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Boris Johnson must go on trial for 'lying and misleading' in Brexit campaign, judge orders


I like this story very much indeed.

Boris Johnson is to go on trial for allegedly “lying and misleading the British public” about the consequences of Brexit.

A judge summonsed the Conservative MP to appear in court after a member of the public launched a private prosecution over claims that the cost of EU membership was £350m a week.

District Judge Margot Coleman threw out arguments by Mr Johnson’s lawyers that the case was a “vexatious” attempt to undermine the result of the 2016 referendum.

A written judgment handed down on Wednesday said: “Having considered all the relevant factors, I am satisfied that this is a proper case to issue the summons as requested for the three offences [of misconduct in a public office].

“The charges are indictable only. This means the proposed defendant will be required to attend this court for a preliminary hearing, and the case will then be sent to the crown court for trial.”

Boris Johnson to go on trial for 'lying and misleading' in Brexit campaign, judge orders
I posted this on the Tory leadership thread:

Coming back to Boris, he is being summoned to appear before a District Judge for a preliminary hearing, and then the case could be sent to the Crown Court for trial.

Now it's doubtful if it will get to Crown Court, but in view of the deadline on picking the leadership candidates to put to the membership, there's a bloody good chance a ruling on that wouldn't be made in that time-frame.

Surely, MPs wouldn't allow him to go forward with this hanging over his head?

Although, it would be bloody funny if they did, and then as PM, he's found guilty & sent to prison. :thumbs: :D
I posted this on the Tory leadership thread:

Coming back to Boris, he is being summoned to appear before a District Judge for a preliminary hearing, and then the case could be sent to the Crown Court for trial.

Now it's doubtful if it will get to Crown Court, but in view of the deadline on picking the leadership candidates to put to the membership, there's a bloody good chance a ruling on that wouldn't be made in that time-frame.

Surely, MPs wouldn't allow him to go forward with this hanging over his head?

Although, it would be bloody funny if they did, and then as PM, he's found guilty & sent to prison. :thumbs: :D
it'd be pretty good if the judge goes, i'm fining you £400,000 - no, i tell a lie, it's 5 years inside.
I should know this...(but CBA to look it up...so...)...why does this apply specifically to TCJ and not TCG[ove]?

ht to Brexit conspiraloon Peter (does your wife know you're here) Shilton
I should know this...(but CBA to look it up...so...)...why does this apply specifically to TCJ and not TCG[ove]?

ht to Brexit conspiraloon Peter (does your wife know you're here) Shilton
i think yer man chose to prosecute the liar johnson because he told so many ridiculous lies during the referendum campaign so that it's easier to say he knew he was telling lies because he never kept his story straight and kept changing it.
Don't expect anything to come of it but it's potentially entertaining at least. I wonder if the old convention that you can't call anyone a liar in the HoC applies if someone actually has a conviction - there must be all sorts of ways of referring to it without actually using the word.
Don't expect anything to come of it but it's potentially entertaining at least. I wonder if the old convention that you can't call anyone a liar in the HoC applies if someone actually has a conviction - there must be all sorts of ways of referring to it without actually using the word.
Already yielding comedy gold:

Rees-Mogg, who is backing Johnson’s leadership bid, told PA:
“It is trying to use the courts to achieve a political end which, I think, is neither right or proper. This is involving the courts in something that is not their area.

“We need courts and politicians to respect each other, and it is an abuse of process, and a troubling one. It has been brought by people who are resentful of the referendum result.”

If the courts are short of trade, perhaps they might like to try Rear Admiral Mordaunt for this falsehood she persisted with through the 2016 referendum campaign?

I am kind of amazed they didn't change the law back in the mid-to-late 2000s, when it first dawned on them that MPs could be gone after for misconduct in a public office as well as every other public servant (and importantly it doesn't just cover telling whoppers).
I am kind of amazed they didn't change the law back in the mid-to-late 2000s, when it first dawned on them that MPs could be gone after for misconduct in a public office as well as every other public servant (and importantly it doesn't just cover telling whoppers).

Probably because usually the kind of people with the time and money to do this don't usually care enough to bring a private prosecution when a politician lies.
Probably because usually the kind of people with the time and money to do this don't usually care enough to bring a private prosecution when a politician lies.

IIRC back then they were using that offence to try public office-holders for things like having Ugandan discussions whilst on duty, which they tried to convict a BTP Inspector for (the jury found him not guilty, though he was later (rightly) sacked for doing what he had done, as he had been in charge of the policing of the rail network across South-East England at the time). At around the same time it was revealed John Prescott had been doing much the same thing with his secretary whilst at work and questions were asked why none of that applied to him.
Businesses making statements in their advertising are regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority regulations (iirc), businesses are required to tell the truth.

An interesting exclusion to these regulations iirc is that political parties are not subject to these rules. For them anything goes. Perhaps this misconduct in public office might be the only way politicians can be brought to book.

I have always thought politicians should not be excluded from these rules.
Some expert on Sky News earlier thought the reason for going after BJ, was not so much that he was an MP at time, but also still the Mayor of London whilst campaigning in the referendum.

The suggestion being going after an MP would unlikely to be given the time of day, whereas the Mayor of London is a very different 'public office' job.
BBC News reporting BJ's defence team are saying this was political campaigning, implying MPs get a 'free pass', and nothing to do with his 'day-job', e.g. as Mayor of London, implying perhaps that position doesn't get a 'free pass'.

Despite it being a private prosecution, apparently the CPS can step in at any point and stop it, as 'not in the public interest', although the suggestion is the CPS wouldn't actually do that in this case, because it's such a 'hot potato'.

Where ever it goes, there's going to be some proper entertainment involved. :thumbs:
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