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Blairite Watch

The UK hedge fund lobby has found an unlikely ally: a Labour MP from an area in Wales known for coal mining.
That's Labour Co-operative's very own Chris Evans MP making headlines in the FT today.
Chris Evans, who represents Islwyn in Gwent, is forming an all-party parliamentary group to give hedge funds and private equity a voice in Westminster ahead of Britain’s planned departure from the EU.
It appears Brexit made him do it.:hmm:
While the hedge fund industry largely resides in London, he said alternative investments could affect people across the country because many of their pension funds were invested and there was a need for more alternative sources of lending apart from banks.
Oh and he's thinking of the old folks.:rolleyes:

Of course, this is in no way related to his upcoming exit from politics. Not at all.;)
Gwent MP slams plans to scrap his constituency
Even ex-book maker Chris Evans would not be betting on that!:D

BTW this was the same Chris Evans MP that referred to Jeremy Corbyn as a "rabble-rouser".

Apprently people who work in hedge funds are not rabble. Other folks that don't work in hedge funds are rabble.

Any bets on who they are?
http://www.southwalesargus.co.uk/ne...uld see his Parliamentary seat scrapped.[/url
That's Labour Co-operative's very own Chris Evans MP making headlines in the FT today.

It appears Brexit made him do it.:hmm:

Oh and he's thinking of the old folks.:rolleyes:

Of course, this is in no way related to his upcoming exit from politics. Not at all.;)
Gwent MP slams plans to scrap his constituency
Even ex-book maker Chris Evans would not be betting on that!:D

BTW this was the same Chris Evans MP that referred to Jeremy Corbyn as a "rabble-rouser".

Apprently people who work in hedge funds are not rabble. Other folks that don't work in hedge funds are rabble.

Any bets on who they are?

Nice post/spot, mikey.
You might think that the Blairite Labour MPs would stop anonymously briefing and leaking against Corbyn, at least for the duration of the general election campaign. You would, however, be very wrong....

Blairites Accuse Dastardly Corbyn of Trying to Get People to Vote Labour - Craig Murray

This would be awful, but Mr. Murray has not been educated in the non-existence of Blairites or "moderates". I am so much happier knowing that they are only a myth and not worth worrying about.
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