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Blairite Watch

I'm well aware that she's using the word 'knifed' figuratively but that doesn't alter the fact that she's a gobshite.
Yeah, but the context of her using the word 'knifed' isn't what it initially seems on a scan of the headline either. She may be a gobshite, but what she said here isn't the treason the more aerated corners of the internet are painting it as.
Yeah, but the context of her using the word 'knifed' isn't what it initially seems on a scan of the headline either. She may be a gobshite, but what she said here isn't the treason the more aerated corners of the internet are painting it as.
Her use of the word 'knifed' resonates with Julius Caesar's assassination. She clearly fancies herself as a Brutus. She's a fucking muppet.
Her use of the word 'knifed' resonates with Julius Caesar's assassination. She clearly fancies herself as a Brutus. She's a fucking muppet.
Come on - any Labour MP being interviewed at the moment will be asked their view on the leadership: she's just using talk of Corbyn being knifed in the back as a way of framing her own straight up, no nonsense approach.
Come on - any Labour MP being interviewed at the moment will be asked their view on the leadership: she's just using talk of Corbyn being knifed in the back as a way of framing her own straight up, no nonsense approach.
"Any" Labour MP? Surely, you mean Blairites and the assorted right-wing knobheads like Danczuk? :D They're the ones who the media are seeking out for anti-Corbyn soundbites.
Of course. But they ask leftwingers too, and centrists (whatever they are). And I think you're mistaken if you think only right wingers and blairites have reservations about the Corbyn leadership.
Of course. But they ask leftwingers too, and centrists (whatever they are). And I think you're mistaken if you think only right wingers and blairites have reservations about the Corbyn leadership.
That's not what I was saying. The BBC especially will drag any Labour right-winger they can find and put them in front of the camera. The Daily Politics has been doing this since Corbyn announced his candidature.
Woodcock's still whinging weeks after the vote to bomb Syria.

What I found particularly irritating about the round of applause was The Speaker's obvious hypocrisy for allowing it when he chided the SNP for doing the same thing.
Woodcock's still whinging weeks after the vote to bomb Syria.

What I found particularly irritating about the round of applause was The Speaker's obvious hypocrisy for allowing it when he chided the SNP for doing the same thing.

that chiding was all about making the newbies at Westiminster feel cunted off 'big boys rules now' shit. If I had my way any fucker booing orr braying would be instantly thrown out the building, faceplant to the gutter.
that chiding was all about making the newbies at Westiminster feel cunted off 'big boys rules now' shit. If I had my way any fucker booing orr braying would be instantly thrown out the building, faceplant to the gutter.

Fucking defenestration from the top of Millbank Tower!
She's a fucking idiot, just watch any video with her and it's obvious. She doesn't know anything and has no self-awareness whatsoever.

It is good to see that she has taken on board your criticisms and become somewhat more measured, sensitive and diplomatic:

No sooner than Bugger Dugher toddles off to the backbenches, he's bent over sucking Murdoch's cock.

When questioned about it, he offers a piss poor defence.

He's getting fuck loads of stick. :D
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Blair's at it again. This time, he's "baffled" by the rise of Sanders and Corbyn. I mean, you know, look...
Tony Blair has said he is struggling to understand the appeal of Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn because both are hampered by “the question of electability”.

The former British prime minister, a supporter of Hillary Clinton, admitted that he is finding it hard to grasp popular movements in both Britain and the USfavouring mavericks who will “rattle the cage” and which reflect a loss of faith in the progressive centre.
Tony Blair admits he is baffled by rise of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn

It's no surprise that he supports (sic) Killary.
Angela Smith, who was one of three Labour MPs to support WoodCOCK's call to oust Corbyn, has penned this article for the Jewish News. Clearly, the Bitterite's other attacks aren't working, so now they reach for the stick labelled 'anti-Semitism' in the hope that they can do some serious damage.
The increasing and disturbing evidence of anti-Semitic behaviour on the part of some Labour party members is deeply worrying and it is now clear that decisive action is needed to tackle the problem.

It is important, though, to recognize the root of the problem. For far too long, some on the left have exhibited a distorted logic when it comes to anti-Semitism by equating every aspect of Jewish identity and culture with the politics of Israel and the Middle East.
OPINION: No place in my party for apologists of anti-Semitism - Jewish News

The same article appears on the Anti-Semitism Watch site.

Smith's article is supported on that site by this article published yesterday, which refers somewhat histrionically to a 'crisis'.
AntiSemitismWatch has extensively covered Labour’s ever-deepening anti-Semitism crisis as well as, crucially, offering an explanation as to the main driver behind it, simply and plainly rooted in and derived from hatred of all matters Israel.

It was a decision by Oxford University Labour Club to endorse Israeli Apartheid Week which triggered the row about anti-Semitism within Labour.

The club’s co-chairman, Alex Chalmers, resigned, saying that a “large proportion of Oxford University Labour Club and the student Left in Oxford more generally have some kind of problem with Jews.”

He condemned Israeli Apartheid Week as “a movement with a history of targeting and harassing Jewish students and inviting anti-Semitic speakers to campuses”.

It can now also be revealed that a previous Israeli Apartheid Week event, in Leicester last year, was attended by Mohammed Dawood, a serving Labour councillor in the east Midlands city.
Labour’s anti-Semitism crisis continues to deepen – no end in sight
Another Blairite shitbag sticks his oar in. This time, it's Ian Austin and the strom in a teacup over McDonald's.
Banning McDonalds was a juvenile piece of gesture politics by Corbyn

him blocking me on twitter has helped get him out of my head / life a bit,which is good, it was borderline unhealthy .

the blocking incident was only a couple weeks ago - he didnt like the suggestion that he was being so quiet re: panama papers / politicians financial probity etc for obvious reasons :

Expenses Controversy[edit]
In May 2009, The Daily Telegraph reported that Ian Austin had tried to split a claim for stamp duty on buying his second home in London, into two payments and tried to claim the cost back over two financial years. This allowed him to claim the majority of the money (£21,559, just £75 short of the maximum) under his second home allowance in the 2005/06 financial year. He then claimed for the remaining £1,344 stamp duty cost in 2006/2007, together with his legal fees. In all, he went on to claim £22,076 (£34 short of the maximum)in the next financial year.[14]

It also reported that Mr Austin "flipped" his second home designation weeks before buying a £270,000 London flat, and that he had claimed £467 for a stereo system for his constituency home, shortly before he changed his second home designation to London. He then spent a further £2,800 furnishing the new London flat.[15]

Mr Austin denied any wrongdoing, and defended his actions in an interview with local newspaper, Dudley News.[16]
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