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Blairite Watch

him blocking me on twitter has helped get him out of my head / life a bit,which is good, it was borderline unhealthy .

the blocking incident was only a couple weeks ago - he didnt like the suggestion that he was being so quiet re: panama papers / politicians financial probity etc for obvious reasons :

Expenses Controversy[edit]
In May 2009, The Daily Telegraph reported that Ian Austin had tried to split a claim for stamp duty on buying his second home in London, into two payments and tried to claim the cost back over two financial years. This allowed him to claim the majority of the money (£21,559, just £75 short of the maximum) under his second home allowance in the 2005/06 financial year. He then claimed for the remaining £1,344 stamp duty cost in 2006/2007, together with his legal fees. In all, he went on to claim £22,076 (£34 short of the maximum)in the next financial year.[14]

It also reported that Mr Austin "flipped" his second home designation weeks before buying a £270,000 London flat, and that he had claimed £467 for a stereo system for his constituency home, shortly before he changed his second home designation to London. He then spent a further £2,800 furnishing the new London flat.[15]

Mr Austin denied any wrongdoing, and defended his actions in an interview with local newspaper, Dudley News.[16]
Yes, I can see why he'd want to keep schtum on matters of [legalised] financial impropriety. I'd really like to find some more dirt on him.
Sir Trevor Chinn bungs The Major some wedge.
Sir Trevor Chinn becomes latest Labour donor to fund the Dan Jarvis machine

Dan Jarvis is apparently going to use the money to pay for three policy wonks political advisors to "help him develop a strategy".

The conceit. :D

How you manage an "intellectual renewal" through punting yet another version of neoliberalism is beyond me. More bullshit stage-managing from the muppets who STILL won't accept that nobody is willing to let the Emperor believe he's wearing his new clothes any more.
How you manage an "intellectual renewal" through punting yet another version of neoliberalism is beyond me. More bullshit stage-managing from the muppets who STILL won't accept that nobody is willing to let the Emperor believe he's wearing his new clothes any more.

...but have you tried neoliberalism with some bloke that was in the army??
How you manage an "intellectual renewal" through punting yet another version of neoliberalism is beyond me. More bullshit stage-managing from the muppets who STILL won't accept that nobody is willing to let the Emperor believe he's wearing his new clothes any more.
It's self-delusion. The words "intellectual renewal" are used as a way of claiming Corbyn isn't an 'intellectual' but it's obvious that their idea of what constitutes an intellectual is a pretty narrow one. I don't think someone like Jarvis has ever read any Gramsci either. It's a bit too left-wing for him.
Blair: "Corbyn in power would be a dangerous experiment" . Ironic given he's one of the world's most dangerous men.
Tony Blair: Corbyn in power would be a 'dangerous experiment' - BBC News

Blair "hints he could refuse to accept the verdict of the Chilcot Report", according to The Graun.
Asked if he would accept Chilcot’s conclusions, Blair told Marr: “It is hard to say that when I haven’t seen it.”

He went on: “But I think when you go back and you look at what was said, I don’t think anyone can seriously dispute that I was making it very clear what my position was.”

Blair also said that when the report comes out, he would be taking to the airwaves to defend himself rather than going to ground.

“By the way, the thing that will be important when it does happen is that we have then a full debate,” Blair said. “And I look forward to participating in that. Make no mistake about that. It is really important we do debate these issues.”

Blair may not have seen the full report, but it is understood that he has seen the key passages criticising his conduct, as part of the Maxwellisation process that allows people facing criticism from a report like this to see and respond to its draft conclusions.

The Sunday Times recently quoted an unnamed source with knowledge of the report saying that Blair “won’t be let off the hook” over claims that he told Bush he would support an invasion of Iraq in 2002, a full year before the decision was publicly confirmed.
Tony Blair hints he could refuse to accept Chilcot's Iraq war verdict
Blair "hints he could refuse to accept the verdict of the Chilcot Report", according to The Graun.

It is hard to read that article - his defence (that we all knew what his position was) is laughable, but if he has seen much of the critical parts of the report and is saying he would refuse to accept a criticism that is amply evidenced, then Chilcot must be a complete whitewash.
Ok was just curious if any of them see it as a positive when the vast majority of the country see Blair as a maniac
Blairites need to remember that Labour benefited from a huge anti-Tory protest vote in 1997, and to a lesser extent 2001, which would have happened regardless of who was running the party or their policies.
Blairites need to remember that Labour benefited from a huge anti-Tory protest vote in 1997, and to a lesser extent 2001, which would have happened regardless of who was running the party or their policies.
Blairites also need to remember that the Chilcot report will soon be released. When that happens the whole Blair project will come to an end no matter how much spin he tries.
I've got Luciana Berger down as a Blairite, though she may be Blue Labour. One thing I do know is that she's an LFI member. Anyway, she's decided that she wants to be considered as a candidate for 'mayor' of Merseyside.
Luciana Berger, the shadow minister for mental health, has said she intends to run for mayor of the Liverpool city region, becoming the second Labour frontbencher this month to launch a bid for a northern English mayoralty.

In a speech to Labour party members on Tuesday afternoon, Berger, who has been MP for Liverpool Wavertree since 2010, will say she has been “enormously flattered by the number of people who have approached me in recent weeks because they believe I am the right person for the job”.
Luciana Berger to stand for mayor of Liverpool city region

She wants to be 'mayor' for the Liverpool region/Merseyside but she doesn't know who Bill Shankly was. Her excuse? "I'm a girl". :facepalm:
Luciana Berger takes Liverpool test
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