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Blair's tome

Nine properties?

Being a cunt.
Being a liar.
Being a war criminal....

That's three. What were the others? :confused:

secret Catholic

Professional politician

Man who took credit for someone else's work in pacifying NI without force

Sucked off Bush

BRIGHTEN up your day by moving at least one of Tony Blair's books to the crime section in your local book shop
The Royal British Legion will be pleased. :)

Tony Blair's memoirs, based on his time as the prime minister, have broken sales records, booksellers have said. A Journey became Waterstone's fastest-selling autobiography ever and shot to the top of Amazon's best-seller list. Mr Blair's account of his time in Downing Street sold more copies on its first day of publication than David Beckham and Russell Brand's autobiographies. It is currently the 12th best-seller in the US and 9th in Canada.

1st September 2010. The BBC broadcasts Tony Blair interviewed by Andrew Marr.

Andrew Marr said:
After 9/11 you thought there was a sort of world war between Islamism and the West. however we define it?
Tony Blair said:
Well this extremist strain within Islamism, yeah
Andrew Marr said:
Tony Blair said:
This is a global phenomenon and the sooner we understand that and deal with it and recognise and this is the big choice ..
Andrew Marr said:
And has the West got what it takes?
Tony Blair said:
Well I hope so - but it's got to recover its confidence in itself and its got to realise
Andrew Marr said:
Partly so badly knocked over Iraq of course.
Tony Blair said:
Well but it shouldn't lose its confidence over that. The fact is the reason it has been tough in Iraq is that people are driving car bombs into crowded markets and trying to kill the first 20, 30, 40, 50 people they see. That is evil and wrong and we should be standing up against it and fighting it. We shouldn't be sitting there and saying 'Well maybe these people are just like that and therefore we should let them got on with it.'
Andrew Marr said:
And similarly in Afghanistan where there are attacks going on during the elections people who are trying to get female candidates elected in Afghanistan and the same thing going on. We have to finish the job. The West has to finish that job before we pull out or disaster.
Tony Blair said:
Well we have to finish the job, yeah, for sure. Look what did the Taliban, just a few days back, they're going to stone a couple to death 'cause they are in love! !!! You can't compromise with that. You've got to take it on!
Andrew Marr said:
So we have a moral obligation in our part of the world to change that society, to ensure that society ..
Tony Blair said:
We actually have a reason of self interest. I mean there is a, obviously you can't see some of the things they do like executing teachers for teaching girls and not feel a sense of moral compulsion but that's not actually the principle reason - it is a self-interested reason.
This movement is still there. It is, I'm afraid, still strong. It has a narrative that reaches into a far larger part of the population that is to do with the West and Islam and so on.
Andrew Marr said:
But isn't it partly so strong because of the nature of our response because we went in so heavy, we went in so hard.
Tony Blair said:
That's the debate Andrew. That is absolutely the heart of the debate and the West's got to resolve this debate. Is the reason why they are like that because of us or is it actually because of them?
Now, my view in the end is we should stop being in a situation where we think we've caused this. We haven't caused this. If you're a Muslim in this country in Britain you've got greater freedom than many Muslims in Muslim countries. I mean it's nonsense!

I know it is difficult. It will take a long time but if we in Europe decide the pain is too great to stand alongside America that's fine but we'll find in the end we're obliged to deal with it at a later time and in an even more difficult and acute way and if Iran ends up with a nuclear weapon do not be under any doubt at all that will change the entire balance of power in the most troubled region of the world.
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