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Girlfriend caught driving without insurance - and it's my fault

1st direct recently auto renewed me on a car I haven’t owned since last year

When I complained and tried to cancel they cancelled my current car insurance and are charging me 130 quid for the cancellation

Absolute pricks, now threatening legal action/bad credit rating if I don’t stump up.

Fuckers need throwing in the fucking sea
1st direct recently auto renewed me on a car I haven’t owned since last year

When I complained and tried to cancel they cancelled my current car insurance and are charging me 130 quid for the cancellation

Absolute pricks, now threatening legal action/bad credit rating if I don’t stump up.

Fuckers need throwing in the fucking sea

Yeah. I've been caught by that one, although I cancelled it immediately and they can't charge you anything if you do it within 14 days.

First thing I do now when I buy car insurance is to go online and cancel the auto renewal. I think this year is the first time in almost 40 years that my renewal premium has been less than shopping around for new quotes.
1st direct recently auto renewed me on a car I haven’t owned since last year

When I complained and tried to cancel they cancelled my current car insurance and are charging me 130 quid for the cancellation

Absolute pricks, now threatening legal action/bad credit rating if I don’t stump up.

Fuckers need throwing in the fucking sea
Go to the Insurance Ombudsman about it that's the sort of thing they excel at sorting out.
First thing I do now when I buy car insurance is to go online and cancel the auto renewal. I think this year is the first time in almost 40 years that my renewal premium has been less than shopping around for new quotes.
This is what fucked me over, the topic of this thread. I thought I was being clever by cancelling that, but it's cost me way more than I would have saved. Make sure you don't forget!
This is what fucked me over, the topic of this thread. I thought I was being clever by cancelling that, but it's cost me way more than I would have saved. Make sure you don't forget!

Yes, it can work against you too. A few years ago, having cancelled the auto-renewal and received the usual emails from insurance companies who were aware of my expiry date, I went onto one of the price comparison sites and, as far as I was concerned, bought a new policy. However, I fucked something up and, long story short, ended up unknowingly driving around uninsured for over a month. I only realised when I went to renew my resident's parking permit and it got rejected for no insurance.

So much for police spot checks and ANPR. I'd been driving around London for weeks and heard fuck all. I actually considered writing to the Met to give them a bollocking for shit performance in not nicking me but thought better of it.
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