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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

I've paid around £4 for a pint by mistake once (or when I know it's a really nice beer), and in Australia (due to the very unfavourable exchange rate between the pound and the Australian dollar). But never anything like £8.
I think its important to factor alcohol percentage into any discussion on price. I don't mind spending four quid or so on a medium sized bottle of ten per cent fantastic beer. If I am half cut or tipsy for fifteen quid I am happy, price per pint is not the whole story. ( not saying they are not ripping you off mind )
haha, i stayed there after urban drinks last december. it was... odd. :D

Drinking in there's very disorientating - It's open all day from about ten am & it's down some stairs so there's no windows & it's about £1.20 a pint (it might be £1.50 now), anyway when you come stumbling out at teatime it catches you unawares coz it feels like you're coming out of a club only to be confronted by broad daylight and queues of people waiting for the bus home from work.
i note a lot of these pubs have started selling beer by the third of a pint, presumably so you don't faint when told the cost. :D
Well I've only stepped foot in one the time I mentioned before and have never felt any desire to go into another. There are lots of much better places where you can get decent beer for a fair price without some naff decor.
I hear of various ones from friends in the US, and a pub I work at specialises in imported micro brewery stuff from over there, but the day a yank makes a better beer than Old Peculier is the day I eat my shoes :p

Ugh, I can't stand that stuff. Leaves a wıcked hangover too, whıch ıs never a good sıgn.
i like punk and i like this. it doesn't cos 4 quid a half either

"Punk" "Independent" "Alternative"

all words co-opted by big money-makers. At least with "punk" it was a dodgy, publicity hungry money-grab virtually from the outset, with the Pistols. But what's the least bit indie about "indie" music these days?

"Craft" beer *is* ridiculously expensive in this country, though you do have to allow for very small production and high alcohol for some brewers/brews. Also, those super-hoppy beers? Fresh hops are very expensive, especially imported types. Most traditional UK beers - not many hops, often not fresh, often low alcohol. So understandably cheaper.
West country: Jitter = Metaller (as shouted at anyone with long hair by passengers/drivers of passing XR2s cruising around the Centre in my youth - in best Bristol accent 'Oi! - Ji'uurrrr!")
Midlands: Jitter = Crusty type (according to folk I know from Nottingham)
I got charged 8 pound 20 for a beer in Paris. I didn't know that 'grande' meant a litre, and sitting on the terrace is financial suicide. I can still remember the words 'soixante douze francs' being read out to me like some sort of death sentence. Cunt wanted a tip, too.
I got charged 8 pound 20 for a beer in Paris. I didn't know that 'grande' meant a litre, and sitting on the terrace is financial suicide. I can still remember the words 'soixante douze francs' being read out to me like some sort of death sentence. Cunt wanted a tip, too.

That's cheap for Paris. You got a vey good deal.
I went into the one in Camden with a mate in the middle of Christmas Eve shopping madness. Paid £8 and it was only on leaving that it clicked we'd got halfs for the price. I didn't clock it at the time as it was nice to sit down and relax and £8 for two beers isn't that odd.

For a while I wondered if the bloke had put them through as pints or something.

Was a pretty lame pub and I didn't rate the beer either.
Please could you not use lame in a perjorative context? It's offensive.
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