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Blair's tome

even from the political grave, he is trying to stop the LP from going even slightly to the left, even the real centre left, i think it may have been good if the LP split when he confronted Brown, millions just aren't represented in todays political dispensation, much of that can be laid at the feet of one Tony Blair.
Gordon Brown VS. Condoleezza Rice so post-Blair U.S. concern

Gordon Brown VS. Condoleezza Rice


The impudence of this man Brown answering back to Condi!

Patrick Hennessy and Andrew Alderson in the Independent said:
How Bush and Blair plotted in secret to stop Brown Telegraph.co.uk
Tony Blair attempted to prolong his time as prime minister after he was warned that George W Bush’s US administration had “grave doubts” about Gordon Brown’s suitability to follow him into No10, well placed sources have revealed.


Mr Blair was told that President Bush and those around him would have 'big problems' working with Mr Brown

Senior officials in the US administration sounded the alert after a meeting between Mr Brown and Condoleezza Rice, Mr Bush’s secretary of state, in which Mr Brown “harangued” her over American policy on aid, development and Africa.

After the uncomfortable session, sources said she reported her misgivings to the White House, and they were sent on in turn to Mr Blair.


A senior Labour source said: “After Condi Rice met Gordon for the first time she complained to the White House about the way he behaved. No 10 suddenly starting getting these messages from the White House that there were grave doubts about the desirability of Gordon taking over. It wasn’t just the White House either, it was other people based in the US, business leaders, people like that.”


How dare Brown harangue Condi when Condi was doing such a fine job as regards American policy on aid, development and Africa!

Condoleezza Rice said:
We didn't just focus on the threat of 9/11 but also tried to look to deal with root causes so the international compassion agenda which had to do with doubling foreign assistance for Latin America, quadrupling foreign assistance in Africa, tripling it world wide. The President's emergency AIDS relief programme, the Malaria initiative, girls' education.

These were elements of a foreign policy agenda that while not directly responsive to 9/11 were responsive to the idea that you had to make a better world that failed states, hopelessness among people were among the causes of what happened to us and so I am pleased that we were able to do that.

I have a feeling sometimes when I look back over the headlines that it was a bit swamped by 9/11.

So let me see if I understand this correctly?

President Bush and Condoleezza Rice triple American foreign assistance including quadrupling assistance to Africa, have a emergency AIDS relief programme and a Malaria initiative and promote girls' education. That sounds really useful for the poor people of the world. Thank you Condi. You are an angel. :D

Whereas Brown offers the world's poor people the example of subjugating yourself to an undemocratic monarch such as Queen Elizabeth in order to get a high profile job and that's his solution to problems of poverty and underdevelopment? Sounds not much use at all to the poor people of the world. Go away Gordon, you are a royalist fool and an embarrassment. :mad:

Then Brown dares to harangue Condi because he thinks he knows better?

Grrr! Brown can think himself lucky that he is a nobody who is not worth bothering about though I suppose there is always the danger that he will continue to sabotage the Labour Party by promoting his preferred candidate for Labour leader who presumably he would wish to ape his insulting behaviour to the Americans, the greatest friends of the poor people of the world?

Condi acted wisely towards making poverty history, banishing poverty from this world for all time.

Brown thought becoming the Queen's Prime Minister for a time is all the history worth making.

Condi was right. Brown was wrong.
Chris andrews had a hit with a song called yesterday's man.Blair,Brown,mandy they all yesterday's men.Now they are insignificant turds they deserve to be .Mind it is interesting to find out about what went on
Interesting to see he supports most of what the coalition government are doing. Not much difference between Labour and Tories after all. I bet he's rooting for Miliband to become Labour leader and carry on his work.
I want to know more about Blair's "Pisshead" revelations - what exactly is he on about - having a 2nd glass of wine in the evening, or was he knocking back a bottle of the stuff each night? I need to know.

Tony Blair claims Gordon Brown lost the last election because he abandoned New Labour, in a swipe which will be seen as a direct attack on Ed Miliband, a contender for the party leadership.

In long-awaited memoirs, the former prime minister claims Labour could have extended its 13 years in power if it had not tacked to the left. Ed Miliband was the author of the party’s election manifesto.

Mr Blair will set out his charge sheet on Wednesday but he is thought to be critical of Mr Brown and his allies for failing to map out radical public service reforms. New Labour figures have also criticised the raising of the top rate of income tax to 50p.

He also feared that an exiled Mr Brown could become a figurehead for the Labour left but Mr Blair insists his failure to remove Mr Brown was not down “to a lack of courage”.

So allergic to the left is Mr Blair, that even the merest hint of lefty thoughts is enough to make him dribble.
I want to know more about Blair's "Pisshead" revelations - what exactly is he on about - having a 2nd glass of wine in the evening, or was he knocking back a bottle of the stuff each night? I need to know.

Maybe he's making an oblique reference to Churchill's drinking habits during the war ...
I want to know more about Blair's "Pisshead" revelations - what exactly is he on about - having a 2nd glass of wine in the evening, or was he knocking back a bottle of the stuff each night? I need to know.

Seems he'd have a G&T then, if he was feeling particularly rakish, 2 glasses of plonk. The old piss head.
'He also feared that an exiled Mr Brown could become a figurehead for the Labour left but Mr Blair insists his failure to remove Mr Brown was not down “to a lack of courage”

The Gordon Brown who brought in the private sector data techniques with no safeguards to find out benefit cheats, very left wing (see thread on credit checks on claimants)
all those years he was a secret fucking Catholic as well- and when we do get a good protestanst in he fucks up and lets the godless tories win! *shakes sectarian fist'
The Gordon Brown who brought in the private sector data techniques with no safeguards to find out benefit cheats, very left wing (see thread on credit checks on claimants)

Well I dont think it takes much for people like Blair to see someone as a bit to the left. In the case of Gordon there are many rightwing policies he supported, I guess the one notable thing that would make him an enemy of the new labour project is the 50% tax thing. During the election debates there were occasional sentences from Brown that were a tad more like the Labour stance of old, but not much of substance.
TV sales will go through the roof tommorrow, I know I have come close to kicking it listening to his smugness. "It is at least arguable that Iraq is a better place now" :facepalm:
TV sales will go through the roof tommorrow, I know I have come close to kicking it listening to his smugness. "It is at least arguable that Iraq is a better place now" :facepalm:

The residents of Fallujah all get one kick each to his face come the day for that comment.
Blimey, going by the interviews, etc Blair is even more right wing than i thought he was, he would have gone much much further with privatisation, etc if he hadn't been stymied by brown, he even refused to condem the coalition!
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