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Biker caught at 156mph gets 18month ban & fine

sportsbike mirrors are normally as much use as tits on a bull.

but yeah hes a muppet...

...he should have done it on the m58...
The guy at my work who was reputedly clocked at a speed of around 170 on his bike but got prosecuted for 160-something has been promoted since his ban last year.

He is now in charge of traffic and vehicle safety across all our sites.

I kid ye not! :(
Clarke said in his defence at Peterborough Crown Court he was in total control of his motorcycle at all times and that it was built for speed.

Clarke maintained that he was an experienced rider and that speed did not constitute dangerous driving.
Arrogant twat.

He should have been banned for at least 5 years IMO.
No matter that he's an experienced rider, what if someone clipped him while he was doing over 150? They'd be scraping him off the motorway for about 300 yards and dealing with some poor driver who's shock for inadvertently killing somebody through no fault of their own.
The guy at my work who was reputedly clocked at a speed of around 170 on his bike but got prosecuted for 160-something has been promoted since his ban last year.

He is now in charge of traffic and vehicle safety across all our sites.

I kid ye not! :(

The universe has a sense of humour.
Clarke maintained that he was an experienced rider and that speed did not constitute dangerous driving.

Well he's right about that. Unfortunately for him, undertaking and overtaking at those speeds definitely can constitute dangerous driving.

He sounds a bit of a bellend really, saying shit like that in court is bound to wind them up. Might as well have called them all cunts and be done with it.
My personal record of a 125mph was on the A1M going South. Never again...

...partly because my new smaller, less powerful bike will barely break 110mph.
fastest i have been on the A1* is about 170. which was scary and the level of concentration required was pretty intense.

* A1 autobahn that is
Motorways aren't designed for arrogant bellends to hurtle along at 156mph.
Unless they're coppers of course.. Remember that case a few years ago of an off-duty officer who was caught doing something like 135mph on the motorway and his excuse was he was just brushing up his advanced driving skills? He either got way with it, or very nearly did.
120 in a car shit the life out of me, and I don't usuall go that fast, I hadn't realised I was going that fast, until I slightly moved my wheel and realised that I'd travelled about 1km in the time I'd straightenend up. :facepalm: Fuck knows how scared I'd be doing that on a bike!! (the mway was empty btw)
Can't imagine at 150mph to zero going to be anything salvageable.
Should have taken his expensive toy off him broken it up or given it too me to ride badly round a playground while he was forced to watch:)
Considering mountain bike gears are a bit advanced for me I reckon that would be a cruel and unusual punishment:)
Clarke said in his defence at Peterborough Crown Court he was in total control of his motorcycle at all times and that it was built for speed.

The driving ban should have been followed with 5 years of not being allowed to drive anything more powerful than 50cc.
There is something ironical about a motorcyclist travelling at much more than twice the speed limit, not using his mirrors and undertaking. While flouting the road laws he relies on the other motorists to be good motorists, stay in lane and look in their mirrors to avoid pulling out in front of him.

He was being arrogant in thinking that he was in control. He might be in command of his bike, but not the entire situation, where the actions of others are likely to affect him. I suppose he thought that at 156mph no-one was going to come up upon him from behind.

I wonder however if the police motorcyclist was adding to the risks to others by following him at that speed.
If that video is the main evidence it doesn't show that he was travelling at 156mph.

The 156mph was the maximum speed of the pursuit bike which had to accelerate to that speed to catch him.
tbh though 156 on that bike?

leightweight. a gsxr thou will do 180

The GSX-R1000 retards the ignition timing in 6th gear. I reckon an otherwise stock one could crack 190 with an ECU remap/TRE.

My A1M personal best would be in the 150-160 zone on an R1. Getting to 160 or 170+ would be tough as theres always some traffic at any time and there is a dearth of sufficiently straight 3 lane sections.
He wasn't using his mirrors much because the police motorcycle was right behind him for quite a while.

At 156mph I suppose he thought there wasn't much point in checking his mirrors, but proves what a bad motorcyclist he is, being that unaware at such extreme speeds.
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