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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

I mentioned the Camden sale to a friend who runs a pub this evening, and he told me he wasn't surprised as they're money grubbing fucks who make shit beer. He also mentioned that they'd sued a smaller brewery who also used the name 'Hells', despite it just being in both cases simply a play on the german word for a light beer (Helles), rather than the smaller brewery ripping off Camden.

It was Redwell they sued. Didn't think the case was over yet, but can't find the defence crowdfunding campaign online anymore.
Craft beer brewers head to High Court in £100k ‘Hells Lager’ dispute
They appear to have, by their own admission, a bit of a track record of elasticating the facts somewhat, especially when it comes to getting loans from banks and at least one supply contract:
THE BIG PROFILE – JAMES WATT, BREWDOG: Beer revolutionary who pushes the boundaries

They bluffed out an interview regarding how much they could produce and then lied to get a bank loan when they were skint and just beginning?

Is that it? They filled the order and paid back the bank.

Brewdog do have a long track record of do as we say, not do as we do.
Don't agree with this and cant find any evidence.

They are certainly guilty of being massive bell ends but they seem sincere in their love of beer and the reasons they are doing it.
James Dyson did the exact same thing - he said he was passionate about engineering and wanted manufacturing in the UK to grow again. He believed in it so much he shipped all his manufacturing to Malaysia. he also stopped offering a lifetime guarantee on all his products, it's only five years now. He didn't need the money either, his company was doing fantastically.

The cleaners are shit as well.
I've never bought anything from brewdog. I don't like strong alcohol content beers anyway and I'm not falling for any of that 'punk' marketing shit even if I did.

TBF, they've made a commercial success of it. But it's a tried and tested formula isn't it. Ever since the club explosion in the 90s when alcohol sales mysteriously dropped :hmm: they've reached out to the youth market with re-hashed versions of existing drinks with added marketing guff to make it cool. This is just doing for beer what alcopops did for mixers and Magners/Bulmers did for cider.

It's all bollocks.
Whilst away from home following The Tigers, slipped in to the Birmingham Brew Dog bar. Worried, not seeing any beards.

Tennants beer, is that the classy one with the girls on the cans¿
Tennants beer, is that the classy one with the girls on the cans¿

No. The ones I've seen come in blue cans, smell like nail polish remover and taste like something you'd use to clean engine parts. That's Tennant's Super. It's rank shite you only drink to get pissed, like Special Brew.

Presumably there's a non-Super version, although whether it's any good I couldn't say because I've never seen it, let alone tasted it.
it's not that bad. just a bog standard fizzy beer that goes down smoothly especially when cold. like carling not as good as miller but they don't sell that in cans now :( no taste sensation but does the job for0a social pint or for a few cans when in house. not hangover generator like real ales can be. . .
Classy! I remember those now - at first I thought you had meant Sweetheart Stout.

After my mum gave birth to me, the midwife told her there were 'bottles' outside in the hall and she was to help herself. She assumed it was for milk or whatevs, but in the hall was a stack of Sweetheart Stout for the mums. High in iron.

Tonight at 9 on bbc2 is who's the boss. It's about breeding trying to recruit a new member of staff. A review I read said one of the bosses is a right bar steward.
No escape from this stuff. Went to Norway recently and they were selling Brewdog rubbish in at least 2 bars we visited. We drank the local ales instead.
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