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Bikers - "Your Biggest Fuck-Up"

kid i knew at school was killed by a biker who'd been banned loads of times already. maybe we should get that lad on here to boast about it.
I've had two... one about 15 years ago on a GSX-R1100, where my mate on the back decided that leaning on a bend was too scary, so he decided to sit upright mid-bend and put us through a wall...that one hurt.

The second was a couple of years ago. I hit a patch of cow shite on my Blackbird and highsided. I did a great impression of superman doing backstroke, and watched as the bike did a similar impression before landing on the handlebars, flipping and landing on top of me... that one hurt a lot more and still does.
kid i knew at school was killed by a biker who'd been banned loads of times already. maybe we should get that lad on here to boast about it.
While that sounds pretty awful, usually it is bikers who end up the worst off in accidents, especially if they involve other road users.
Many fuck ups BITD.

Cooked my tyres on a track day at Mallory, highsided and barrel rolled my ZX6R out of the Devil's Elbow. Fucked my shoulder permanently, bike cost about 3 grand to fix :facepalm:

Bikes are fucking dangerous. Strongly recommend anyone limits fast riding to tracks, with full leathers and kit, no road furniture or cars, ambulances standing by. Do a race school.
Not motor biking but mountain biking. I have scars on my chin after a manual (wheelie no peddaling) and then a bunny hop on to a high curb, went wrong. I was going quite fast, back wheel clipped the curb. bike flipped and I land on my face. No helmet.
360 off a set of doubles turned into a 520 over shooting the landing. Landed on my elbow. Still scarred to fuck.
50MPH into a rocky hairpin and the bike went from under me. Still have the scars from that. Thankfully i never broke anything other than toes.
I've had two... one about 15 years ago on a GSX-R1100, where my mate on the back decided that leaning on a bend was too scary, so he decided to sit upright mid-bend and put us through a wall...that one hurt.

The second was a couple of years ago. I hit a patch of cow shite on my Blackbird and highsided. I did a great impression of superman doing backstroke, and watched as the bike did a similar impression before landing on the handlebars, flipping and landing on top of me... that one hurt a lot more and still does.

Not mine, but a friend's. I was only doubling behind.

We'd just left the bar, everyone was drunk.:( I'm riding with my buddy on a Kaw 900. We're at a light, going to turn left. Another buddy is on a 750 beside us. The light changes, we start around the corner, and the two drunks crack it on. But when the guy on the other bike tries to upshift, he pops a wheelie at an angle [the corner], the bike falls sideways, right across the path of our bike. Next thing I know, I'm doing multiple somersaults down the street; and as I come up with my face forward, I see the two riderless bikes, locked together, sliding down the block leaving a trail of sparks.

When we all finish tumbling down the street, the 750 guy gets up and takes off running like a scared jackrabbit. I think we unlocked the bikes, pushed them to the side, and continued on the party after being picked up by passing friends in a car. :(

Sure is lucky we weren't hurt.:) At least, I wasn't. My buddy banged up his elbow pretty bad.
Remembered another. :oops:

The old Ducati cut-out at the lights, so I quickly flipped-out the kickstart lever with my toe.

But not far enough, so when I went to kick down on it, I missed and the entire kickstart went up the leg of my jeans and I more or less whisked the bike-out from under me, falling sideways at a great rate, with me wondering WTF! :eek:

When I regained composure, I noticed a squad car had been pulled-up behind me and the two coppers inside were in hysterics. Did they help me pick myself and my bruised arse/leg/pride-up - No chance! :oops: :oops: :oops:.
pogofish I have a kickstarter story. Years ago with a 250 Yamaha I was, as was normal in those days wearing massive flared jeans. I didn't realise but my flare had gone down over the kickstarter. My booted right foot was on the peg but unbeknown to me the right leg of my jeans were over the kickstarter.

I stopped at a red light in the town centre, balancing slightly to the right, started to move my right foot from the peg to put it down on the ground but I couldn't move my right foot to the right to put it down because it was trapped by the kickstarter inside my jeans. My panic built as the bike leaned slightly more to the right without my right foot for balance. It dawned on me what I had done but far too late. We toppled over to the right and I found myself flat on my back in the road in front of a pavement full of Sunday shoppers!
Speeding insanely in cars is evil and should be stopped. Speeding insanely on a bike is fabulous fun and deserves a fuel duty rebate. :)

RIP my dead biker brothers, you know who you are.
Twat. Stop riding bikes; you're shit at it.

He was talking about a track day, though. I don't really care what people do on race tracks, it's consensual arsewittery.

I'm shit at riding bikes and nearly killed myself several times trundling around Birmingham on a KH100. So I stopped.
I gave up riding motorbikes because:
  1. I was starting to ride much too fast to be safe on the road and this was evidenced by some near misses which could have been quite nasty accidents.
  2. I became a dad so there was a little person I had to think about and wanted to be there for.
  3. I used only to ride for fun at the weekends anyhow (a true fairweather biker) but as a new dad I just didn't have the spare time anymore for riding motorbikes.
not me but a mate a couple of weekends ago.

There is a humpbacked bridge on the way to N Wales that we routinely hit at ..60mph... in order to get a bit of air. Mate fucked it up and came off, right in front of a van load of off duty coppers on their way back from their pursuit driving training stuff they do

One gets out of the van, walks up to Marty and says "Good afternoon Wing Commander"
I'm shit at riding bikes and nearly killed myself several times trundling around Birmingham on a KH100. So I stopped.

This but with 'London' and 'Honda Bros 400' and not so much 'trundling' :)
Fuck it was good fun though, and when I live somewhere with less traffic/traffic lights I'll buy another bike.
In my last job I used to drive home past a little British bike dealer. Occasionally I would catch a glimpse of a mint Triumph Bonneville or such, and entertained the notion that if I ever got ahead financially I might just pop in and buy one.

Realistically I ain't going to buy another bike, but perhaps I might do a track day on one of their bikes and in their leathers so I can at least get my knee down, something I always wanted to do.
Isnt dwd an ex sky god?

In cyprus helped load one of the red arrows very new very powerful sports bike into a back of a fourtonner.
Where it was driven off to parts unknown before owner of said owner could kill himself after he impressed his boss with a spectaculary act muppetry.
Passed my cypriot motorbike licence over the limit and with zero ability to actually ride a motorbike:(
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