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Making a claim on your car insurance

My Corsa was rear ended and written off. I bought it back from the insurers for a paltry sum, drove it on third party insurance then had it re MOTd and it was then able to be covered fully comp again.

Are you sure it is just the door that is damaged? Could the sills also have been impacted? That might be a problem, I would get your friendly local garage to take a look at it if I were you.
That sounds like what I’d ideally like to do, keep the salvage and get a reduced payout; The day after it happened I was in the garage for something else and they had a quick look and wander round it, didn’t think anything looked serious or unfixable. I’m really not bothered about what it looks like as long as it’s safe and ideally the driver door opens. What’s especially annoying though is that suddenly it’s uninsured so I’m stuck without a car until I sort this out.
I had two motorbikes nicked while out of insurance. So literally no value to me. I got hassled so much by police over just reporting it that the next one I utilised some contacts and found out who did it and where they lived. Nothing happened. A year later they call me at stupid o clock saying I have 24 hours to remove it from some garden. About a few hundred metres from where the suspect lived. Or I get some massive fine and storage fees. When the next one was nicked I didn't even bother claiming, just reported stolen and wad then hassled for months. Despite the fact they again did nothing but try and ruin my life for being a victim.

Made me hate the fuckers. I had nothing to gain and everything to lose and they attacked me. Over and over. Hell I'm a middle aged white guy. Made me feel even privileged to be less fucked over than mates who would not get the same treatment. What the fuck is that? Getting bad treatment and feeling bad for it? That's a serious problem.
Times like this you do find out how cheap your insurance actually was. I was with NFU for my house insurance and they were superb when I had to claim.
What is particularly upsetting about all of this, regarding the insurance company, is that at no time during during my claim or the settlement they’ve now offered have I had any access to an interested real human, whereas the woman who rang me this morning from their ‘are you sure you’re not injured?’ department couldn’t have sounded kinder or more sympathetic.
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