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Bloody Sunday inquiry - coming soon

I do not consider being outraged at an accusation of being a murderer as pompous.

I'm damn sure that were someone to make such an accusation against you, you would be similarly angry.

I havew no objection to the usual swapping of insults that happens here, water off a duck's back really, but that was beyond the pale.

However, as he has ' sort ' of clarified what he meant. And ' sort ' of apologised,

' I do not, and never have thought that he is any of those things. '

I will let it go.

I do suggest that the thick cunt takes some English lessons though.
You pompous prick. Did you ever apologise for your behaviour on the gaza flotilla thread?
You're up early, Sasa. Did you piss the bed? Ah well, easy done after a heavy session like you had yesterday.

However, as he has ' sort ' of clarified what he meant.

As he - and others - did within a few minutes of him saying it, but you were too busy spitting out your dummy to notice.

How reassuring for all the 'victims of IRA violence', that you have appointed yourself as spokesperson for, that you are back on the case.

I can hear the families now... "please.... please... tell me this cunt is not on our side!"

where did you get the picture of sas and claphamboy?
Having done a search of posts containing the word 'police' posted by 'claphamboy' I think, nay I am certain, he is a PCSO

LOL, I've picked-up two new stalkers - LiamOmyheadisupmyarse and ern. :cool:

What makes me laugh is the posters defending some newbie from posting up a PRIVATE message are the same posters that bang on about privacy and would be the first to complain if it happened to them, bunch of fucking hypocrites. :D
LOL, I've picked-up two new stalkers - LiamOmyheadisupmyarse and ern. :cool:

What makes me laugh is the posters defending some newbie from posting up a PRIVATE message are the same posters that bang on about privacy and would be the first to complain if it happened to them, bunch of fucking hypocrites. :D

Fuck off Bertie - your sole contribution to this thread was to run to teach on sas's behalf.

And as for being "stalked" - you're obviously suffering from the delusions and inflated sense of your own importance common to many grasses.
I do not consider being outraged at an accusation of being a murderer as pompous.

I'm damn sure that were someone to make such an accusation against you, you would be similarly angry.

I havew no objection to the usual swapping of insults that happens here, water off a duck's back really, but that was beyond the pale.

This from a man who alleged that those who criticised him, one in particular, on the gaza flotilla thread would have 'manned the ovens' in reference to the Holocaust? You utter fucking hypocrite.

General Sir Michael Rose said:
In my view, it is entirely possible that they [the 'RA] could have been responsible for some of the civilian deaths, shooting from on high down into the streets below where the crowd was trying to escape from the killing zone.

But it was absolutely clear that in exchanging fire with the terrorists, the British Army had fallen into the trap laid for them by the IRA, who had set out that day to commit murder and mayhem, caring nothing for the lives of their own republican supporters.

Indeed, I believe it was their specific aim to get as many people killed as possible. For the deaths would serve as a ruthlessly cynical recruiting tool. As the news of the dead in Londonderry that day spread around the world, the result was much the same as Irish people everywhere rallied to the nationalist cause.
Thundering disgrace. Dreaqdful man in the pub type stuff. If that's what he really thinks he shouldn't be in any position of command. The only thing he gets right in the whole article is the last line of the bit I quoted.
This from a man who alleged that those who criticised him, one in particular, on the gaza flotilla thread would have 'manned the ovens' in reference to the Holocaust? You utter fucking hypocrite.
he's proven he can't be debated with without threatening setting the law on you if he doesn't like what you say. nobody should speak to him.
LOL, I've picked-up two new stalkers - LiamOmyheadisupmyarse and ern. :cool:

...What makes me laugh is the posters defending some newbie from posting up a PRIVATE message...

I'm a stalker?.. and your contribution to this thread before you appeared just to grass someone up was?

I had a look at that too. The 'newbie' has 500 posts. The embarrassing reality is you assumed you had some 'friends' who would ride to your assistance and back you up - but no-one likes a grass.

Is this the bit where I go running to Teacher cos you've somehow 'violated' my user name, thereby breaking rule 57, paragraph 4, subsection 2 (a) (i) of the sad Knobheads code?

*Post not reported - cos I'm not a snivelling little tout!
LOL, I've picked-up two new stalkers - LiamOmyheadisupmyarse and ern. :cool:

What makes me laugh is the posters defending some newbie from posting up a PRIVATE message are the same posters that bang on about privacy and would be the first to complain if it happened to them, bunch of fucking hypocrites. :D

have we got a wanker smile?

Thundering disgrace. Dreaqdful man in the pub type stuff. If that's what he really thinks he shouldn't be in any position of command. The only thing he gets right in the whole article is the last line of the bit I quoted.

Rose's thesis is riddled with flaws. Shots from "on high" would have left obvious wounds that could have been easily distinguished from gunshot wounds from shots that were not fired from an elevation. No such wounds were seen.
The Paras didn't "exchange fire", they opened fire, breaking fire discipline (usually a serious offence, but seemingly not for Paras) to do so.
The protesters weren't "republican supporters", so much as they were civil rights marchers.
Apart from these footling errors, Rose is, of course, absolutely right.
I havew no objection to the usual swapping of insults that happens here, water off a duck's back really, but that was beyond the pale.

I do suggest that the thick cunt takes some English lessons though.

Sorry, could you garble that by me again, moron.

What a supercilious cunt you are.
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