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Blairite Watch

I've got Luciana Berger down as a Blairite, though she may be Blue Labour. One thing I do know is that she's an LFI member. Anyway, she's decided that she wants to be considered as a candidate for 'mayor' of Merseyside.

She wants to be 'mayor' for the Liverpool region/Merseyside but she doesn't know who Bill Shankly was. Her excuse? "I'm a girl". :facepalm:
Luciana Berger takes Liverpool test

Berger was Chuka "the British Obama" Umunna's beard bird for a while.
By their friends shall ye know them!
master tactician, principled socialist + all round winner Jim Murhpy smears potential NEC candidate Rhea Wolfson with simple ' she's part of Momentum, and they have anti semitism problem' , CLP folds = Rhea not nominated despite overwhelming support outside of the CLP - still, with all the success Murphy's brand of neo lib centrism has bought Labour in Scotland, its understandable the CLP should crumble before him, his integrity, + his political nous i guess :

Dugher's having a mini-meltdown on Twitter.

First, he wasn't happy that Jackie Walker was readmitted to the party

Which was a cue for this exchange

Jamie Reed, the Blairite MP for Westmoreland thanks Theresa May for taking on Corbyn over Trident. Surely a matter for the whips' office?
"Can I thank her too for her wholehearted support and endorsement of the official Labour party policy on Trident," he said.

He added, in a swipe at Mr Corbyn: "It’s such a refreshing change to hear that front the dispatch box."

Mr Reed's question was greeted noisly by the House of Commons benches.
Labour MP Jamie Reed thanks Theresa May for taking on Jeremy Corbyn over Trident
Jamie Reed, the Blairite MP for Westmoreland thanks Theresa May for taking on Corbyn over Trident. Surely a matter for the whips' office?

They were all at it on that speech; Woodcock and Gapes were two of the first interventions that May took.
Serial loser and smear artist, John McTernan, tweeted this last year, but it's only just come to my attention.

ETA: McTernan has been hired as Owen Smith's spin doctor. That'll go well. :D
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Serial loser and smear artist, John McTernan, tweeted this last year, but it's only just come to my attention.

ETA: McTernan has been hired as Owen Smith's spin doctor. That'll go well. :D

I really can't believe this, most new members to the L/P are very politically aware, they know about McTernan, a serial failure and all round nasty guy, Progress, etc.
McTernan in the Torygraph. He's hoping his online smear campaigns will do the trick but as history shows, they backfired every time.
Anyone who has the best interests of our country at heart will sincerely hope so. A government without a credible opposition is invariably in danger of making poor decisions - and the current Tory government faces some of the most difficult and important decisions any British government has had to make in peacetime.

For Corbyn opposition is essentially passive aggressive - passive in the face of the government, aggressive towards anyone in his own party with a different view. Smith is different - he has shown not just steel, but also success. His opposition to the Government's cuts to tax credits was clever, sustained and bi-partisan - which was why he was successful in seeing off the Tories.

He worked with all opponents of the cuts - in the Com
It will be hard, but Owen Smith can beat Jeremy Corbyn and save Labour
McTernan in the Torygraph. He's hoping his online smear campaigns will do the trick but as history shows, they backfired every time.

That article is magnificent. I especially like:

He is the unanimous choice of Labour MPs to challenge Corbyn. Anyone who knows the PLP knows that this is a huge achievement - like all people on the Left they enjoy arguing with each other more than almost anything else in life.

So it is. In any case, I see no trace of the status update that Akehurst has linked to. She may have deleted it. Then again, given Akehurst's penchant for smears...
Today, John McTornarse tells Torygraph readers that the Tories should "crush the rail unions once and for all". Yet he and his fellow travellers wonder why they're referred to as 'Red Tories' or 'Tory Lite'. McTernan has an IWW image as his avatar, when I asked him about it, he responded with a series of one word replies. He's a cunt; a simple-minded cunt who, in any other occupation, would have been sacked ages ago.
This is not even a complicated dispute. It is a simple case of right and wrong. The rail company are right and the union is wrong. At the heart of this is Southern's desire to improve services for passengers. New rolling stock can - and should - be be operated with drivers responsible for opening and closing doors. This frees up staff time. And saves on running costs as Southern rolling stock would be interchangeable with Thameslink trains - a franchise that the Train Operating Company Govia Thameslink Railway also operate.
He has an IWW logo as his profile pic and yet he calls for the crushing of unions? There's a certain level of stupid you can comprehend and maybe even feel sympathy for, but sometimes a whole new level of stupid presents itself and is not only unfathomable but rage-inducing. The internet invented the acronym 'wtf' just for this moment. What a cunt.
Today, John McTornarse tells Torygraph readers that the Tories should "crush the rail unions once and for all". Yet he and his fellow travellers wonder why they're referred to as 'Red Tories' or 'Tory Lite'. McTernan has an IWW image as his avatar, when I asked him about it, he responded with a series of one word replies. He's a cunt; a simple-minded cunt who, in any other occupation, would have been sacked ages ago.

Good news for renationalization though, given McTernan's lengthy and enviable record of backing losers.
Good news for renationalization though, given McTernan's lengthy and enviable record of backing losers.

Also, I wonder if McTernan has any direct experience of Southern Rail himself. If he did he'd know that their service is appalling regardless of strikes and has been appalling long before any industrial action.

'At the heart of this is Southern's desire to improve services for passengers' he says - yeah, that's why a lot of the consumer-led demos at Brighton station etc. have placard saying things like 'Southern FAIL' and clearly lay blame at the door of the company rather than the union.

I'm a regular user of Southern and can confirm from first hand experience that the chronic lateness, cancellations etc. far predate any industrial action.
Jim 'Spud' Murphy meets with top Scottish Tories, according to The Herald on Sunday.
FORMER Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy has been having cosy political chats with senior members of the Conservative government, the Sunday Herald can reveal.

The arch-Blairite has held meetings with Scottish Secretary David Mundell and his Scotland Office deputy, Lord Andrew Dunlop.

Murphy said he “wanted to catch up privately about a couple of political issues” with the Tories.

However a Westminster source suggested Murphy, who was a Cabinet Office minister, Europe minister, and finally Scottish Secretary under New Labour, had offered the pair tips on high office.

What "tips' could Murphy offer anyone?

A Scotland Office spokesman: “This was a meeting between a previous Scottish Secretary and a current Scottish minister to discuss Scottish issues. There is nothing surprising in that.”

Murphy failed to respond to calls and emails.

Oh really?
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