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Blairite Watch

Also the phrase 'Sharia Uber' doesn't sound like something someone not bigoted would come up with tbh
Is the Church of Corbyn reduced now to having a pop at ill-considered tweets from actresses? Surely Simon Danczuk has said something silly recently.
Is the Church of Corbyn reduced now to having a pop at ill-considered tweets from actresses? Surely Simon Danczuk has said something silly recently.

yep, media fed / led contributions to a pervasive undercurrent of anti islamic bigotry not in any way a pressing concern at the moment, locally or globally . And the fact that a reasonably high profile ( in media terms )Blairite / anti Corbynite is involved, again, neither topical or relevant to this thread .

thanks for another useful contribution.
It's been very quiet on Barbers twitt feed for what looks like first time in ages, but the original ' sharia taxi ' post now gone - suspect talks going on in background between Uber + " her people " to work out best exit strategy .

It's obvious everyone's on the edge of their chairs waiting for updates here, so will continue with the 'not at all cyber- stalky' surveillance . Your welcome .
Fuck "the Blairites".

Fuck their arrogant rejection of the swathes of members who voted for Corbyn.

Fuck their offhand dismissal of the swathes of people joining since Corbyn's election.

Fuck their unwillingness or inability to present an alternative vision for society rather than lazily slandering those on the Left.

Fuck their selfish, careerist shill-ism in openly damaging their party by briefing against their new leader to every two-bit, right wing shit rag that will publish their ill-considered opinions.

Fuck their unaccountable, counter-progressive "Progress" faction, bankrolled by super rich Lord Sainsbury and explicitly tasked with undermining the party's left wing.

Fuck Simon Danczuk, Stellla Creasy, Dan Hodges, Robert Webb, Chuka Umunna, Tristram Hunt et al who wish UK Labour could be an arm of the US' zionist and corporatist Democratic Party.

Fuck the closet Blairites who claim to be Left and yet insist on damaging their party by decrying Corbyn, all the while supporting flakey, PR-shill, inconsistent, valueless, vapid CUNTS like Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper or confused, weak, feckless and talentless ones like Ed Miliband.
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Fuck their unaccountable, counter-progressive "Progress" faction, bankrolled by super rich Lord Sainsbury and explicitly tasked with undermining the party's left wing.


Not really. It's a common purpose - for the common good - and not an imposition from the grocer chappy or indeed anyone else.
one other unverified but similar sounding episode recounted . "Clearly there is an issue " - not sure anything's clear from all this yet.

frances barber ‏@francesbarber13 4h4 hours ago
frances barber Retweeted Theodore Bagwell

Thankyou for so many messages of support.Uber have taken this seriously & am grateful.But clearly there is an issue.

Theodore Bagwell‏@cabbieknowsbest
@standardnews @DailyMailUK you should report this! Just like the @francesbarber13 case

In later tweets she calls Uber corporate bullies for not sacking the worker based purely on the tweets of one disgruntled customer.

Stuff like this is becoming really common place. Read the comment section of any advertisement by a major supermarket on facebook and it is full of people commenting that something 'unacceptable' happened to them in one of their supermarkets, the supermarket social media managers reply by asking them to identify whoever the subject of their complaint was no matter how trivial. The future is a very dark place.
Chronic gut cramp shits was the term you sought surely?
Neo Fascist Tourettes is the big scotty tubbies illness?

No definitely tory scum induced tourettes after my boss said I said cunt very loudly when I saw him at work :)
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