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BrewDog: yet another hip company using 'rebel' language to sell its stuff

I've just caught it. An arrogant little shit who will smile, laugh and joke one minute and will kick you out the door for not saying yes the next minute.
Craft beer my arse. I had a pint of landlord and a pint of wandle for lunch. Equally superb proper beers.
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After my mum gave birth to me, the midwife told her there were 'bottles' outside in the hall and she was to help herself. She assumed it was for milk or whatevs, but in the hall was a stack of Sweetheart Stout for the mums. High in iron.

That was standard operating procedure, back in the day - I'm sure I remember my Ma talking about it.
Mackesons - a bottle a day - totally recommended during 'lying in' (10 days, minimum) and still offered as an evening tipple instead of Horlicks when my eldest was born.
I can't see Brew Piss stimulating much lactation.
In-depth article on BrewDog in Thursday's Guardian.

Plenty in there that'll (correctly) make you despise the main two for being publicity-stunt-obsessed wankers.

But there's also some pretty good broader analysis of the brewing scene today -- UK and to an extent US as well.

Writer didn't mention the stupid prices BrewDog charge in their vile poncy 'bars' but bar that obvious fault, I thought overall it was a really interesting/worthwhile piece -- definitely not a hagiography to me.
In-depth article on BrewDog in Thursday's Guardian.

Plenty in there that'll (correctly) make you despise the main two for being publicity-stunt-obsessed wankers.

But there's also some pretty good broader analysis of the brewing scene today -- UK and to an extent US as well.

Writer didn't mention the stupid prices BrewDog charge in their vile poncy 'bars' but bar that obvious fault, I thought overall it was a really interesting/worthwhile piece -- definitely not a hagiography to me.
That's a long advert.
Fuck Brew bitches; support your local independent brewery. This is mine, and some damn fine beer they brew
Sambrook's Brewery
Fuck Brew bitches ; support your local independent brewery.

I always favour this. Our largest local one, Tomos Watkins, is boring and bland in its beer (IMO!), but we now have a few other micros in our area (Swansea, fairly recently an appalling beer desert) that are improving and innovative. But they all have to bow down in respect to Tiny Rebel all the way over in Newport.

TR are at least as innovative with hops and recipes and new beers as BrewDog purport to be, but their (sadly few) pubs are reasonably priced and they don't fuck about with publicity stunts :mad:

So there are plenty of other breweries around that really are excellent. I thought this comment quoted in the Guardian article above was perceptive :

Guardian said:
Jon Kyme, a thoughtful small real ale brewer in Ulverston, Cumbria, is one such sceptic.

People “like to identify strongly with something; hang their identity on it”, Kyme said. BrewDog has set itself up – brilliantly – to embody that identity: young, hip, rebellious, championing quality, battling a mediocre status quo. In fact, Kyme said, while the brewer undeniably makes good beers, there are lots of people pushing the craft boundaries at the moment and “very few are making beers that are vastly superior to anyone else’s”.

And that, he reasoned, is why the hype is so crucially, critically important to BrewDog: “In a sense, it’s their main product. It’s only in the hype that there is an absolute, quantum gap between BrewDog and the rest. Their entire existence, basically, is marketing.”

I question the word 'brilliantly' :hmm: but otherwise, in an understated way, those words look pretty condemnatory.
Fuck Brew bitches; support your local independent brewery. This is mine, and some damn fine beer they brew
Sambrook's Brewery
Really like the draught 'Wandle', but every time I have a pint I hear that voice on the shoulder reminding me that the owner was a city fund manager.*

*I know most brewers are tories, and all that, but...
I always favour this. Our largest local one, Tomos Watkins, is boring and bland in its beer (IMO!), but we now have a few other micros in our area (Swansea, fairly recently an appalling beer desert) that are improving and innovative. But they all have to bow down in respect to Tiny Rebel all the way over in Newport.

TR are at least as innovative with hops and recipes and new beers as BrewDog purport to be, but their (sadly few) pubs are reasonably priced and they don't fuck about with publicity stunts :mad:

So there are plenty of other breweries around that really are excellent. I thought this comment quoted in the Guardian article above was perceptive :

I question the word 'brilliantly' :hmm: but otherwise, in an understated way, those words look pretty condemnatory.

Is that brewery in Ulverston the one that does Stringers IPA? Nice beer that. Always have a couple when I'm up that way. Though another local brewery - Hawkshead - is even better imho.

Tiny Rebel is often in my local (well, it's not my local local but the nearest that has a decent pint). Yet, the excellent beers from Siren, West Berks and Binghams (our local small Brewers aren't :(.
Is that brewery in Ulverston the one that does Stringers IPA? Nice beer that. Always have a couple when I'm up that way. Though another local brewery - Hawkshead - is even better imho.

Tiny Rebel is often in my local (well, it's not my local local but the nearest that has a decent pint). Yet, the excellent beers from Siren, West Berks and Binghams (our local small Brewers aren't :(.

We get Siren down in Brighton at my local and very nice too...although I don't think their breakfast stout (at a claimed 6.5% on the pump) would really be a good idea for breakfast!

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
A very long, free, advert.

A very long, free, advert that is smug enough to rub your face in the fact that it's s very long, free, advert.
I dunno, I found it pretty interesting, not so much about the nature of the company and its ATTITUDE! but the shifts in brewing and drinking that have led to such a company being able to do what they do. I've only ever drunk craft ale in Bangkok (tenner a pint!) and the 'movement' is empty as fuck, but its emergence is fascinating. The writer of that Graun piece could've given us more on that and less of their shocking punkiness, but even the latter is intriguing in itself.
It could've been an interesting look at "craft beer" but it wasn't.
Aye, they barely mentioned Michael Jackson (although he was more of a whisky man, to be fair) and his influences. had they talked to other craft brewers more extensively it would have been an interesting read
there was no mention of their sexist marketing for example. It wasn't a balanced article.
I've defended that article a bit, and I broadly agree with purves grundy .

A far better read though is Brew Britannia : the Strange Rebirth of British Beer by Jessica Boak and Ray Bailey (I can't link atm but it can easily be Googled). Fascinating history, a highly informative read, and fairly up to date (2014)). They thought Thornbridge were more important in recent(ish) beer innovation than BrewDog. Admittedly one of the BrewDog people worked there for a while, but it wasn't him who was key in that excellent brewery.
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OK, another busload from the meeting just got in. The wanker/ed quotient is rising - but free beer, who cares! :D
Nelson Sauvingon - 9%, quite nice. Reggae Prodigy - not quite as nice/complementary! Think I may be suffering tomorrow. :oops:
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