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Biker gangs / "patch clubs"

your first club should probably be an owners club. so if you get a virago then look for the local VSOC centre. likewise with goldwings look for people who really should be in a car etc etc.

probably the safest and easiest route into a bike club.
I remember the Road Rats, used to see them a lot around Surrey/Hampshire at various biker pubs etc in the early 80's. I think there was always bad blood between them and the Angels.

I remember being at Stone Henge festival in 81 or 82 when some Hells Angels arrived and paraded around the camp site in a van all holding axes and sawn offs, basically sending out a message "We're here now, don't fuck with us".

Regarding the Road Rats, who are still going strong i notice, i was present when they drifted into Cardiff in about 1972 prior to the infamous 'Barry Island' incident which of course they instigated.....at the time i was on my BSA opposite Cardiff Castle when about 25 of them trickled in like a long straggly motorised army column and the instant impression they gave off was one of menace and foreboding...i was hoping they would meet up with a surly group of skinheads and teach em a lesson.
anyway the next day they end up about ten miles along the coast at Barry Island the well known cheapo tourist resort..Butlins+a funfair(i'd already got the order of the boot out of the arcades there for tilting the 'roll the coin'machines in an attempt to gain dosh for buying oil for my leaky Beeza) and it all kicked off!
They attempted entry into The Pelican Club on the promenade and the security called the cops..well the famous phrase 'Get the bastard with the pips' then came into its own as they all concentrated on trying to thump the police inspector in charge...quite classy i thought as i sat in Cardiff Crown Court about 5 months later as about 5 of the R.Rats were being judged..i remember they got a more than a few years inside,(judge said he had to make an example of em) especially for their desire to...'get the bas'....you got it!
The Rats deffo won the rumble overall and the Pelican Club didn't last for long afterwards as the licensing authorities and the judge were incensed that the place seemed to attract such violent behaviour.
Compared to the Hells Angels i occasionally came across especially down the south coast as i rode along solo doing my greaser adventures as a 20 year old i rate the Rats as the hardest and most genuine.
p.s. may i take this opportunity to apologise to several pubs in the Newbury area for filling their sloping car parks overnight with a thin film of oil from my bike and also the Royal Mail whose numerous letter sacks i totally soaked with oil on the Gloucester to Cardiff train after a 4 hour siege holding off several skinheads at the base of Birdlip Hill after the Beeza packed in after a long haul up from the South Coast..it finally kicked into life long enough to get me to the train station then died permanently...got myself a new Suzuki then through digging trenches 7 days a week...£405 brand new and it shifted!
I don't understand all this MC stuff. They say they're individuals and don't conform, yet they all wear the same clothes, and ride the same bikes. Am I missing something here?
I've read about all that 'prospecting' stuff, where Harley riders piss on each other whilst wearing assless chaps, but I honestly don't see the fascination. Again, am I missing something?
I don't understand all this MC stuff. They say they're individuals and don't conform, yet they all wear the same clothes, and ride the same bikes. Am I missing something here?
I've read about all that 'prospecting' stuff, where Harley riders piss on each other whilst wearing assless chaps, but I honestly don't see the fascination. Again, am I missing something?
Watch series 1 and 2 of Sons of Anarchy and you might get it.
Watch out! Grammer Nazis coming

There's a twat who tools (in all senses of the word) around Halle on a bike, while wearing one of those Wehrmacht helmets.

One day he's going to be in a crash, and discover that it provides little real protection.
One day he's going to be in a crash, and discover that it provides little real protection.

An ex of mine back in NZ worked for the police forensics team doing fingerprints from corpses. She showed me a picture of a bloke who was wearing one of those and flew off his bike and hit the ground face first. The tarmac ground the front of his head off. Helmet looked fine.
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