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Boy racer can’t drive home after speed bumps were put at every entrance to his village

why is he being described as a boy racer? He's clearly neither a boy, nor a racer, and tbh he does kind of have a point/ unpopular opinion
why is he being described as a boy racer? He's clearly neither a boy, nor a racer, and tbh he does kind of have a point/ unpopular opinion
I don't think he's got a point. There's a reason cars designed to go on the road have a certain amount of ground clearance - so that the typical/average obstruction doesn't represent a major hazard. If we are to design roads and street furniture for cars that have significantly lower ground clearance, for no reason other than a cosmetic one, we reduce their effectiveness (eg kerbstones, dropped kerbs, ramps, etc), and incur huge expense, and for what? So some manchild can indulge his racing driver fantasies by driving around in a tricked out car? Why on earth should the rest of society bend over backwards to accommodate that?

The bottom (ahahaha) line here is that he has modified his car in such a way as to render it unsuitable to use the local roads. He's got a choice. I suggest he makes it and packs in carping about it.
I don't think he's got a point. There's a reason cars designed to go on the road have a certain amount of ground clearance - so that the typical/average obstruction doesn't represent a major hazard. If we are to design roads and street furniture for cars that have significantly lower ground clearance, for no reason other than a cosmetic one, we reduce their effectiveness (eg kerbstones, dropped kerbs, ramps, etc), and incur huge expense, and for what? So some manchild can indulge his racing driver fantasies by driving around in a tricked out car? Why on earth should the rest of society bend over backwards to accommodate that?

The bottom (ahahaha) line here is that he has modified his car in such a way as to render it unsuitable to use the local roads. He's got a choice. I suggest he makes it and packs in carping about it.
roads are supposed to be flat though. Putting bumps in perfectly serviceable roads is daft, and as far as I can tell, doesn't really stop people from speeding. When I go over bumps I can lose bits of my car and I have a completely unmodified VW Golf. Speed bumps aren't street furniture. We don't need to design roads for people with lowered suspensions - they are already designed that way - we just need to stop sabotaging them for people who just want to go from a to b.
There was a young Limerick lad
Who now barely could reach his home pad
For the villagers had
Conspired with his dad
To force race-boy to find his own flat

There was a young chap named Speed Fitz
Who very nearly ended up in the ditch
In his fresh modded Passat
He moaned whined and bitched
And zoomed right off Galbally's high cliffs

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Why doesn't ya boi just bag his shit? Then he can go full #stancenation2016 but raise it when he gets to the speed bump kingdom. You can control it all through an app these days.

roads are supposed to be flat though. Putting bumps in perfectly serviceable roads is daft, and as far as I can tell, doesn't really stop people from speeding. When I go over bumps I can lose bits of my car and I have a completely unmodified VW Golf. Speed bumps aren't street furniture. We don't need to design roads for people with lowered suspensions - they are already designed that way - we just need to stop sabotaging them for people who just want to go from a to b.

Its not sabotage - speedbumps cost money to install, so I guess they'd only do so when there is a reason for it - such as boy racers, residential areas or near schools.
roads are supposed to be flat though. Putting bumps in perfectly serviceable roads is daft, and as far as I can tell, doesn't really stop people from speeding. When I go over bumps I can lose bits of my car and I have a completely unmodified VW Golf. Speed bumps aren't street furniture. We don't need to design roads for people with lowered suspensions - they are already designed that way - we just need to stop sabotaging them for people who just want to go from a to b.
If you’re “losing bits” on speed bumps in a standard golf, try slowing down :facepalm:

Also, they’re not being “sabotaged”. They’re put there as a result of selfish twats going from a to b too quickly and endangering others. Go shout at them.
Nah, you're all sneering at someone whose response to the pressures of post-Thatcherism is to exhibit conspicuous consumption via an enthusiasm for car modifications.
With your sensible people carriers and cupboards stuffed with Pie Magics you used twice
No, really, he’s spent thousands of pounds to make a sensible family car unusable. That’s very funny.
No, really, he’s spent thousands of pounds to make a sensible family car unusable. That’s very funny.
Yeah, I know. Was just indulging in a little mild windupperry for once.

I HAVE spent time round lads that do this stuff though, in order to (it seems) drive up and down the seafront really slowly. One kid I worked with had a £400 Corsa with £500 alloys on it. They really were into the minitiae of shit-car modding though, and having started from a position of ridicule ended up being rather impressed at the passion some showed for it, and the results were not always entirely horrific.
Yeah, I know. Was just indulging in a little mild windupperry for once.

I HAVE spent time round lads that do this stuff though, in order to (it seems) drive up and down the seafront really slowly. One kid I worked with had a £400 Corsa with £500 alloys on it. They really were into the minitiae of shit-car modding though, and having started from a position of ridicule ended up being rather impressed at the passion some showed for it, and the results were not always entirely horrific.
I don’t have a problem with car modding - some of it can look quite cool. But once you get to the point where the car is unusable on an actual road? Fair game for taking the piss :D

Although having seen how some friends get absolutely clobbered on insurance for just a couple of simple mods I do wonder how many of those max power Saxos out there are driving round illegally...
why is he being described as a boy racer? He's clearly neither a boy, nor a racer, and tbh he does kind of have a point/ unpopular opinion
He would have a point if it pertained to access for emergency vehicles or busses, etc, but he chose to modify an otherwise sensible car in such a way that it can't cope with modest bumps in the road. More fool him.

Anyway I kind of lost any sympathy for him after this bit:
‘I feel discriminated against because I’m driving a modified car – it’s lowered, so it’s four inches off the road – and I’m being denied my right to drive on these roads.’
If he was disabled & driving a modified vehicle that needed to be lower to accommodate a wheelchair or similar, then it would be discrimination. I have very little time for those who throw accusations of discrimination around frivolously, it cheapens the meaning for those who are genuinely victims of discrimination.
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