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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

Well tonight I tasted some quite nice beers in the Angel and then the Castle (that's in Manchester BTW). Who needs BrewDog and it's pretentiousness, eh? ;)
I cant be arsed to read any further in that article than:

"How rare, I thought, for any aspect of western culture to be identified as propaganda, let alone social media, that beacon of transparency and individual empowerment."

Rare? Really? Has this woman been living in a bubble for the past ninety years?
Just for you urban; went to Brewdog in Shoreditch after porterhouse and claret at Hawksmoor


Watch for date confirmation lolz
They all need killing in innovatively punky and anarchic ways - most cuntish advertising ever - like the comment on the video


3 weeks ago

It doesnt get anymore hypocritical that Brewdog. 'Say goodbye to the corporate beer whores crazy for power and world domination… Ride toward anarchy and caramel craziness' Yet the sell all their beers in the main supermarkets and NOW BREW TESCO'S SIMPLY RANGE IPA. Embarassing and incredibly cringe company. If only they would just shutup and brew beer.

Called out here for being a bunch of sexist and homophobic cunts.

This is from their own marketing material for their 'Trashy Blonde' beer.

A titillating, neurotic, peroxide, punk of a pale ale. Combining attitude, style, substance and a little bit of low self esteem for good measure; what would your mother say?

You really should just leave it alone…
they're just trendy-arse fuckers, why would anyone take their promo material as some serious political discourse? the sauce tastes good
I cant be arsed to read any further in that article than:

"How rare, I thought, for any aspect of western culture to be identified as propaganda, let alone social media, that beacon of transparency and individual empowerment."

Rare? Really? Has this woman been living in a bubble for the past ninety years?

I'm pretty sure she was being sarcastic or ironic.
This made me laugh: http://whiskysponge.com/2014/07/16/brewdog-to-take-a-break-from-re-packaging-their-three-beers/

Exponentially expanding marketing company Brewdog have announced that they are to branch out into distillation using heat for a change. One of Brewdog’s conjoined CEOs Jimmy Volt said while eating a bowl of hops with a spoon:

“We’ve been re-packaging three American beers for several years now. Basically there’s the light, zingy, hoppy one, the mouth-shrivellingly hoppy high alcohol one and the very strong black one that tastes as if it was matured in a disused coal mine for three years. We’ve already tried distillation for quite sometime by freezing the fuck out of some of the strong black beers we made and shaving off the ice so that they reach ‘spirit’ level strengths. That was the impetus behind beers like ‘Testicle Neutered Benylin’ and ‘Wank The Wizzmark’. However it turns out that apparently you can heat beer up in what’s called a ‘still’ and it does pretty much the same thing. I know ‘fuuuuuunnnnnkkkky’ right?! Anyway that’s what we’re going to do.”


The Chuckle Brothers of the beer world.

Marty McWilly, Jimmy’s co-marketeer at Brewdog, said while shooting a can of Tennent’s in the face with a blunderbuss full of hops:

“We’re aiming to have the highest HPM (‘Hops Per Marketing’) of any spirit ever. It’ll be like Octomore except instead of peat smoke and maritime flavours it’ll taste like a washing machine full of out of date cannabis. HIGH FIVE GUYS!”

Brewdog pride themselves on carefully produced craft beer made at one of their two fifty acre beer refineries. New releases scheduled for this month include:

‘Tartan Trouser Stargate’ : An IPA made with lots of hops at 6%abv that has a completely different label to Punk IPA.

‘God Save The Bovril Squad’ : A impenetrably black stout made with treacle, volcanic glass, aubergines, bits of actual space and marmite. And hops. 17% abv.

‘General Mustard & The Hoppos : A new breed of IPA made with hops and a picture of a hippo on the label. 11% abv.

‘pHoppy’ : Brewdog’s wacky IPA tribute to the millions of men who perished a century ago in the trenches of the 1st World War. 10% abv.

‘Savillian Oversight’ : A satirical IPA bottled in response to the unexplained mass disappearance of official files on historical sexual abuse cases. 4% abv.

Jimmy Volt added while casually brewing a 70% abv beer specifically to irritate the Daily Mail:

“We’re millionaires now so I’m not actually aware anymore of what we’re doing. I just put on my marketing y-fronts in the morning when I clamber off the large pile of hops I sleep on and go out into the world and say shit until more money appears. Thankfully people seem happy to lap it up like hungry dogs in a puke factory. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to write a blurb for a new beer that utilises today’s buzz words which are ‘edgy’, ‘confrontational’, ‘care-free’ and ‘cunnilingus’.”


Silly Beer + Angry Daily Mail – Angry Article In Daily Mail = SALES = MONEY! (actually clever)

Dr Fergus MacDiesel, a Brewdog disciple, said while casually drinking his 17th pint of Punk IPA:

“The world has been waiting for this. It’s like the second coming of Jesus, except with a far more expansive and rewarding drinks reception. I’ve been a Brewdog fan since I had my first bottle way back in 2007. I’ve got a tattoo that gets me a discount and I’ve got a syringe so that I can inject 330ml of Hardcore IPA into my thigh in case I start getting hop withdrawal symptoms at any point, usually when I’m driving long distances or doing a particularly frustrating brain operation. Anyway, I’m off to shit into an envelope and post it to the CAMRA headquarters. God I love this Punk IPA, I’ll just have a couple more pitchers before I go.”
The big city festival here, tramlines has nearly all the pubs and bars contributing with putting on gigs, dj's, etc, Brewdog bar which is new here, zero.
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