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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

This article is worth a read to see the level of threat the two main companies are feeling from the surge of interest in craft beer over the last few years, even going so far as buying up small/craft brewers and having them keep all their indy look and feel. (not that we should be surprised by such tactics).

btw, those CUB beers listed below are fucking terrible the lot of them.


Interesting article.

Fat Yak is tolerable, but it was a very deliberate attempt at a craft style pale.
Matilday Bay used to be real craft brewer they were then taken over by CUB. I still like their Red Back wheat beer.

Little Creatures used to be one of my favourites, I loved visiting the brewery at Freemantle.Its popularity made it a gateway beer for many people in WA starting on craft beer. They are now owned by Lion/Kirin/Mitsubishi and have shifted brewing to Geelong. Either the beer has changed or my tastes have changed, but I find it pretty average nowadays.

As well as buying up profitable craft the big two are also producing beer which is packaged to look like craft. The actual breweries are not even mentioned on the bottles.
This kind of thing is happening now - http://www.brewsnews.com.au/2013/01/byron-bay-brewing-co-gets-a-little-craft-washing-from-cub/
Plus others like Sail & Anchor (Woolworths) Steamrail (Coles) and don't get me started on fucking Brewed Under Licence shit in the "imported" section of the bottle shop (which I contacted the Thirsty camel buyers & the ACCC about after buying some snide Belgians :D).

Trying to find a decent beer can be a minefield
While I was happy to see this sign in a pub recently, it's dire that they are having to actually tell you that you are not buying fake beer.
Yeah I used to be a fan Little Creatures (not the bright ale though) and of White Rabbit's dark ale (esp on tap), still drink it if there's nothing else going. I have to say that I don't mind the odd Kosciusko Pale Ale on a hot afternoon.
Interesting article.

Fat Yak is tolerable, but it was a very deliberate attempt at a craft style pale.
Matilday Bay used to be real craft brewer they were then taken over by CUB. I still like their Red Back wheat beer.

Little Creatures used to be one of my favourites, I loved visiting the brewery at Freemantle.Its popularity made it a gateway beer for many people in WA starting on craft beer. They are now owned by Lion/Kirin/Mitsubishi and have shifted brewing to Geelong. Either the beer has changed or my tastes have changed, but I find it pretty average nowadays.

As well as buying up profitable craft the big two are also producing beer which is packaged to look like craft. The actual breweries are not even mentioned on the bottles.
This kind of thing is happening now - http://www.brewsnews.com.au/2013/01/byron-bay-brewing-co-gets-a-little-craft-washing-from-cub/
Plus others like Sail & Anchor (Woolworths) Steamrail (Coles) and don't get me started on fucking Brewed Under Licence shit in the "imported" section of the bottle shop (which I contacted the Thirsty camel buyers & the ACCC about after buying some snide Belgians :D).

Trying to find a decent beer can be a minefield
While I was happy to see this sign in a pub recently, it's dire that they are having to actually tell you that you are not buying fake beer.

"Brewed under licence" has always been first-class cuntery on the part of the big brewers. When Fosters first went on sale here (late '70s), it was all cans, and all imported. It had a nice sharpness to it that other lagers (this was the era of Carlsberg, Heineken, Carling and Skol, plus a few others) were missing. As soon as it got trotted out to the pubs as draught, though, it was the same rat-piss as "brewed under licence" Carlsberg was. Then we got into the '80s, and every imported beer that sold halfway decently was suddenly being produced under licence. :(
BrewDog's pricing is usually attached to the ABV of the drink. They make VERY strong beers that cost more due to excise. Pretty sure thy did a 50% alcohol beer.
This article is worth a read to see the level of threat the two main companies are feeling from the surge of interest in craft beer over the last few years, even going so far as buying up small/craft brewers and having them keep all their indy look and feel. (not that we should be surprised by such tactics).

btw, those CUB beers listed below are fucking terrible the lot of them.


VB's alright - It does what it says on the tin anyway.
Another decent UK brewery worth checking is Mordue Brewery up in Wallsend (on Tyne), not sure if they stock their stuff down south.


Workie Ticket won the CAMERA best bitter of Britain in 2013.

Workie Ticket is great! :) :cool:

Very hard to find down (UK) South though -- occasionally Wetherspoons have it as a guest, but that's pretty rare ...
There's something particularly dishonourable about that type of alcoholic who tries to camoflage or doesn't even acknowledge his/her addiction by painting it in the colours of the fine wine enthusiast / real-ale connoisseur. Food for thought (though maybe in liquid form), William of Walworth

Nah, only messin.
There's something particularly dishonourable about that type of alcoholic who tries to camoflage or doesn't even acknowledge his/her addiction by painting it in the colours of the fine wine enthusiast / real-ale connoisseur. Food for thought (though maybe in liquid form), William of Walworth

Nah, only messin.

This week's been nearly-to-completely beer-free for us so far :eek: :p

I openly admit that's because of skintness though :D

Payday's today -- and we're out tonight :cool:

<no shame :cool: >
This isn't brewdog but obviously it's what the worlds been missing. It's the hobo cocktail, served in some wanky 'bbq' place in Mcr..

I had an argument with one of their barstaff in the Brum branch last year when I asked them to top up a pint. There's plenty of other pubs that know how to treat customers so I won't go back. This just confirms what a bunch of arseholes they are.
I went to the one in Brum a year or so ago and was most amused to be given a lecture on how their stuff was real ale by the staff as they served up their keg beer. There is a lot better beer available in most wetherspoons.
They've just opened in leeds. Their presence annoys me.

The presence of so many and various excellent pubs in Leeds (or so word reaches me from fellow-alelovers) also annoys ME ... because I'm unlikely to be able to visit Leeds any time at all soon :(

Would never bother with any BrewDog place there anyway -- far too many other (and no doubt far better) places to check.
A little bird (well a big beardy one) tells me that we may see Brewdog moving into the club market soon.

They took over the lease of one of Aberdeen's former best and best-sited clubs a while back and are now making plans for it as a market test. ;)
There was a significant gathering outside the Mancs BrewDog on todays demo. Couldn't work out if it was protesting, or just trying to buy beer
This or its precursor has been running for a long time, heavily advertised on Facebook. Floated on a weird kind of private, miniature stock market where at best you can sell your shares to the next numpty who comes along. In reality more like club membership than an investment.
Independent business.
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