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Black and Track

Does it really matter....if i had a kid who was extremely talented in sport why should they worry about other stuff ? (iyswim) We all have differing natural abilities.........


Does it matter? Not really. All kids should still try sports.

But it appears to be something that is true, and we ask lots of questions that don't 'really matter'. We're an inquisitive species. It's just that nowadays, there are areas where we are supposed to curb our inquisitive nature, because we aren't supposed to talk about some things.:)
Here's the problem in a nutshell. Blacks and pc whites can't admit that blacks have a genetic superiority in some physical activities, because they fear it opens the door to argument that other races might have intellectual superiority.
There is another explanation. I heard a geneticist speaking the other day. He said that the farther you get away from Africa, the more genetic mutations that appear, meaning more genetics based illness in races that developed 'out of africa'.

It might be that the genetic 'stock' of africa is more robust, and doesn't presuppose a lack of intellectual ability, to offset the increased physical ability.

Who knows?:)
Long distance runners have a greater amount of slow twitch muscle fibres, sprinters more fast twitch. Now whether that is genetic and therefore giving someone a predisposition to be good at one or the other or whether this is due to adaptation of the slow/fast twitch fibres (the 3rd type that are neither) that become differentiated after training.

I find it really interesting - time to brush up on the muscle physiology methinks:)

Maybe blacks just have more of both.:)
Well yes, that's what i've always thought. I can see that certain body shapes/types have an advantage, not least because they are easier to train and get results....for me that's where the genetics angle comes in.

I know some folk with extremely athletic builds but are the laziest and least physical folk. Maybe it's a question of potential.

genetics, training and grim determination

Embarrassed? Go to hell! You are utterly patronising without the authority or respect which would award you such a priviledge. You got something intelligent to say JC or what?

I'm discussing it with someone who knows more about the science of these things than me, why would I be embarrassed?:confused:

Because you said a few pages back that this and some white thread are a complete waste of time.
Because you said a few pages back that this and some white thread are a complete waste of time.

Yeah because the only reason I would think a copycat thread was a waste of time is because I am embarrassed.:confused:

I have more than explained myself JC. Believe what you want, I'm past caring TBH.:)
Yeah because the only reason I would think a copycat thread was a waste of time is because I am embarrassed.:confused:

I have more than explained myself JC. Believe what you want, I'm past caring TBH.:)

It's actually not a big deal.

But anyway: why do you think it is that blacks dominate at running events amongst others?
You always seem embarrassed by this.

It's a bald fact, that won't go away by ignoring it.

It's actually not a big deal.

But anyway: why do you think it is that blacks dominate at running events amongst others?

Just to embarrass me obviously. :)

That answer doesn't make any sense.
You have a really bad short term memory did you know that? Or have you forgotten?

Goodnight JC.
You have a really bad short term memory did you know that? Or have you forgotten?

Goodnight JC.

I'll tell you something, Rutita. I'm not going to treat you any differently because you're black. So that means, on a thread like this, I'll say whatever comes into my head, just like always.

Do you know why? Yes, you do know why.

Is there something else that I'm supposed to have forgotten?
Does life ever change? Here we are, on the internet, and women can still manage to storm off in a huff, leaving males standing there with their mouths open, going 'wha...?'
I'll tell you something, Rutita. I'm not going to treat you any differently because you're black. So that means, on a thread like this, I'll say whatever comes into my head, just like always.

Do you know why? Yes, you do know why.

Is there something else that I'm supposed to have forgotten?
Does life ever change? Here we are, on the internet, and women can still manage to storm off in a huff, leaving males standing there with their mouths open, going 'wha...?'
FFS, actually read what you've written today eh? You accused me of being embarrassed by something, I'm throwing it right back at ya, that's what you seem to have forgotten.

As for your other comments...grow up!
Post 249.

post 249

17-08-2008, 15:31
Johnny Canuck2
Registered User Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Canada
Posts: 71,688

Originally Posted by Rutita1
I tell you what JC i'm on the edge of letting myself go and ripping with you.

Go ahead. It might be fun.

Fighting can be therapeutic, even without the makeup se...... er, without shaking hands and going off friends.
Sorry, 247. You could have just looked two posts up and seen for yourself, and you only typed it a little while ago!
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