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Car insurance rocketing

Both our cars are up in the next two weeks, both have gone down, in spite of Frau Bahn picking up another 3 speeding points, followed just 2 weeks later by a speed awareness course (the 2nd offence happened 3 years and a week after her last course, she was convinced it would be another 3 points)...

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Is it fairly new?

Car insurance has increased a lot indeed — it’s had to just to try to break even. The cost of cars has increased about 30-40% since the pandemic, for example, and injury claims get more frequent and more severe by the year. But having more than one claim in the last five years will definitely multiply it further, sadly. Were the claims fairly sizeable? If so, at least you got your money’s worth…
2021, hybrid.

Not really, the biggest claim was no fault for me as they drove into me on a roundabout.

The other was fairly minor but my fault.

I’ll be leasing next so by the time I need to insure my own car again they’ll have dropped off.
I have a crv too, and mine's aroubd 1k. 12 year old car, actually maybe 13 now, no accidents, live on a busy road in Birmingham that people speed down. I stayed with mine as the slightly less monthly cost meant I couldn't be arsed changing it (crap exec function).
Yeah, ditto. Much easier to stick!
Both our cars are up in the next two weeks, both have gone down, in spite of Frau Bahn picking up another 3 speeding points, followed just 2 weeks later by a speed awareness course (the 2nd offence happened 3 years and a week after her last course, she was convinced it would be another 3 points)...

View attachment 430858View attachment 430859

Mine went down this year too.

Also AXA (which interestingly, is not an acronym but was chosen because it can be pronounced easily regardless of what language people speak).
I don’t know what is the obsession that insurers (including my company) have with serif typefaces, by the way. It’s well-established that they are more difficult for people to read. But that AXA quote is particularly ugly, with its mix of serif and sans serif.
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