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Biker gangs / "patch clubs"

Oh come on. You know full well what happens to either individuals or clubs that “disrespect” an MC - and suddenly appearing in a clubs area wearing a 3 piece patch would rather fall under that, no?

MC’s are clubs, yes. But ones with a somewhat different approach to dealing with the world...[
All MC Clubs are not the same and The Chapters in thoses club are not the same. They are all painted with the same brush. I wenr to a Patch up party friday night ( still there now) they went from Mcc to MC and the Local chapter turned up and we all had ( Are having) an amazing time but no violance remembet the more the merrier. Why would any one hurt or take patches from a group of people the same safty in numbers.. 3:15
Bike travel is only as dangerous as the traffic around it, so yup fecking bad but still great.
That was the joke duh. Deadly to themselves.
But not just because of traffic. Reckless bike driving doesn't help.
Don't say it doesn't ever happen.
As a long time all weather all year round biker I can testify that motorcycle riding is dangerous, more dangerous than car driving. For example, just a little gravel on the road in a corner can have a biker off whereas it would only cause slight issues for a car.

Then there are junctions, where most motorcycle accidents occur, fast moving bikes are much easier to miss when glancing up the road causing a car to pull out when a quick bike is coming. And because larger motorbikes have the power to overtake at will, riders get used to whizzing past cars at every opportunity, fatally including at junctions, which often creates the ingredients for a nasty accident.
All MC Clubs are not the same and The Chapters in thoses club are not the same. They are all painted with the same brush. I wenr to a Patch up party friday night ( still there now) they went from Mcc to MC and the Local chapter turned up and we all had ( Are having) an amazing time but no violance remembet the more the merrier. Why would any one hurt or take patches from a group of people the same safty in numbers.. 3:15
Oh come on. You're either somewhat naive or rather disingenuous.

Any MCC patching up to become an affiliate club to an MC or even a new chapter of said MC will have been through a somewhat lengthy process.

Start riding around on a bike wearing a 3 piece patch of your own design, start a new club and call it an MC. See how far you get.
All MC Clubs are not the same and The Chapters in thoses club are not the same. They are all painted with the same brush. I wenr to a Patch up party friday night ( still there now) they went from Mcc to MC and the Local chapter turned up and we all had ( Are having) an amazing time but no violance remembet the more the merrier. Why would any one hurt or take patches from a group of people the same safty in numbers.. 3:15
Proof you don't know me either.
No the PROOF that I dont know you was evedent in my very first statement when I joined here , that PROOF was I didnt say Hi because Dont know you and out of respect for your longer time here I was waiting for you to say hello first( or not). So yes I made an informed oppion on the way you "GREETED" me and so far I see no reason to change it. As the only thing you have done is exactly as I said you be. You took my informed oppion of you and just used. Thats not an oppion it a cut n paste as it known.I woyld love to know you and change my oppuon of you I hate conglict due to tje written word
No the PROOF that I dont know you was evedent in my very first statement when I joined here , that PROOF was I didnt say Hi because Dont know you and out of respect for your longer time here I was waiting for you to say hello first( or not). So yes I made an informed oppion on the way you "GREETED" me and so far I see no reason to change it. As the only thing you have done is exactly as I said you be. You took my informed oppion of you and just used. Thats not an oppion it a cut n paste as it known.I woyld love to know you and change my oppuon of you I hate conglict due to tje written word
you are the first person in years - years! - to show gromit any respect.

don't be caught doing that again.
All MC Clubs are not the same and The Chapters in thoses club are not the same. They are all painted with the same brush. I wenr to a Patch up party friday night ( still there now) they went from Mcc to MC and the Local chapter turned up and we all had ( Are having) an amazing time but no violance remembet the more the merrier. Why would any one hurt or take patches from a group of people the same safty in numbers.. 3:15
I don't know what country you are in, but I have friends who ride with MC's in the UK and I can tell you that anyone starting an MC with a back-patch with a top and bottom rocker (so 3 patch club) that hasn't spoken to the dominant local 1% club are likely to find themselves with a problem. What does your club or the club you are partying with now claim on their bottom rocker?

As beesonthewhatnow has mentioned above, this would be seem as "disrespect" not only by the local 1% club but other "normal" local MC's who will all have had to work hard to gain the MC patch.
That was the joke duh. Deadly to themselves.
But not just because of traffic. Reckless bike driving doesn't help.
Don't say it doesn't ever happen.
I know that ws the joke.. Everyone on the road is deadly to themselved and others. Bikers are deadly to themselve as they are the most vunerable vehicle using high speed but they still do it. So by that statement
Technicality they are the biggest danger to themselves. I know this and freely admit never stop me riding though.
I know that ws the joke.. Everyone on the road is deadly to themselved and others. Bikers are deadly to themselve as they are the most vunerable vehicle using high speed but they still do it. So by that statement
Technicality they are the biggest danger to themselves. I know this and freely admit never stop me riding though.
No the PROOF that I dont know you was evedent in my very first statement when I joined here , that PROOF was I didnt say Hi because Dont know you and out of respect for your longer time here I was waiting for you to say hello first( or not). So yes I made an informed oppion on the way you "GREETED" me and so far I see no reason to change it. As the only thing you have done is exactly as I said you be. You took my informed oppion of you and just used. Thats not an oppion it a cut n paste as it known.I woyld love to know you and change my oppuon of you I hate conglict due to tje written word
It's firky. Where's my £5.
Proof you don't know me either.
The proof that I dont know you isnt the issue. The issue is that at know point have you made any effort to let me get to know you in fact just typing proof you. Dont know mr either. Tells me pages about your personality corse I could be wrong but I have no other ibfo to go on
No Mates 315 I call bullshit
Post up a picture of the cut of a member of the club you are talking about and "still partying with" that shows the bottom rocker
No Mates 315 I call bullshit
Post up a picture of the cut of a member of the club you are talking about and "still partying with" that shows the bottom rocker
No Mates 315 I call bullshit
Post up a picture of the cut of a member of the club you are talking about and "still partying with" that shows the bottom rocker
You call bullshit. Oohh now that is funny , Put a 1% sign yp anf think that is proof you are Patch. You proved your not in that first statement.also no real Full would make demands until they kniw exactlly who theywere dealing with.next what I aaid would. Make any Full from anyMC HAPPY AS. I was telling these that we arw not Gangs. And we dobt go round beating up ppl for nought. And lastly if You werw a Full you wouldmt habe needed to ask what Club or damand my bottom Rocket you woyld already know what 1%er CLUB I am with alrwady mr photo the botton rocker IF YOU ARE PATCH THEN YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED USING YOUR CLUB TO TRY ANSD IBTIMEDATE SOMEOME FOR SOMEONE ON HERE BECAUSE YOUR WELL I DONT KNOW WJAT YOU JUST PROSTITUTED YOUR PATCHES FOR AND AGREAD THAT MCs arw Gangs Yes by doubg this thats what you just did. Csnt wait to hand this to the right ppl Im sure mine will ne in tpuch with yours. Let me know what happens. If You CAN
This is a bit like that time when Alison Sexton's mum sewed her brother's 200m badge to her costume and was seen at Hounslow Pool wearing it, when we knew she could only do 50m before she had to get out and use her inhaler. She was gonna get done bad, but rumour had it that she had fleas and no one wanted to go toe-to-toe with her in case they got infected. Seriously disrespecting to the ASA (now known as Swim England, of course). She got lucky, others could've got hurt. Bad.
You call bullshit. Oohh now that is funny , Put a 1% sign yp anf think that is proof you are Patch. You proved your not in that first statement.also no real Full would make demands until they kniw exactlly who theywere dealing with.next what I aaid would. Make any Full from anyMC HAPPY AS. I was telling these that we arw not Gangs. And we dobt go round beating up ppl for nought. And lastly if You werw a Full you wouldmt habe needed to ask what Club or damand my bottom Rocket you woyld already know what 1%er CLUB I am with alrwady mr photo the botton rocker IF YOU ARE PATCH THEN YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED USING YOUR CLUB TO TRY ANSD IBTIMEDATE SOMEOME FOR SOMEONE ON HERE BECAUSE YOUR WELL I DONT KNOW WJAT YOU JUST PROSTITUTED YOUR PATCHES FOR AND AGREAD THAT MCs arw Gangs Yes by doubg this thats what you just did. Csnt wait to hand this to the right ppl Im sure mine will ne in tpuch with yours. Let me know what happens. If You CAN
My name and picture is nothing to do with 1% MC's btw or I'd have used a diamond. You are a bullshitter, I ask again what does it say on your bottom rocker.

Also could you slow down your typing as I can hardly read your post for mistakes, thanks
My name and picture is nothing to do with 1% MC's btw or I'd have used a diamond. You are a bullshitter, I ask again what does it say on your bottom rocker.

Also could you slow down your typing as I can hardly read your post for mistakes, thanks
that is yer man typing slowly.
proof you are Patch.

If you had the right to know you already would. But as I said you dont and the Diamond makes no differance. You tried to make me belive you were a 1 when you aint even a friend of any. So tell me why you are so desperate to know what me Country is on my back. BY the way. I have had my Patches MC. Patches for ovet 15 yrs and you calling bull or any other childish thing. You are in the U.S arnt ya. Well if you want to see my bottom Rocker then fire me ur mums address, I take it thats where you live, and Ill get one of my brothet to show you a photo of them. And no that is not a threat its the only wsy of showing you my Patch. Ok as you ask so NICE. OH and I am dyslexic so its not typing fast. all this going on and have to go all yospelnt spell. Tbats tall yoy could think of. to try and embarrese me.how childish. You are forgey it I thougjt you had least I was hoping I could explain why MC s are not Gang.thought you were simeone who carred about Clubs sorry, you're just a kid. Trying to be a man by hiding online again sorry I though you had gonads..
Csnt wait to hand this to the right ppl Im sure mine will ne in tpuch with yours. Let me know what happens. If You CAN
Should I be worried? The nearest 1% clubs to me are in Manaus and Salvador and they are both a long ride from here :)
If you had the right to know you already would. But as I said you dont and the Diamond makes no differance. You tried to make me belive you were a 1 when you aint even a friend of any. So tell me why you are so desperate to know what me Country is on my back. BY the way. I have had my Patches MC. Patches for ovet 15 yrs and you calling bull or any other childish thing. You are in the U.S arnt ya. Well if you want to see my bottom Rocker then fire me ur mums address, I take it thats where you live, and Ill get one of my brothet to show you a photo of them. And no that is not a threat its the only wsy of showing you my Patch. Ok as you ask so NICE. OH and I am dyslexic so its not typing fast. all this going on and have to go all yospelnt spell. Tbats tall yoy could think of. to try and embarrese me.how childish. You are forgey it I thougjt you had least I was hoping I could explain why MC s are not Gang.thought you were simeone who carred about Clubs sorry, you're just a kid. Trying to be a man by hiding online again sorry I though you had gonads..
I have never tried to make anyone think I'm in an MC as I'm not, although I do ride. I'm not trying to embarrass you at all, I'm trying to understand your text, I asked because i couldn't understand parts of it no other reason. I'm not in the US and I'm not a kid, wish I was I'd love to live my life again.

So you have a country name on your bottom rocker not a region/area showing you charter or chapter but a country, interesting, does it say England?

Edit to ask, why do you call your colours "patches" that is very disrespectful I believe?
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