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BNP & Far Right Round Up

well according to BtF and Collins' book he shd have ran for cover at hemel hempstead when o farrell planted him! hilarious bit in collins too of searchlight team watching footage of it over and over laughing their heads off!
well according to BtF and Collins' book he shd have ran for cover at hemel hempstead when o farrell planted him! hilarious bit in collins too of searchlight team watching footage of it over and over laughing their heads off!

Also, in the K Blackstreet thing, there's an anecdote of an anti-fascist noticing ian "No, not the Jethro Tull one" Anderson walking down Brick Lane, and then delivering to him a "thumping majority", so to speak. it seems like Anderson took almost as many thumpings as mister Lebomber himself.
Also, in the K Blackstreet thing, there's an anecdote of an anti-fascist noticing ian "No, not the Jethro Tull one" Anderson walking down Brick Lane, and then delivering to him a "thumping majority", so to speak. it seems like Anderson took almost as many thumpings as mister Lebomber himself.

perhaps a 'top ten tarmac tossers' could be compiled: edmonds, tyndall, lecomber, anderson etcs greatest hits. me, im nominating the o'farrell Vs anderson ''rumble in the hemel' as my top bout! any others?
I don't think the link between desire to violate the young and innocent sexually and fascism can be a coincidence. Nor all that baroque decadence stuff. It speaks of the will being all, funnily enough.
I k
It's not.

I know froggy. To my mind the sexuality of fascism seems to conform to degredation, the will of the doer and the subjuagation of the done to- the dehumanising of such. And all the better if the subject is clean and unbroken and so forth- the violation through will by the ubermensch whose morality is Nietzschean etc.

I bet someone has written a good paper around the subject. If it is a fairly obvious connection for a lazy cunt like me you can bet someone has made serious study of it.
Had the same thought as you reading dotty's post, then thought 'nah', but must admit only know Reich in summary so could well be wrong.
I've read an edition of Reich's the Mass Psychology of Fascism (although someone (I think butchers) said that the earliest edition is the best one to read. Wilhelm Reich had some good points, it's a shame what happened to him in the end mind. I must say I think he places too much emphasis on the sexual side of fascism. It's an important area but I don't think it's entirely about sex. It's more to do with how fascism sees society as being like the human body and how and what they percieve as "weakness". DC mentions the bohemian decadence, that's always been a part of the ideology, as well as the linking between sex and death etc. There's always been a very strong "current" within fascism which is about the need to destroy morality - and often religion - altogether as being "bourgeois" or helping to have made the nation weak with messages of tolerance etc, and a lot of old style fash claimed to be satanists. That's one of the things that made fascism a secular ideology, although even with the religious fash the sickening self righteousness is often intertwined with the above message, the idea that Christianity or whatever has been "weakened" by allusions to loving thy neighbour etc, regardless of the religion's actual record, and often harking back to times when they were supposedly more "muscular" like the crusades etc.
perhaps a 'top ten tarmac tossers' could be compiled: edmonds, tyndall, lecomber, anderson etcs greatest hits. me, im nominating the o'farrell Vs anderson ''rumble in the hemel' as my top bout! any others?

In fairness to Lecomber, he was always gameball and on a number of occasions bravely stood at the forefront - without realising his Master Race back-up behind him had all fucked off and he was on his own. :)
Except it wasn't O'Farrell.

apologies joe its just that BtF (p217) gives that impression. whoever it was, its still me favourite bout. also do you know if there is an online version of the news socialist worker forgot? it seems like a key bit of AFA documentation.
apologies joe its just that BtF (p217) gives that impression. whoever it was, its still me favourite bout. also do you know if there is an online version of the news socialist worker forgot? it seems like a key bit of AFA documentation.

I suppose it does. But actually the expertly delivered right cross was by Denis C. Who Searchlight know very well. And who looks nothing like O'Farrell. Which makes a bit of a mockery of the Collin's anecdote of the Searchlight team laughing their heads off watching the video footage of Anderson being planted dosen't it?
Mr O, care to elaborate on Monsieur Lecomb-over's lack of backing? strictly for research purposes of course.

Happy to oblige ... here to serve....

One ocasion that springs to mind was a Sunday afternoon outside the pub at Bethnal Green Tube (rising sun?). A big mob of fash were stood outside - 'penned in' by the plod - growling at lefties and the general public. As we (AFA) approached Monsieur Lecomber, emboldened no doubt by the presence of so many members of her majesty's constabulary, confidently stepped forward, to lead his troops by example and fronted the approaching mob with the almost obligatory 'caaam onnen you caaaaants' etc.

Unfortunately for him his associates (wisely as it turned out) had no such faith in the ability of the Met's finest to afford them protection - and behind him the ranks had broken and they were actually fighting each other to get back inside the pub. Our hero was oblivious to all this of course and bravely (or foolishly) held his ground - even as he was surrounded by AFA. Eventually the critical mass of bodies necessary for the successful felling of Lecomber, without exposing the combatants to sight and arrest by the multitude of plod in attendance, was reached and he was duly dispatched. A certain Mr Mensforth stepped forth and delivered a well-aimed kick up the hole. Lecomber fell and was 'swallowed' by the crowd. The job of everybody else was to act 'normal' and camoflage the nature of events.

To anyone not immediately involved all looked well, and a relaxed and smiling constabulary congratulated themselves on having sucessfully kept the two sides apart. It was only when AFA pulled back that the fate of Lecomber and the other couple of casualties became apparent.
I suppose it does. But actually the expertly delivered right cross was by Denis C. Who Searchlight know very well. And who looks nothing like O'Farrell. Which makes a bit of a mockery of the Collin's anecdote of the Searchlight team laughing their heads off watching the video footage of Anderson being planted dosen't it?

yes but Searchlight would never let anything as whimsical as an awkward truth get in the way of an anecdote which paints them in a good light, would they?
I suppose it does. But actually the expertly delivered right cross was by Denis C. Who Searchlight know very well. And who looks nothing like O'Farrell. Which makes a bit of a mockery of the Collin's anecdote of the Searchlight team laughing their heads off watching the video footage of Anderson being planted dosen't it?

collins doesnt say it was o farrell he just mentions them all rewinding and laughing at anderson. i assumed it was o farrell cos of BtF. apologies denis!
anyone else got any lecomber 'magic moments' like that? From 'Malatesta' Hate review:
'professional Nazis have neither skills nor qualifications to do anything else and it must take them an enormous amount of effort to not admit that everything they have tried to do has been a complete and utter failure... Lecomber almost blew himself up with his own bomb and has spent around 7 years in prison for his useless activities, was battered many times by AFA/Red Action and is a classic example of a Nazi loser.'
they do it cos that is all they can do. tragic.
think that massively underplays the politically prescient & strategic nature of Lecomber's role in turning the BNP into the most successful far right party in British political history

Imagine if the Left had 'losers' like that!
think that massively underplays the politically prescient & strategic nature of Lecomber's role in turning the BNP into the most successful far right party in British political history

Imagine if the Left had 'losers' like that!

Nail on the head .The far right should be seen as rivals to the left in building an alternative to the three party system .As in all rivalry there are things to learn .
think that massively underplays the politically prescient & strategic nature of Lecomber's role in turning the BNP into the most successful far right party in British political history

Imagine if the Left had 'losers' like that!

Nor should it be forgotten that Lecomber was a primary target (in a both a politcal and physical sense) for C18 who accused him of 'selling out'. What they meant by that was his crime of embracing the lessons of euro-nationalism and applying them here. Now when we consider that the triumvariate running C18 all had direct links with SB/M15/Searchlight in one way or the other, it casts an interesting side light on the whole 'BNP returning to/have never abandoned the streets' brigade. Given that C18 was state controlled, then it is logical to assume that the 'march and grow' strategy was the state's preferred option. Accordingly the organisations on the Left who routinely announce the BNP are about to volte face are wittingly or otherwise working to the same state agenda as C18.
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