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Bikers - "Your Biggest Fuck-Up"

I had two accidents...... both whilst filtering, first one a car going the same direction as me turned right without indicating..... I bounced down the side, but was ok.

Second time, a car pulling through my side of traffic met me in the middle of the road head on..... Apparently I did a flip over the car, and landed on my feet on the other side. A bit dazed and confused a postie yanked me out of the road, and just as he did a bus went flying through the spot I was just stood and mashed my bike up even more. I broke my wrist, but apart from that was ok.

The only time I've been on a bike since is a couple of times, I'd like to ride, but mine (and my dads) accidents really shook up my mum.

Im really wary of filtering bikes because of that, but the amount of abuse you get from other cars from pulling out slowly enough to try and avoid an accident really stresses you out.
I had a dogfight with a Desmosedici RR this morning on my ZX-10R. It (surprisingly) wasn't that fast in a straight line but looked mega-stable under braking and could carry a ton of corner speed. I got half a wheel in front, outbraked myself, stood it up and ran on to the wrong side of the road which was covered in limestone dust. This resulted in a simultaneous front and rear slide before I slithered to a wobbly halt gasping and panting. Chapeau to the D16RR pilot; he knew how to play the game.
So this time you weren't on a track but were racing another bike on a public road?
I had a dogfight with a Desmosedici RR this morning on my ZX-10R. It (surprisingly) wasn't that fast in a straight line but looked mega-stable under braking and could carry a ton of corner speed. I got half a wheel in front, outbraked myself, stood it up and ran on to the wrong side of the road which was covered in limestone dust. This resulted in a simultaneous front and rear slide before I slithered to a wobbly halt gasping and panting. Chapeau to the D16RR pilot; he knew how to play the game.
This sort of thing was a large part of what made me decide to stop riding bikes on the road. I remember once drifting out too wide on a left hander, onto the gravelly white lines when the back end let go, this might have been not a problem except there were cars coming towards me so I had no space to correct it, I survived that and many other incidents but that sort of thing, and being a new dad, I decided I was taking too many risks.
I had a dogfight with a Desmosedici RR this morning on my ZX-10R. It (surprisingly) wasn't that fast in a straight line but looked mega-stable under braking and could carry a ton of corner speed. I got half a wheel in front, outbraked myself, stood it up and ran on to the wrong side of the road which was covered in limestone dust. This resulted in a simultaneous front and rear slide before I slithered to a wobbly halt gasping and panting. Chapeau to the D16RR pilot; he knew how to play the game.

Road racing basically?
I wheelied the ZX-10R (which I've got to say is unsurpassed hooligan tackle) past an unmarked cop car this morning. In the subsequent roadside sarcasm duel I wouldn't admit to it so she decided to do me for an illegal exhaust system instead. It's a full race system so I'll have to make a temporary baffle which will make the bike run like shit so I'll have to trailer it over to the inspection place. More police bullying.
My most embarrassing event, many years ago, was when I was blipping the throttle warming the engine, holding the clutch in, the bike in gear. You can guess what happened next in front of friends and neighbours.
I wheelied the ZX-10R (which I've got to say is unsurpassed hooligan tackle) past an unmarked cop car this morning. In the subsequent roadside sarcasm duel I wouldn't admit to it so she decided to do me for an illegal exhaust system instead. It's a full race system so I'll have to make a temporary baffle which will make the bike run like shit so I'll have to trailer it over to the inspection place. More police bullying.

Jesus, you really are a twat (on the road. I'm sure you're kind to animals etc.)
I was mounting a tricky kerb on my girlfriends Vespa to park it off road when I over revved, lost control and flew into a bush, I dented it and really hurt myself. Luckily a gang of teenagers saw everything and came over to piss themselves laughing (Although one helped us both up and looked genuinely concerned) This is my worse biker accident.
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He can do all the wheelies he likes as it's his neck most at risk but I hate cunts with mega loud exhausts on bikes. What's the fucking point other than pissing people off?
He can do all the wheelies he likes as it's his neck most at risk but I hate cunts with mega loud exhausts on bikes. What's the fucking point other than pissing people off?
I used to have loud exhausts, back when I was a lad, because I wanted people to hear me coming!

and sound excellent.
There was a Yamaha R1 doing about 80 which I nearly stepped out in front of, it was completely silent, I had no idea it was there. I had quite a shock, had it had a reasonable exhaust note I would have heard it.
There was a Yamaha R1 doing about 80 which I nearly stepped out in front of, it was completely silent, I had no idea it was there. I had quite a shock, had it had a reasonable exhaust note I would have heard it.
You should try looking before you cross the road. I wear earphones all the time when walking about and have yet to be run over.
Hi viz clothing, auxiliary lights and a better horn are all cheaper and more likely to save a motorcyclist's life than an exhaust refit. Plus they don't wake me up at 2am when I'm on 12 hour shifts which probably shortens my life so you can stick your fucking 'loud pipes' up your fucking arsehole.
sympathise with that...i hate loud engine noises with a passion.... i dont know why but ive got some kind of shellshock when it comes to loud engines and pipes - they destroy my nervous system
My VTR had carbon pipes which would cause lower bowel rumbling and set off car alarms.
Safety feature, especially in Australia where many drivers seem to have absolutely no awareness of what is around them. Fact
If they're meant to be some sort of audible means of approach then they should be subject to the same rules as car horns and banned from built up areas at night.
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