
They also sell Brew Dog beers.
It's interesting how the whole craft beer thing seems to be going off worldwide. Even in Bangalore there is a healthy craft beer scene taking off. I was told by an American guy who was shipped over there to teach them how to do it and of course the Americans are massive into it at the moment.
When my mate was first travelling with his (Aussie) GF to Sydney and other places in Aus a good few years ago, getting anything other than tasteless pisswater (as they both described it -- she's been a UK based real ale fan for over 20 years!) went from very hard indeed, to near impossible, they said.

They both say now though that if you know where to look, you can find much better choices, so it's good to have that confirmed with informative detail.

Thanks - I mean even get myself to Australia one day, now :D

This article is worth a read to see the level of threat the two main companies are feeling from the surge of interest in craft beer over the last few years, even going so far as buying up small/craft brewers and having them keep all their indy look and feel. (not that we should be surprised by such tactics).

btw, those CUB beers listed below are fucking terrible the lot of them.

the brewdog bar in manchester is embarrassing tbh - all the atmosphere of a suburban wetherspoons, but booze at £6 a pint. fuck that. if i want to drink outrageously overpriced beer in manchester i'll go the port street beer house. :D
A friend of mine who used to manage Camden Brewdog is now up at the Manchester Branch :D
Dead Pony Club is delicious and about 3.8%. There's also quite a few at around 5% and are really nice.

Yeah I had a pint of that at their Shoreditch pub last Saturday. Very nice stuff. Their Brixton porter is well worth trying if you can find it.
Weird Beard is my favourite of the new London Brewers. Based quite near me and deals in less wanky marketing than Brewdog. http://weirdbeardbrewco.com/
This article is worth a read to see the level of threat the two main companies are feeling from the surge of interest in craft beer over the last few years, even going so far as buying up small/craft brewers and having them keep all their indy look and feel. (not that we should be surprised by such tactics).

btw, those CUB beers listed below are fucking terrible the lot of them.


Interesting stuff -- thanks. Have shared that link with my Aus friend whp I mentioned in the other post .....
chilango : No -- I'm pretty sure that brewery's pretty new. Facebook page and all that -- but all of them have those now :D

I always keep an eye out for new beers when in town, but I've not come across their ones yet. Check them out and report back when you know more! :)

I like them. When my local runs out of guest IPA I have to raid their "craft fridge". Got stuck on the Hackney Gold, which while not an IPA has a good dry hoppiness in there. They also have some interesting looking canned stuff such as "Snake Dog" and "8 ball" but as yet I've not been able to bring myself to part with the best part of a fiver for a can of beer. Besides, they do have a knack of always having a couple of superb guests in (13 Guns, Astro, Liquid Mistress etc.) and Sierra Nevada on tap.

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