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Bloody Sunday inquiry - coming soon

Perhaps you're too ready to take offence on behalf of the dead.
Speaking as one of the 5,000+ soldiers injured there, I've thought long and hard about the whys and the wherefores of Northern Ireland/Ulster/The Six Counties, and it strikes me now, as it has done for the past 28 years, that if the state whose army I served in had been a little more honest and a little less willing to help maintain the status quo with regard to the Protestant hegemony, the dead and the injured would have numbered far fewer.
So I don't hold the various paramilitary units to the same standards as I do the British state. What the paramilitaries did was react to a situation created by the British state (whether directly or through the Protestant-slanted power structures in NI).

Nice post.
Nice post.
While you're here, you can clear up whether you think the British people owe the Irish people an apology.

Then you can answer who qualifies as "the British people".

And following that, whether all whites are responsible for slavery, all Catholics responsible for the Spanish Inquisition (or all Spaniards), all men responsible for the Yorkshire Ripper murders, and so on.
The time comes when you have to let go.

piss of you waste of space, 25 years of bloodshed followed that massacre and cover up by the British State, don't need to be listening to know-nothing, no life wind up merchant twats like you on a day like this .
And again Sas proves himself to be a top grade cunt. Give yourseld a pat on the back there mate. :)

I'm glad justice has been done, not for me, not for any political/national point but for the victims and their relatives. I don't care what cunts like Sas say about the whole thing as there will undoubtedly be people like that but as long as the truth has been made official I am a happy man.
Just seen c4 news - Very moving to see the positive reaction of the victims families to the report - a vindication of a long struggle for justice. Cameron's apology also meant a great deal to them (i'm sure that plenty in his own party would have been grinding their teeth though).

Depressing to see the ulster unionist MP for Derry unable to offer a single word of graciousness to the victims or their families and going straight to 'what about all the victims of the IRA?' and 'you have to remember why the para's were on the streets in the first place'.

Was half expecting him to call for an enquiry into the siege of derry in 1689.
He said the hunger strikers died of their own choice. That makes him a cunt in my book.

Well, ultimately they did make the choice to commit to their cause strongly enough that they were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for it.
The fact that they made that choice believing that Thatcher had even a grain of compassion, and that he wouldn't make political capital from their deaths was an error, mind you. :(
He said the hunger strikers died of their own choice. That makes him a cunt in my book.

He was responding to a post from DC which was something to do with paras starving in prison, although to be honest I didn't really follow the line of argument of either of them.
Hardly a cunt. It's not like he's celebrating the deaths of the victims.

He's coming in with his knickers in a twist trying to excuse the actions of the soldiers on that day which flies in the face of what the whole thing exposed. That as well as numerous other bone headed statements he's made in other threads regarding the conflict here makes him a cunt in my book.
Just seen c4 news - Very moving to see the positive reaction of the victims families to the report - a vindication of a long struggle for justice. Cameron's apology also meant a great deal to them (i'm sure that plenty in his own party would have been grinding their teeth though).

Depressing to see the ulster unionist MP for Derry unable to offer a single word of graciousness to the victims or their families and going straight to 'what about all the victims of the IRA?' and 'you have to remember why the para's were on the streets in the first place'.

Was half expecting him to call for an enquiry into the siege of derry in 1689.


Funny ole place Norn Iron. You could take the names away and tell their political persuassion from half of them. Look at what Jim Allistair said:

"My primary thoughts today are with the thousands of innocent victims of the IRA who have never had justice, nor benefitted from any inquiry into why their loved ones died.

"Thus today's jamboree over the Saville report throws into very sharp relief the unacceptable and perverse hierarchy of victims which the preferential treatment of 'Bloody Sunday' has created."
He's coming in with his knickers in a twist trying to excuse the actions of the soldiers on that day which flies in the face of what the whole thing exposed. That as well as numerous other bone headed statements he's made in other threads regarding the conflict here makes him a cunt in my book.

I'm interested in what he has to say because I'm intrigued as to how such actions can be justified - not retrospectively, in terms of excusing it, but in the heads of those actually exercising those actions.

I suspect he has some impression of it, and what lead to the whole tragedy.

I also suspect personal involvement in the whole sorry history of the troubles has caused snow-blindness, that this is actually about soldiers murdering innocent civilians and then covering it up.
I also suspect personal involvement in the whole sorry history of the troubles has caused snow-blindness, that this is actually about soldiers murdering innocent civilians and then covering it up.

Of course and I'll be the first to say that I personally take a biased interpretation of events a lot of the time but sometimes it's just time to put your hands up and admit big, unexcusable mistakes were made. It's not that hard.
What if you are a relative of one of the thousand soldiers murdered in Northern Ireland by the paramilitary scum, are you holding your breath waiting for the inquiry into their deaths? Waiting for an apology from the dregs of humanity who murdered them?

It seems that your coin has but one side.

It is commonly accepted that the Bloody Sunday shootings led to an escalation of the NI conflict. It encouraged many to support and join the IRA. Without that support, it is likely that many of the larger atrocities and the sustained campaign waged by the IRA could not have happened. Taking this to the logical conclusion, those soldiers who shot people or disobeyed orders (Lt Col Wilford for one) are cupable for the escalation of the troubles and indirectly for the deaths of many people, British, Irish, military, paramilitary and civilian.

On another point, I don't know if a Lt Col counts as a senior officer, but the enquiry is pretty damning about him. It wasn't just the squaddies.
Interesting to see if this report fingers Heath for effectively ordering Widgery to produce his appalling insulting whitewash - not that he needed much encouragement.
The report says otherwise - first shots were fired by the paras. They were not rookie, easily panicked conscripts - they are the elite of the british army. A fearsome, merciless, highly trained killing machine.
And they did their job to pefection on bloody sunday.

Using such troops in a "police" role in the first place is a very bad idea in the first place.

Not that this exonerates individuals who started shooting for no good reason, but history has shown that combat troops make bad policemen and riot controllers.

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